when did you stop enjoying vidya
When did you stop enjoying vidya
About 3 years ago, when I stopped enjoying everything in life.
when the ps2 died
came to post something to this effect
When I was 18 and got heavily into music.
Just got back into gaming last year at age 23.
I think I never actually enjoyed it, I just did what others did, you know, like beer.
Around 2006 whatever gen the PS3/wii etc was. but now I enjoy vidya again
About two weeks ago when I couldn't even bring myself to finish bloodborne
Around 2010-2011
It's not that I don't enjoy it. I just never feel like I have energy and I feel apathetic all the time. Breath of the Wild was the most I've been into a game recently and I loved it and now I'm done with it and I haven't been doing anything. I wish Dragon Quest 11 was out.
On and off for me
I didn't.
Fuck, Bloodborne and Automata were one of the best vidya experiences i ever had and they are barely 2 years apart.
Never, because I avoid AAA and shitty weeb games.
This is probably the case for 99% of Sup Forums and gamers in general. People who actually enjoy games get extremely good at them, not because they want to, but because it happens naturally. The vast majority of people are terrible at video games.
This gen. Remasters, indie shit and unoriginal shit.
>Bloodborne and Automata
>were one of the best vidya experiences i ever had
I too enjoy posting on radit.
Started and finished VA-11 HALL-A today, and I enjoyed it a lot. Although it's not quite a videogame... I'm also playing Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, Rogue Leader on my GCN and having a blast doing Endor Battle over and over again.
It's true that it gets harder to find videogames you enjoy as time goes on, but just keep searching
yep. But like 2 years ago.
1993-2008 enjoy vidya
2009-2016 fuck vidya
2017 enjoy vidya, good to be back
>finished BotW
>don't feel like playing anything else
That's because you own a Switch and have nothing else to play, dumbfuck.
in 2014 nigga
>implying it did
Not everyone is a single console peasant user.
I doubt the margins are that high. I'd say it's about 80% casual, 20% legit. Although I guess that just depends on your standards for either category.
Except I played it on Wii U you console warring faggot. Besides I'm an idort. I wouldn't be excited for DQ11 if I didn't own a PS4 now would I?
when I started hating myself