I know that being lost is part of the game and part of the fun...

I know that being lost is part of the game and part of the fun, but when it comes to a point where I either have to spend hours upon hours, trying to every combination of "now I toppled a flower pot - now i have to visit everything again, maybe something changed somewhere" or having to rely on wikis to spare me that waste of time this really is a buzz-kill for me.
I spend hours roaming the the streets after the first lamp. The game doesnt tell you "get one insight, find a skull, bash it against your head and you will be allowed to level up" no. Either you stumble over it, or you dont and you cant even begin the game because of that. But once you got that figured out (thanks to wiki) there comes a time when it actually makes fun to play. Then the first bosses come. I know that it is part of the fun to learn the combat mechanics and I daresay I mastered them sufficently, putting a lot of time into it. I also managed to beat a lot of bosses and aways felt kinda proud afterwards because they really are tough SOBs. But at some point I met a boss that I couldn't beat at all. And I dont wanna spend another 10 hours farming previous areas, just to level up a little so I increase my chance to survive the first half of the bossfight. I just dont have the time for that.
I am finally sick of a game, that in my opinion isn't playable without a wiki page. There are no explanations whatsoever, the game mechanics are complex and yet not explained at all and in the end I have to say: I paid good money for it. If i want to make this game easier - add easier difficulty levels - and leave the decision up to me!!! I am pretty certain the game will become very interesting later one, but that doesn't do me any good if I cant get there, withouth putting another 16 hours of mindless farming into it. Some people have a life in the real world, game difficulty should be adjustable to players who wanna see the whole game without having to spend hours upon hours in farming and training.

Other urls found in this thread:


Too long. didn't read.

You can easily plat this game with 10 days.

Git gud


Acquire skill familamidingdong

literally the only thing that's remotely vague is what to do after Amelia. aside from that the game is pretty straight forward

This game is easy and takes no effort, the 10 day user's word is law.

Are you literally retarded? Just watch the first couple parts of the ENB walktrough


You're bad at videogames. You should probably stop playing. Bloodborne is good solid 40 hour single player experience, with hundreds more from replaying with different builds and challenge runs, as well as chalice dungeon shit and pvp

If you farmed in this game you're not playing correctly and are bad at videogames.

If you're bad at videogames, why do you play them? You're wasting your time, go read a book.

I read it

Didn't read your post but I really wish souls games had at least a local map or minimap.

If Souls games had any sort of help or lowered the difficulty you could finish them in under 10 hours desu

Sorry that not everyone is a hardcore gamer neckbeard that lives in his moms basement. I have more stuff to do than play video games every day
Can't believe I wasted money on this crap

You need to get better at creating shitposts user. Your thread will die before it reaches 50 replies.

>Sorry that not everyone is a hardcore gamer neckbeard that lives in his moms basement.
I beat Bloodborne while studying for the bar exam, fuck off you casual faggot.

Minimap isn't help though. Sometimes when running back through areas I forget about things or shortcuts.

All meme answers you are sure to continue to get aside....
I played Bloodborne day one of release.
I didn't have any issues whatsoever.
Its a game about experimentation and exploration.
If you aren't willing to do so just look up a guide like everyone else and don't complain.

>You gain insight from entering boss rooms which is how most people first level up without guides
>Levels aren't as important as skill in any of the Souls games - people talk about farming all the time as if this was a necessary thing to do
>Read item descriptions and talk and listen to NPCs
Basically its a game about taking the time to learn the world around you and being willing to press some buttons even though the game doesn't tell you in order to experiment.
If thinking and experimenting are tasks you aren't up to then you won't enjoy the game.

When you apply for a job are you going to put 'hardcore gamer' on the resume? Get real you child

Nah, I tell them I'm an attorney you dumbass.

tldr, this game is extremely linear in comparison to Dark Souls 1, if you are having issues finding your way then you are overthinking it

Now while Sup Forums will just autistically shit down your throat for not sucking bloodbornes sick 24/7, you aren't entirely wrong with what you say, because you will still have to farm blood vials.

That said, which boss are you stuck on? Some bosses are worth the effort, others not so much. Farming for levels is incredibly inefficient and not how the game is supposed to be played at all. Instead think of each time fighting the boss as grinding your own level of proficiency at the game.

You should tell them you're a Bloodborne pro, you'll get instantly hired

I already have a job, my point is that you can have a life and still play these games. They're not even hard, you just need to stop playing the kinds of games that turn people into braindead idiots incapable of memorizing and recognizing simple patterns.

I like to play games to relax after a hard day's work, so I enjoy games that don't take much effort. You need to stop taking video games so seriously friend they are just toys

why post?

I played Bloodborne, and it's one of the easiest games in the history of gaming franchises. Seriously each area following the "chosen hunter" and his excessively buffed weapons from assorted game locations as he fights brainless enemies has been less engaging than the last. Aside from the handholding, the game's only consistency is providing you with absolutely retarded, unchallenging mobs and allowing you to run through all of them without any combative motivation thoughout the entire game. All to make the difficult feel easy, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when From Software voted to make the game a PS4 exclusive; they made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody. just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for the souls series. Bloodborne might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the normalfag game in its refusal of challenge, skill and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the Dark Souls games were good though
The enemies were easy; the bosses were unfairly hard. As I played, I noticed that every time a enemy went for an attack, he spent an unrealistic amount of time telegraphing an attack.

I began marking on the back of an envelope every second the enemy stretched his arm back. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope a several dozen times. I was incredulous. Miyazaki's mind is so governed by outdated game design philosophies that he has no other style of challenge. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Dark Souls by the same Kevin-V from Gamespot. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are playing Bloodborne at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to play Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Bloodborne" you are, in fact, trained to play Skyrim.

let's not kid ourselves, being out of blood vials makes bloodborne suck to play. It happened to a lot of people, the casual filter boss bleeds you dry quite literally, and then you have to farm them to even have a chance at learning the fight.
after that, it's pretty much not an issue

>he thinks people play the souls games for their difficulty
>he thinks a games quality is based on its difficulty

You get insight the first time you encounter a boss. The madmans knowledge is there as an extra gimme. God fucking damn

>I enjoy games that don't take much effort
then why the fuck would you play bloodborne you tard?

Because I was led to believe it was a good game when in fact it's not

reverse that case boy

init .

>he thinks this copypasta doesnt get posted 20 times a day
>he thinks this isnt bait thats becoming a forced meme

>You need to stop taking video games so seriously
Said the casual who got butthurt and ran online to throw a tantrum that a game was too hard.

>I don't like games with effort
>this game requires effort
>this makes the game bad
just accept that you're the problem, not the game

You don't need to find a skull to level up. You get one insight from entering Cleric's boss arena.

Try again.

>finish bloodborne
>loved it
>want to play it some more
>get rekt by vicar amelia on NG
>get rekt by the beast boss in depth 4 pthumeru dungeon

why am I so bad. I think it's time to move on, too bad the game is awesome

It's true though

Making a thread on Sup Forums hardly equates to throwing a tantrum, friend

Any game that makes you rely on wikis and farming to complete it is indeed bad

Any game that makes YOU rely on wikis just means YOU aren't smart enough for it.
The rest of us who like Bloodborne didn't need wikis

You are literally a Barneyfag tier assburger. For the sake of anyone who wants to talk about Bloodborne on this board without having some autistic 30 year old loser post the same 2 pictures over and over, please put a bullet in your forehead.

The game has amazing graphics, lore, story, combat, characters and atmosphere, but it's badly designed

I agree with OP

any game where you have to look for ANYTHING at all online to understand it is just plain objectively bad design

The game should explain shit to you so you can get most of it in one playthrough, instead of autistically replaing it over and over and over again

Sure you didn't ;)

1 0 D A Y S


That's the thing, if you use your brain, you don't actually need to look up anything online. Seriously, name something you looked up online that if you hadn't looked up, you wouldn't have been able to beat the game.

I wasn't talking about beating the game, I was talking about shit like Iosefka clinic being in the game at all, because the design choices is just plain retarded

>start game
>go back immediately to check my surroundings as I always do, to see if there's an NPC or item there
>proceed normally
>beat the game

Later on the Internet I find out that there's an NPC Iosefka there if you go back there, after dying.

How would anyone come to the conclusion to go back there if it wasn't for the Internet?

Objectively bad design

The game doesn't tell you where to go at all
No objective markers, no map no nothing
You NEED to go look up stuff

>hurr durr why I do need to explore to find things
>why doesn't the game spoonfeed me everything

How about going forward?

Well for starters, you aren't supposed to find every single thing in one playthrough. If you don't like that, that's fine, but that's not "objectively bad design" it's ENTIRELY subjective.

But, I found Iosefka by exploring it after the old lady behind a door asked if I knew a safe place. I figured the starting area was pretty safe, and it was called the clinic, so I wanted to send her there, but there was no option. So I thought I had to make it safe, so I went back looking for enemies, found Iosefka, she told me to send people there.

dude, don't respond to that, he said he wanted fucking objective markers. OBJECTIVE MARKERS. It's not even subtle about it's bait

FAK wrong person. meant to reply to

>go forward
>hit a wall
Great idea genius

Either OP is baiting hard, or he is a hilariously childish little prick who cannot handle being bad at a video game.

Either way, grow the fuck up you moron.

>i enjoy games that don't take much effort

what the fuck did you buy bloodborne for then, dumbass?

don't give him a (you)
just don't

You fucked up the bait. You forgot to mention how it only took you 10 days to platinum the game after going in blind.

I did not use a wiki to beat bloodborne, nor did I farm. You just suck ass, homie.

I didn't use a wiki to beat it, and had no trouble whatsoever in finding where to go in the game. Just because you suck at the game doesn't mean that it's a bad game.


I also gave up on bloodborne after the third boss. Too much grind and too much having to do multiple attempts to beat some boss. Glad I only paid $20 for it.

I have a job and 3 children to take care of. I'm sorry that I can't 'git gud' like you kids like to say but I spent my hard earned money on this game so I should be able to complete it.

seeAhahah sure

>I spent money, why can't I do it?
I feel sorry for your children.

he's delusional, baiting, or both
just stop replying to him

Bloodborne is the easiest game in the series, and you can plat it in sub 10 days. If you disagree than you are a soulsbabby and possibly under 80 IQ.

Can I ask what your favourite video game is?

In comparation with my friends, I am the most retarded playing Bloodborne and I didn't need a fucking guide to complete the game, just a few things about some secrets there and here, but just that.

Stop the bait you fucking fag

I hope you idiots who keep responding to this fag at least have the decency to sage your posts


Halo 3

You seem like the kind of parent who teaches them that if they can't accomplish something, it's the fault of the task at hand, not theirs.

From Cleric, you can run straight to Papa G and pick up 6-9 vials and at least 3 bullets. That's more than fine for the fight. Most players die after only using one or two vials anyway, those vial draining encounters are rarer than you think.

Sounds like you're projecting.

I'm not the one who had to use a wiki just to get started in bloodborne, friendo :^)

>You need to stop taking video games so seriously friend they are just toys
What kind of response is this? I thought Bloodborne was fairly easy and enjoyable and platinumed the game at a time when I was both working and studying for (and passing) the bar exam.
>I have 3 children to take care
Yeah, that's your own fucking fault. Life is hard for people that are stupid and can't plan ahead, get used to it.


I used to be like this, but then I got a good job and I stopped freaking out when I purchased a piece of entertainment that didn't turn out how I wanted. I also never had kids, so there's not that emotional/financial drain in my life embittering me further. Be nice to OP, guys, this was legitimately a traumatic experience for him. Some people truly use video games as escapism, and when your escapism is also calling you a loser, it's easy to get rattled.

>a game which can be platinumed in 10 hours

nice b8

Levels are hugely important. Kind of nerfs the game.

But you need a guide for the gane and the story. Neither are very clear

Not my fault the game is badly designed

That's all you need for the fight once you know how to play the game. I had never played a souls game and started with Bloodborne and wouldn't touch that fog in front of Gascoigne unless I had fifteen vials.

ten days idiot
if you're going to parrot a shitty meme at least get it right

But it isn't. Everyone in this thread is telling you you're just shit. What's the issue?

>But it isn't.
Not an argument

Is Father Gascoigne meant to be the casual filter boss, because when I first played I couldn't time my parries for shit and won first try by using hit'n'run tactics.
Really, these games reward players for getting good but not being good at one aspect doesn't make it impossible.

someone maybe already covered this, but the 'git gud' response is very legitimate

you literally NEVER have to farm for anything except blood vials/bullets if you somehow run out

it just takes practice and focus to beat any boss, as many, many people have done it at base level - obviously they are the exception here but thinking that leveling up once or twice will change it is just where you are wrong

At least respond to the right person with your bait you fucking caveman

I couldn't really parry reliably at Gascoine the first time. I was still using the blunderbuss, but once I switched to the pistol it was much easier. But yeah, same, I hit and run.

Nice job replying to the wrong person
The game is perfectly well designed. It's recieved universal acclaim from normies and critics alike. But you, the lone faggot with 3 children and a job, have cracked the code. It's actually a terribly designed game.

Or maybe you just suck. Which do you think is more likely?

levels are not important, at most they are important for stat requirements on weapons/items

if you're like 50 levels above the "recommended" level of content then it can make a difference sure, but otherwise nah

>ad populum

Ad populum IS an argument. It's not the only argument, but it has merit here. bait harder.

"the game is badly designed because I couldn't do it" also isn't an argument. I'm just arguing the same way you did.

Which boss? Third isn't exactly accurate - from memory it could be Amelia, Blood-Starved Beast or even anyone after those two if you don't fight the Cleric Beast

I imagine you looking at your children and feeling a flutter of pride, before your overwhelming insecurities crush them down with the realization that they will also grow up to be nothing, and will likely despise you.

It's a fallacious argument

I already explained my points on various posts, maybe you should learn to read

When your argument against the game is "It's not feasible that someone could do this without a wiki" and then countless people have have done it without a wiki, ad populum is a perfectly legitimate argument.


I love quoting this to retards who don't have the first clue as to how reasoning works. Way to go champ, you played yourself.

how fucking bored are you that this is what you do for fun