>single player campaign
>no season pass
>clone wars
>space battles
>no token pickup for jedi or vehicles
>class system returning
What's your excuse now, Sup Forums?
>single player campaign
>no season pass
>clone wars
>space battles
>no token pickup for jedi or vehicles
>class system returning
What's your excuse now, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>no token pickup for jedi or vehicles
source for vehicles, and it better say they are on the map or its still a piece of shit.
And what about customizing, they probably will ruin that again with letting pilots carry sniper rifles or scout troopers running around with shot guns
And what about ammo, will they ignore canon and have them overheat again
you know gameplay things and cosmetics that matter, the only positive they have is they realized people actually want a star wars game with story
that's my excuse
if you buy this shit you're the reason why video game quality is in decline and i wish you would die a horrible death
>What's your excuse now, Sup Forums?
EA made, no season pass means they will lock as much as possible behind paywalls and make the grind to unlock them in-game so bad you will want to just buy them. Single player is the usual Disney vagina washing that they've done with everything Star Wars so far so not interested, battles will still be on small, cramped maps, dogfighting will still be uninspired and rebel biased, multiplayer sucks.
That is my excuse.
Single player is going to be bot matches.
No season pass doesnt mean no DLC, it just means you're going to have to buy it all piecemeal for 2x the price
Clone wars should have been in the first game
Space battles too
Character and vehicle tokens was the least of the first game's problems.
I'd bet real money that the "classes" are just going to be differences in weapon loadouts.
Drop dead nigger
EA still makes a huge percentage of the best games in the market
I mean, when will you learn ?
>Matchmaking can still be shit like in the first one
>Game mode/map variety can still be shit like in the first one
>Weapon and map balancing can still be shit like in the first one
>ATATs can still be on rails, and I want to see what they've done with space battles
I don't play D*sney's fanfic.
Fuck off back to Sup Forums, shill.
jesus I do not remember this scene being this bad, what did i see in this series as a child
I don't want to support a terrible game company.
Plus Battlefront was always a game I held in my mind for nostalgia's sake. I don't care if it gets rebooted at this point. I had my fun with the series years ago.
I grew out of Star Wars after Disney bought it.
Fuck off marketer
fuck you for posting that image and i hope your nigger ass dies of anal cancer for supporting these jews
>t. born in 2004
What's bad about it you fucking double nigger.
Stop buying EA games, no exceptions
>they even named it Star Wars Battlefront II
The absolute madmen
>saw the movie in theaters when came out in the 80's
>somehow I was born in 2004
you really are a dumb nigger you know that?
probably and it was really good effects for its time
I'm not a fucking movie director but it just looks akward to me
Get the fuck out you underage faggot.
>20 V 20
20 V 20
>20 V 20
20 V 20
>20 V 20
20 V 20
>20 V 20
20 V 20
>20 V 20
Also seeing fucking Nu-trilogy pisses me off because it's just a shittier OT and all the time spent touching up re-used assets could be made to make some fucking Clone Wars stuff.
>Mfw I preordered this a few days ago
>Mfw Sup Forums will shit on me for it but I am legitimately excited for prequel content, classes, and a single player campaign
>Mfw I'm going to have fun playing this game and so are millions of other people and there's literally nothing any of you can do about it
Seriously though, when was the last time you were actually excited for a new Star Wars game?
epic memes
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
It's meant to be awkward kid, Vader is just fucking confused about what Luke is feeling at that moment (feelings of fear and anger).
I mean, Luke fucked his shit up just by swinging violently.
But we've already had Clone Wars, they should have gone beyond.
It's your money do whatever you want with it but don't be surprised when it dies within a month like the last star wars game
On the off chance of game coming out actually good, you'd still be an idiot if you buy it. Buying EA shit sabotages videogame industry
>Droids are back
I'm excited. I want to be the rolling ones.
I just hope we could make non canonical battles, for example, clones against the new order in the death star, that was the only bad thing that the original bf2 has
>millions of other people
Me and the other 90% normies of the gaymer base are going to keep buying them because guess what, they may have bad habits, but they make better games that almost everybody else.
EA to fans:
> older than 30 lurking on Sup Forums
Holy shit what a sad piece of humanity you are. come on, ropes are not that expensive.
There's my reason, OP. You're a fool to think that EA wouldn't nickel and dime the consumers with bullshots and cinematic visuals to rope in the dumb fanboys who think they'll be getting something of actual value from the IP, let alone anything from EA of all the fucking game companies.
EA can eat my sweaty asshole.
>No season pass
Good joke just you wait, EA will either announce one very close to launch or find another way to raise the price of the full game to $100+ probably something like this
Grow up prequel kiddie
Every single thing from your era is fucking shit. No wonder the world is as fucked as it is. It's because you vocal minority fuckers keep crying to drag everyone down into the shit with you.
Since these jews voluntarily removed this content from Battlefront 1 is there a reason I shouldn't wait for Battlefront 3 instead of buying this?
The only excuse you need.
No fuck you OTnigger
Nobody but you autistic manchildren want the same shitty props used over and over again with terrorists allahu akbaring floaty space objects. We want actual battles especially on this games IP, the kind only Clone Wars is capable of having.
Why do people insist on roleplaying as shills
If Activision can make a decent remake of Crash Bandicoot maybe EA finally learned their lesson too.
I doubt it, but who fucking knows at this point. I just want the game to be good.
>Battlefront left out Clone Wars so they could sell you a second game.
>The original Battlefront had it with the original trilogy 12 years ago.
>Space battles were locked behind season pass.
The fact a 12 year old game had more content than a modern AAA game and thats without a fifty fucking dollar season pass is just sad.
If you defend these sort of business practices you need to off yourself. EA will find a way to jew you out of extra money.
>calling anyone autistic
WEW the same fucking webm every fucking time you prequel shitters get called out
why are blasters so inaccurate in Star Wars ?
>laser weapon
Star Wars is so fucking dumb.
It's like a spy wearing a spy mask
>Seriously though, when was the last time you were actually excited for a new Star Wars game?
Unironically I was excited for TOR because
>old republic lore
>Karpyshyn as lead writer
It's a shame that not even some great class storylines could justify playing this shit.
But generally, star wars is overrated shit that is only loved because of muh nostalgia. The only good media products with "star wars" in name are KotOR games that explore light\dark side conflict deeper than any other installment of the franchise, and JK games for it's brilliant gameplay and lightsaber combat in particular.
>Making a statement through videogames rather than just pirating/buying whatever good
When did Sup Forums stray from the light?
>avatarfagging with a cartoon webm
how sad can someone be
>maybe EA finally learned their lesson too
I hope you like replies of people laughing at you, because you're going to get a few.
Thread should have ended here. Fucking EA marketers.
Shill out, man.
>no season pass
>no token pickup for jedi or vehicles
>class system returning
Because I can buy it for 50% less if I just wait two months like all EA FPS games
It's condensed plasma you fucking tard.
>i have no argument to defend liking the same shit over and over from the 70's so I'll just nitpick at the webcam!
God you OTniggers really do have the 'Tism.
The first game sold 14 million copies
>no galactic conquest
I'm getting them back for fucking me last time.
>google is hard
That mode is the sole reason why I'm still playing Battlefront 2 to this day. Literally can't get enough of it.
>If Activision can make a decent remake of Crash Bandicoot maybe EA finally learned their lesson too.
>Learning their lesson
HAHAHAHAHAHA EA has been a bunch of scumbags and have been engaging in terrible business practices since the 80's and as long as people support them they will never change. Unless by some miracle normalfags smarten up and catch on to their EA will always be this way and thats never going to happen.
The underage prequel kiddie that sticks his fingers in his ears whenever someone accurately calls the PT shit and goes NO YOU OT IS SHIT YOU FUCKING NIGGER!!
How fucking sad hahahahahaha
So when did EA suddenly become irredeemable in comparison to Activision?
>Also seeing fucking Nu-trilogy pisses me off because it's just a shittier OT and all the time spent touching up re-used assets could be made to make some fucking Clone Wars stuff.
Oh fucking come on go play some mods if Clones are so important to you.
>prequel kiddies
>wanting to do anything
They bitch and moan about not being spoonfed PT shit despite it being all they got for over a decade and still bitch and want more to this day
Literal children
>>no season pass
>EA with the Star Wars license
>inb4 they just make a season pass but just rename it to something like "Jedi pack" to trick mongoloids into buying shit again
what does it's current population look like?
>all those people on consoles that literally have nothing better to play
>all those die hard starwars fanbois that will buy mlp starwars theme anything
>all those people on consoles that play it just to justify buy it
and real talk here. no one believes for a minute there wont be a Season pass just like everyone knows this game will have at least 9 dlc's in the first year.
When Sup Forums managed to vote it as the worst company in America, because back then that kind of stuff was actually funny. Then redditors infested this board thanks to GooberGate and thought that all those epic memes were a reality. It's why this board is literally incapable of taking a joke anymore, because everyone here is just a redditor desperately trying to fit in.
>different units had different colors to represent them
EA will probably go the helmetless route again or even worse ignoring what the helmets represent again
Still nothing but autistic screeching coming from you avatarfagkun.
>gunfight between two sides standing in an open area with zero cover
Why is this so common in film in television? It doesn't even look cool, it's retarded as fuck, it only takes a minute amount of common sense to understand that's not how a gun battle works
The trilogy movies at least gave the soldiers fucking trenches, I don't understand how the same man that directed the battle of Hoth was also directed that clusterfuck of a battle scene on Geonosis
And still nothing but crying and moaning and bitching about not getting what you want like a spoiled child. Fitting considering you just love your little cartoons.
You've lost, kiddo. Throw all the tantrums and bitch fits you want outside of your thread on Sup Forums but you're fucking done. No one is going to pander to your autistic side of the fandom anymore.
They were always beyond redemption. Activision has done some straight up jewish shit like locking the COD4 remaster behind a $80 special edition but EA has always been worse. Activision also used to not be a bad company they didn't really go full goyim until after COD took off the way it did. Thats not the case with EA they have always been a shit company their history of buying up small companies rushing out games then shutting them down when a game fails due to incompetent management go all the way back to the late 80's. In the end those practices always effected consumers.
>circlejerking "EA RUINING MUH VIDYA GAMES" because your fav ecelebs parrot your own autism back to you
do you have any ability to think for yourself whatsoever you pathetic weeb fuck?
The thing about geonosis though is that it's literally mindless droids going against mindless clones, so it fits in a sense.
do you know peopel were spitting on EA way before e-celeb were a thing ? how fucking old are you ?
You can illustrate mindless soldiers in other ways than making them braindead retarded
>known for making shitty games
>last entry in the series was shit
>"lol that's a silly reason"
I am sick of this "truth is a meme" meme
I have no idea what eceleb you are talking about I dont even watch youtube or twitch
>clone wars being any good
Fuck yeah, Junkbot
Clones were pretty much the embodiment of the republic's might. They were the good guys up until the chips were activated turning them into slaves. And they can actually shoot for shit unlike garbage Storm weenies.
When you have exclusive rights to three of the biggest sports leagues in the world AND one of the most popular franchises in history it's pretty easy to get a chunk of the market
I will never forgive Disney for fucking up the clones with this stupid bullshit.
I'm pretty sure that these types of people are just shills trying to stir up "discussion" with shitposting. Nothing guarantees a chain of replies, and by extension exposure to your game's advertisement here, like a strawman insult. It doesn't matter if it's negative attention, as long as the quota is met.
i wish i could give you a hug
I admit it is kinda dumb but it generally makes sense considering many clones question and hate their very existance. To be made to kill their generals out of the blue after 3 long years fighting and dying together would have been insane.
>mutilate Battlefront in a shitty cashgrab
>wonder why people will be hesitant to buy the sequel
EA, everyone.
Shills out in force tonight.
That's not the point.
The point is that the stormtrooper or "clone" armor sends a very clear message.
People who grew up on OT will see it and automatically think "bad guy"
Also, they all wear masks, which tells the viewer
>this character is a worthless cannon fodder. You should not give a shit about them
>Lucas Star Wars
>Clone troopers were trained for a variety of situations. One of these was Order 66, which was to only be issued if the Jedi were deemed a threat to the Republic. Although many clones considered their Jedi generals to be their allies and even friends (Ex: Commander Cody and Obi-Wan), their loyalty was ultimately to the Republic. Therefore, when Order 66 goes down, we get the idea that the clones feel a deep sense of regret, but they know they have to go through with it because they wouldn't dare defy the Supreme Chancellor. This makes clone troopers feel sympathetic and even human despite being clones, and their story of "I was just following orders" is one that many people IRL (mostly war veterans) can relate to.
>Disney Star Wars
>20v20 still
>12v12 space battles
>no galactic conquest
It's gonna be shit and morons will fall for it again just like the first one.
>Cutomizing your battle droids
Will be cautiously hype until I hear some bad news.