>Talking to friend from Sup Forums about YouTube reviewers >He mentions Spoony One, Spoony Experiment, whatever >Legit never heard of him >Ask him if I should check him out >Tells me to watch his old stuff >I do so because he usually never steers me wrong >I end up watching them stone faced and mostly bored.
Was 2008-2009 really this starved for reviewers that this greasy unappealing weirdo got big at one point?
Not only is his commentary either annoying or banal to the point he could be talking about any game, his attempted "skits" make me cringe harder than when I tried to rewatch the Nostalgia Critic.
Some of his videos aren't even reviews: They're just poor imitation MST3K with some nerd talking at you with no comic timing.
Did Sup Forums always have this bad of taste or was everyone just a kid when they got into him?
>cringe harder than when I tried to rewatch the Nostalgia Critic
That must have been a while ago then, because nothing on the planet comes close to the cringe level of the 30 minute shitskits he's pretending are reviews lately.
Nicholas Gomez
everyone already hates this asshole you dont need to bait you fucking faggot
Charles Sullivan
Same way Angry Jungle Jim got popular and continues to welch off of youtube pesos for his tortilla stand of a channel.
Matthew Sanders
thanks for the free exposure lol
Logan Rivera
That image fits too well.
Kevin Gray
>exposure >patreon is ticking down every month Literally a matter of time till he can't pay his mortgage.
Jose Jenkins
keep posting threads about me I love the attention since it's what I thrive on.
get fucked you cretins
Dominic Davis
Please play more games, wrestling fucking sucks.
Leo King
>Was 2008-2009 really this starved for reviewers that this greasy unappealing weirdo got big at one point?
Sort of yea.
Dylan Johnson
We got Somecallmejohnny from 2008. I still have no clue whether that was a good thing or not. He can be somewhat entertaining and informative.
Nicholas Ross
I think it's something where you had to have been there, I'm in the same boat where I never heard of him when I was younger and checked out his videos recently, and the ones about ultima were the only bearable ones. I don't mind early youtube videos, old AVGN still holds up even without nostalgia, but Spoony is just an annoying autist
Parker Allen
>When show your high school friends funny eceleb shit at the time >They think you're autistic and shit
Andrew Garcia
I remember this same exact thread deleted this morning.
Carson Taylor
If you watch any of that shit you're a casual.
Isaiah Gomez
His SWAT, Final Fantasy, and Ultima stuff is worthwhile content. But this guy goes off the rails over the years...
Benjamin Peterson
i liked his videogame reviews and counter monkeys episode even if i dont agree with everything he said. wrestling and movie review never did anything for me
Adam Kelly
what the fuck even happened to the community video thing he was a part of? Brainscratch Comms I think It was called maybe? Those group video commentaries sort of started and then just abruptly died out while 2-man LP took over.
Kevin Taylor
>Was 2008-2009 really this starved for reviewers that this greasy unappealing weirdo got big at one point? Pretty much. Spoony was one of the biggest channels on TGWTG.com though, Nostalgia Critic's old site which featured a ton of literally who-tier content creators. Some people who came for the Nostalgia Critic would stick around for people like Spoony.
I liked his playthrough of SWAT 4. Don't much care for his movie reviews that are literally longer than the movies he's reviewing.
Noah Mitchell
>>I end up watching them stone faced and mostly bored.
I sincerely doubt your favorites are remotely the height of humor.
Benjamin Clark
Some of his shit is really good, like all of his Highlander reviews, Ultima, Final Fantasy, Pumpkinhead, etc., but there's some negative aspects in there too. When he does something good he does it REALLY good and is still worth rewatching years later, but his bad stuff is cringey bad.
Adrian Myers
I only ever really liked Spoonys game reviews, I think there was some drama that happened behind the scenes with him but I don't care about people whos lives have no effect on mine
I'd like to see him review FF15 but he hasn't made a video in years I think, if he doesn't people should just leave him alone
Joseph Stewart
His video game reviews are garbage. After FF8, he was just being an egotistical asshole and creating clickbait reasons.
>Says FF10 has the best battle system in the franchise >Still calls it a shit game
>Says FF10-2 did something interesting >Still shits on it nonetheless
>Cuts out any actual explainations FF13 had. Plus doesn't even talk much about the combat and gameplay >Still shits on it
Spoony got LUCKY with FF8, but did a shit job on everything else. He's irrelevant and I'm glad OP sees how shit he is.
Tyler Baker
the audio for the FF8 review is ASS
Christopher Powell
>Hints in his FFXIII review that he'll review FFXIII-2 afterwards. >Nothing for two years. >Fan asks him when it's coming during a shitty livestream. >Spoony acts surprised and is wondering why people thought he would. >Probably banned the guy too.
Spoony is gonna be homeless soon, oh well.
Angel Gomez
Yeah, audio is ass. But he got lucky enough that he talked about the game as a game. Afterwords, his FF10, FF10-2 and FF13 reviews were such a downward spiral to mediocrity to garbage to clickbait.
Dude, his FF13 review was absolute garbage. He goes on for 10 minutes ranting about caps or something like that.
In fact, his so called 'reviews' since FF10 have been trash because he doesn't treat them like video games.
Evan Bennett
Phantasmagoria 2 is still the GOAT LP
Elijah Scott
>Was 2008-2009 really this starved for reviewers that this greasy unappealing weirdo got big at one point?
Yeah totally you underaged faggot.
The mid/late 2000s were different times son. Talking shit about Final Fantasy on the internet was unheard of because they were still hailed as flawless masterpieces by everyone on the net.
People also thought naming themselves Sephirot online is a cool thing to do.
Cameron Cox
>The mid/late 2000s were different times son. Talking shit about Final Fantasy on the internet was unheard of because they were still hailed as flawless masterpieces by everyone on the net
Not that guy but that's because most people talked about FF7 and FF10 extremely well. FF9 was kind of forgotten and only had a niche crowd. FF8 was just kind of meh to people.
Let's recall that FF7 is the king of the franchise and FF10 is the Japanese fan favorite.
He just basically started a hate train that he road off of because he first reviewed a game that was considered the weakest point of the "Golden Age" (7-10).
Believe me, if he hadn't been so lucky with FF8, he would never have taken off like he did.
Leo Garcia
I agree. His FF XIII review is probably the worst vidya related thing on the net I've ever seen. I really can't remember any criticism he's pointing out because the entire thing is nitpicky as fuck
He really should have continued to review game he likes. The Ultima series was awesome... well until the end when he returns to his buttmad nerd ragemode.
Brayden Lopez
>>Says FF10 has the best battle system in the franchise >Still calls it a shit game
>Says FF10-2 did something interesting >Still shits on it nonetheless
Is your brain this fucked from Sup Forums that you literally can't comprehend balances in a review? Meanwhile, people suck Arin's dick when he can't even PLAY the game.
Anthony Thomas
They're still around. They're doing commentary on ME1 right now (literally the worst series to do that over)
Wyatt Phillips
this guy gets dsp views now days, noone knows him
Zachary Ward
Said some shit on twitter that hurt someone's feelings or something and got booted.
Fuck I remember watching his videos and thinking he was funny. Rewatching it though and I gotta wonder why I thought his skits were good. Shit he spent a couple hours getting drunk and acting like Michael Sheen with Cinima Snob.
Xavier Perry
He basically said
Except in FF13, there are two conversations where they explain that the Fal'cie would still continue their plan even if the characters did nothing.
Here's a link of the two separate conversations: (0:00 to 4:44)
>Meanwhile, people suck Arin's dick when he can't even PLAY the game. Neither can Spoony he usually uses footage made by other people. He even credits them so it's not like I made this up.
Justin Nelson
>Was 2008-2009 really this starved for reviewers that this greasy unappealing weirdo got big at one point?
Pretty much. I liked his choice in 90s pc games to review, there's a lot of material to work with there.
He reminds me of the arrogant older dude at the local game shop who's a big shot at the D&D table but a total loser irl, which is kind of nostalgic in itself.
Landon Roberts
That's not balance. He just talks about the story and just disregards the combat and gameplay. You PLAY a game. Not watch it. Or read it. Or listen to it. YOU PLAY A GAME.
That means you interact with it. If he's not going to give the game he reviews an unbiased outlook, then his reviews are shit.
Isaac Stewart
Parker Jones
where does this dude even stream? his last vod on twitch is from 2013
Mason Ross
He streams on Youtube of all places.
And he hasn't streamed for 4 months.
Christian Hughes
Frankly I'm impressed that Spoony got notoriety from doing so little. And apparently he still has people giving him money, stringing him along?
Robert Wilson
Didn't mean to quote the anime. But it doesn't matter.
Eli Edwards
Spoony nowadays is shit posting on twitter. He gets like 1k a month for just shitposting.
Levi Thompson
The vast majority of his 10 review was him whining about Tidus being whiny, when he was nowhere near that bad in the game. Most of it was taken way out of context too.
It's not like with FF8 where he made fun of how mopey and antisocial Squall was (like when he joked about how Squall does the same thing Spoony himself does at every party: support the wall and hit the booze hard) here he was just repeating the same banal criticism over and over again but with slightly different words, to the point it overshadows the actual valid critcisms he had of the game.
>The mid/late 2000s were different times son. Talking shit about Final Fantasy on the internet was unheard of because they were still hailed as flawless masterpieces by everyone on the net.
You're joking right? Damn near everybody among hardcore RPG circles hated the newer Final Fantasy games back then, saying how they were overrated and couldn't hold a candle to the ones from the SNES era etc. FF7 in particular bore the brunt of it. In fact it still does today, but nowhere near as bad as it was a decade ago.
If he really wanted to start a hate train he should have picked 7, or one of the other more popular titles.
With his FF8 review he actually had some valid criticisms to say. Granted some of them were taken out of context or just outright wrong (like saying how drawing 100 of each magic was mandatory) but he was a lot more restrained on the bile than later reviews.
Colton Walker
one of the worst parts of depression is the irritability. i know from being an irritable faggot that has to constantly remind himself to lighten up.
John Lewis
It was even worse with FF13. like what\ said, he got nit picky as all fuck and just was shitting on it for the sake of it. Plus his plot holes didn't make sense like I said here He went after FF8 because he thought it was the perfect place to start with a game that wasn't anywhere as well received as FF7.
He still reviewed FF7 later on, but was far more positive on it.
Bentley Smith
>He still reviewed FF7 later on, but was far more positive on it.
When? You mean that segment in his FF8 review? He still shat on the fans labelling them as creepy losers, and criticised some aspects of it such as the characters.
Liam Morales
So what the fuck happened to him? He always was an asshole, but right now he is a grim and unfunny asshole.
Ryder Lee
At least he used to be funny, now he's just a sad, pathetic loser.
Aiden Howard
Yeah, but he still said it was a good game overall. Remember, in the beginning, he stated that Final Fantasy stopped being good after FF7.
He includes FF7 in that mix of "good" Final Fantasy
Cameron Murphy
His girlfriend broke up with him. Thats when he started going down the rabbit hole.
Jack Ross
>He went after FF8 because he thought it was the perfect place to start with a game that wasn't anywhere as well received as FF7.
So all that talk about FF8 hate starting with Spoony was bullshit all along. Color me surprised.
Wasn't it outright explained that if the l'cie or whatever the fuck they're called failed to do the tasks assigned to them they get turned into those weird decaying zombie mutant things? I have many complaints about FF13 yet NONE of them are the same as Spoony's. Same with FF10. The only one I actually agree with him on is FF8, and it still wasn't perfect.
Nathaniel Butler
Yes, there was that explanation as well. I can link you the videos of that too.
FF13 is a decent game with an okay story, mostly good characters, good combat system and familiar gameplay
John Flores
Maybe it would've been ok, if the characters would've had any vague fucking indication that what they were doing at the end was the right thing to do. Instead they go "eh, I'm sure this one god thing that we know nothing about that enslaved us was much better than that other god thing that we know is pure fucking evil, because the one that enslaved us first enslaved the little girl the whole party is masturbating to". So they just barge in the imperial throne room, strike down Vader and Palpatine and then go "Eh, I'm fine. I'll go back to live on Tatooine."
>FF13 is a decent game with an okay story No. Spoony may be a retarded loser, but FF13 is still a shit game.
Parker Reed
Actually, the characters were first after Bartandelous and nobody else. Then Orphan came along and revealed he was in on it too. So they had to kill Orphan. However, they did not kill Orphan with Ragnorok like Bartandelous and Orphan wanted because that wold have triggered the apocalypse.
Plus, Fang and Vanille use Ragnorok to SAVE Cocoon instead of destroy it.
Also, FF13 is a decent game. I've played shit games. I've played games that constantly forced me to reboot the PS3 or even crash (Arkham Origins and Dragon Age: Inquisition). I've played mediocre games like lesser Tales games, GU Trilogy and Final Fantasy subseries.
FF13 is NOWHERE ear their level of crap.
Owen Bell
He actually kind of developed the format that later reviewers adopted.
Then his gf dumped him and he's been a piece of shit ever since.
Jack Allen
Easton Bailey
Presuming this is real, you've got plenty of exposure. Your twitter subs go up while your patreon donations go down. You went from over 5k per month to around 800/month now, and that's dropping every single month (probably because you haven't done shit since November, and haven't done a proper review for at least a year, even though you can find the time to bitch about Trump and talk about wrestling every fucking day on Twitter.
Noah Rivera
Make more counter monkey you fuck. Its the one thing I keep subbed to you for and you just let it rot.
Adrian Evans
He stated that he wanted to use it as a springboard to get on TV, and you can tell the exact moment when he realizes that is never going to happen.
Look, I was looking forward to GU. But they came out with that game trilogy WAY TO QUICKLY. While the Combat and some gameplay was greatly improved, they came out with only 1/3rd of a game for each game, the story wasn't well thought out and the character designs were some of the most cliche looking mother fuckers on the planet. Look at Pi and how many fetish designs are all over her:
The game needed more time and should have waited on the PS3 era to come out with it instead of saturating the PS2 era.
Adam Moore
He needs to enunciate better
Jeremiah Johnson
You'd have a point if Final Fantasy was anything but a JRPG, the original moviegame genre
Jason Young
Now look at Lightning Farron:
>pink hair >fighting gloves
That's nowhere near as ridiculously fetishy
Hunter Peterson
But JRPGs in general aren't movie games. You are thinking visual novels that are glorfied choose your own adventure books. Hell, Dangan Ronpa and Phoenix Wright series are far more visual novel and are categorized as such.
Hell, Naughty Dog's Uncharted and TLoU are more "Moviegame" than any Final Fantasy game.
James Johnson
Go back to crying about not making it into the Mythbusters.
Haha what? Did he audition to be on Mythbusters or something?
Brayden Miller
It's an online MMO, lots of people make whorish female characters for the hell of it. Considering most of the rest of the main female cast are more conservative in comparison, I think it says something more about the character rather than just "here's tits and ass in your face". It's not like the original tetralogy won points for originality in character design and tropes either.
The story and character development were always the focus.
Jackson Rodriguez
I agree that Pi was a wealth of sexual frustration for me as a teenager. You forgot easily charmed. Dat mission where you save her from the AIDA bug was pure hnngh. A more fleshed out full sized G.U. on 1 BD with more online components like an actual online messageboard you connect too as well as PVP in the form of pitting your team against another characters. would have been amazing.
However, You can not deny LIGHTNING'S ARMPITS.
Nathaniel Martinez
David Gonzalez
>makes a fairly popular story-time D&D channel >run out of material very quick >unable to do something useful >talks about wrestling >views plummet >patron plummet >starts streaming >not surprising, he is a terrible streaming
Poor Spoony, you have to go back.
Daniel Gonzalez
I never understood the toblerone meme. I saw the picture, but I have no idea what the original was, or why the replacement was funny.
Josiah Howard
Yeah, I guess that would count. However, that's still less than half of what Pi even had.
THAT'S what I'm saying! GU should have waited until PS3 era and added more of that shit in to make it more like an MMO style game.
No, they made it a plot point that Pi's design (along with the other 6) had to specifically be like they are to summon the Epitaths in the game. So it was literally "I have to look like this otherwise I can't use an Epitath"
Tyler King
His Phantasmagoria LP was pretty much the only good thing he did, outside of Counter Monkey and Boardgame reviews.
Daniel Sanchez
It's not just that he's terrible (although he is). He's also an asshole to his viewers.
>DON'T...tell...me...how to play...the game. Alternatively, you could let your audience have a good time, even if it is at your expense of enjoying the game, and then get people to associate positively with the streaming. I watched someone else terrible play Alien Isolation, and the guy was entertaining as fuck, and didn't care what people said on his stream so long as it wasn't something like, "Gas the kikes!"
Everyone starting nick naming all the different people, and he rolled with it, calling the Alien "Chad," that security guy, "Blumpkin," etc, etc. It's not funny to talk about, but it was enjoyable to be a part of.
Spoony's streams just suck. He wants it to be like watching golf.
Justin Kelly
I know you're not him, but damn, imagine some c-list eceleb running across you shit-talking him on Sup Forums and the massive amount of butthurt that follows lulz
Charles Robinson
>spend his professional life critiquing obviously shit movies >thinks this gives him the ability to know how to actually make good content >dipshit fans give him 200k for a new internet show that only lasted like 4 episodes, despite Kickassia, Suburban Knights and To Boldly Flee as his track record >fans unanimously hate the show and he's now forced to do Nostalgia Critic videos until the end of time Kind of makes the ol' brain train a-chuggin', huh?
Gavin Green
Probably was him, like Anthony Burch that one time.
>I'm rich! What do you have? >"A wife who loves me and a Wii U."
Gabriel Moore
What I don't understand is why Doug didn't try to go "The Late Show With Stephen Colbert" route and allowed his last work to rest. He could have made his work into a talk show and made fun of the newer stuff
Seriously, worked with with Stephen Colbert.
Julian Parker
Woah that was real?
Noah Williams
TV is a dying medium. He's gonna live longer than the boomers.
He thought it would be better to stay online, I imagine, for that reason.
Not him, but while I don't have the image, I'm pretty sure it is. Can't remember if he made a tweet about it, or had photos on Sup Forums confirming his identity, but I remember something that made me believe it was real.
Jack Turner
hot kek on a crux that's fantastic
Jaxon Phillips
No, I mean make a show like "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" but do it online instead.
Cameron Perry
>hints Hardly even a hint, he outright said it was in the 'render queue' in the big trouble in little china review.
I mean, would anybody really want to pretend to be Spoony? He's basically stale bait.
Gavin Foster
oops, someone already posted it.
Nathaniel Williams
>it's a Spoony thread
People jumped on his dick for his unfunny and also inaccurate FFVIII """""review""""" and he rode that for a few years until his crippling social issues caught up with him and he dropped off the face of the planet.
I actually didn't mind his wrestling review videos though, to be fair.
Colton Bailey
2007-2009 spoony was GOAT
Jordan Price
The epitaph PC being assigned thing never made much sense but you can't really argue that for Pi since she was given Tarvos by her older brother.
Levi Foster
His Ultima retrospectve is a god tier (except skit). Countermonkey was comfy as fuck. Probably puzzle of flesh comments thing. And vhs games. All other is meh tier. All ff-shit was made for furiating weebshitheads (he says it in first fucking video) and gone horribly right.
Liam Brooks
I think any 100+ followers eceleb seen more shit about him that this pathetic board can ever make.
Logan Hall
His Highlander reviews were my favorite.
Kevin Bailey
He doesn't go anywhere that he can't block people. He needs the banhammer.