>Talking to friend from Sup Forums about YouTube reviewers >He mentions Spoony One, Spoony Experiment, whatever >Legit never heard of him >Ask him if I should check him out >Tells me to watch his old stuff >I do so because he usually never steers me wrong >I end up watching them stone faced and mostly bored.
Was 2008-2009 really this starved for reviewers that this greasy unappealing weirdo got big at one point?
Not only is his commentary either annoying or banal to the point he could be talking about any game, his attempted "skits" make me cringe harder than when I tried to rewatch the Nostalgia Critic.
Some of his videos aren't even reviews: They're just poor imitation MST3K with some nerd talking at you with no comic timing.
Did Sup Forums always have this bad of taste or was everyone just a kid when they got into him?
>cringe harder than when I tried to rewatch the Nostalgia Critic
That must have been a while ago then, because nothing on the planet comes close to the cringe level of the 30 minute shitskits he's pretending are reviews lately.
Nicholas Gomez
everyone already hates this asshole you dont need to bait you fucking faggot
Charles Sullivan
Same way Angry Jungle Jim got popular and continues to welch off of youtube pesos for his tortilla stand of a channel.
Matthew Sanders
thanks for the free exposure lol
Logan Rivera
That image fits too well.
Kevin Gray
>exposure >patreon is ticking down every month Literally a matter of time till he can't pay his mortgage.