>Fire keeper is best gir-
Fire keeper is best gir-
Emerald Herald is best girl you turbopleb. Yorksha is only good when you murder her for the chime.
You're fucking joking.
It looks like a baby with harlequin ichtyosis grew to completion.
She looks as if she might collapse any second and die
>not becoming a god and waifuing Yuria
Poor mans priscilla
the most adorable personality
Doll>Lady Maria>everyone else
this user knows whats up
>finally get all muh concords for Darkmoon blade
>it's literally just a shittier lightning weapon
It's ok though because all covenant rewards are shit in DS3.
I seriously hate how the Covenants work in 3
>get Solaires covenant patch early in the game
>can't do shit with them until youre literally so OP youve got no use for the covvy rewards
>get sunlight spear from sunbros
>lol jk faith is shit
>get sunlight covenenant
>kill grandma
>kill dancer
>CAN now trade them in early
People complained about sorcery/pyromancy/miracles being overpowered in previous games, so they nerfed them to the point of obsolescence.
PvP fags and try hards ruined magic.
>Blue Sentinels
>Dark Moon Blade
seriously why are there two of these? Is there even a point to Blue sentinels if Dark Moon does the same shit AND you can actually turn in the concords?
Because Darkmoons might complain about having to babysit invadees.
>Draw a Zelda
>Call it Yorshka
She has some nice feet.
I like the idea of backing up the host during an invasion
too bad that too few hosts ally themselves with the covenant that makes this happen because it's some of the most tense and fun moments I have with the game when it actually comes together, but it's also too bad that fromsoft still hasn't figured out how to do the darkmoons/ sentinels right
I remember how fucking strong sunlight spear was in dark souls 2, even after the nerfs. It was worth getting, you felt like gwyn, even one shotting low hp fags if you had the right items
Wont work in 3, because you might ruin sasake420 and his friends arthasdestroyer and divineblessingchuggerxdd run. Fuck this game. Nothing works except quality or bigdaddy build. Even dex has become shit
How were you supposed to know that walking off the edge wouldn't make you die?
Prism stones. They pulled the same shit in the first Dark Souls with the crystal cave
Gwyns sperm also must have began to lose power with the first flame because the younger the children be the more they tend to be physically challenged
it's shit
what did she mean by this?
show me ONE humanoid DS character without a giraffe neck
its literally there for helmets and From was too lazy to edit a new mesh
Have you looked at that ugly bitches face?
>Liking EH
>Calling others plebs
Maiden in Black is the only answer, and the only character that leveled you up that was properly done and belonged in the game instead of just being nostalgia wank
Whats that girl with the maggots as pets?
I wouldn't mind eating her ass.
>Even dex has become shit
Really? I thought the game was heavily biased towards dex