What was the reason 9S hacked the Bunker Server and was allowed to go unpunished. What was Commanders motivation behind that? She even gave 9S the S-Class Archive afterwards.
What was the reason 9S hacked the Bunker Server and was allowed to go unpunished...
Commander might have guessed the purge is coming, or maybe she thought it wouldn't matter because 9S is gonna get executed again before long. Or maybe she just got soft.
Cos 9S models are bound to uncover the truth, hence why they go on scouting missions with 2B (AKA 2E) models.
I don't believe she knew or she wouldn't be half as surprised as she was in Route C
I implore you to read the OP before responding to a thread.
What is he wrong about? 9S finds out the truth every time and is killed by 2B every time
Circumstances were different that last time around
He was about to be sent down for his final mission before being killed by 2B so she thought "here I'll tell you the truth, why not, yolo".
It's easier to leave the punishment of curious scanners to the executioner models.
I said guessed. And actually 2B and 9S might actually be Commander's project to "carve a path for the future of all androids", considering ending [E].
He hacks it every time. Commander knew he would find out. He was supposed to die, but I think they really needed him to do his job at the time and couldn't really have 2B kill him at such a vital point.
She's probably used to S models discovering the truth by now and it's more manageable to just tell them straight and await their execution than for them to keep digging.
Nothings wrong about it but it doesn't address the question.
It's easiest to confirm what he knows, and ensure he won't go rogue by throwing him a bone.
A 9S who knows the partial truth is dangerous, a 9S who knows more of the truth is less so.
The worst case scenario is 9S flipping his shit and deciding that his love for 2B is implanted.
I like to think that Commander had done some thinking of her own, realised that things were fucked and was hoping that 9S would free them all so that she would not longer have to send qt androids to their deaths. She did show emotional attachment to 2B and 9S that otherwise would seem out of character. But maybe I'm and idiot and she was just going to have 2B kill him during the operation at the start of C before everything went tits up.
Either way Commander best girl.
Wuts the whip for?
better question is why Commander didn't tell 2B to off him
instilling discipline
She probably like other Androids also grew tired of this shit of constantly being forced to kill her subordinates.
There's only one 9S Model like how there is only one 8B or one 2B or 7E
A. Try and capture and forcefully delete 9S's memories, which is a really dumb idea given he's the strongest combat model on the ship at this point, and the whole crew probably isn't that keen on fighting him.
B. Let 2E, the android designed to deal with 9S, deal with it on the surface, where even if she loses, he's still trapped there until he finds a functioning flight unit, or if he's dumb enough to try and teleport, he can get wiped on the way up.
Telling him the truth means he's more likely to think he can still teleport, so it's covering the most bases.
As for why she didn't just wipe him on the way, they needed him to hack the anti-air robots for the sake of the operation.
Because they still needed him for the final battle. Then when the shit hits the fan, there isn't much point destroying him anyway.
There's only one active at a time, but 9S has been nuked and restored from backup countless times because he got too close to the truth.
>which is a really dumb idea given he's the strongest combat model on the ship at this point
That wouldn't even matter since they could just infect him with a logic virus like in Memory Cage.
She was probably hoping he would blow the whistle on this who thing so she could finally be done with this charade. Everyone who worked for YoRHa was goddamn miserable, but the Commander knew that they were miserable /for nothing/. Just her. 9S telling someone, ANYONE, the truth would've been a godsend for her.
But he waits until after "The last large scale operation" (How is that not a giant "This is your last chance" flag to him?) to say anything and before it's even over everyone is fucking dead. GG.
You are thinking of it to logically considering that Commander has become fond of 2B and 9S.
Where's the picture from?
Jackass is still around
Black Box artbook.
We're talking about the most advanced 9S yet. The logic virus trap only worked because he tried to hack 2B, and he's already cut off his link to the bunker.
It's far too risky, which is why SOP is always to have 9S killed on the surface. If he eventually becomes too strong for 2B to deal with, then at least he's trapped there, like A2.
9S had a hard life