>this is what a 15 year old looks like
This is what a 15 year old looks like
Other urls found in this thread:
seems right
the 15 year old I am fucking on the side right now (legal where I live, you faggots) has about the same body shape
That artist that draw her out of the suit got it 90% right.
where the fuck is that legal?
fuck off pedo
it's an official art
No, i mean a fanart someone did long ago. Compared to this official piece, that artist got it 90% right.
you're a dumb little brainwashed faggot, and terribly jealous that another grown man can fuck fresh teenage pussy without worry
So the fighting isn't exclusive to amputees then?
this shit is gonna flop harder than splatoon, I already see Arms 2 being announced with 2 new maps
What does a woman know about machines. They barely know how to operate a fucking toaster
>not a quad amputee fuck toy
what is even the point mang
>used to be 14 here
>government started to be infiltrated by women
>16 now
Letting women vote was a mistake we will never recover from.
>durr you shouldn't fuck that teenager girl
>Nature allow her to be impregnate at that age anyway
>In fact, plenty of girls back then are impregnate while they are teenagers
>People somehow act like it's a taboo because muh magic number 18
>Splatoon flopped
What timeline are you from?
the puberty timeline
anyone with a damn mind had fun during the first weeks, kiddos kept playing it
Everything from Splatoon 2 could've been a "free update" like they always did since Splatoon launched back in 2015
I am sick of all these anputee fags in ARMS's threads. They AREN'T, is genetic super power they were born with.
So, you already have full access to Splatoon 2?
That's nice
testfire nigga, just like splatoon 1's testfire it was pratically the full game but without the customization
and it sucks balls
Your degenerate
>is physically still growing
>its responsible to impregnate
Pick 1.18 is objectively better.
>open beta
where have you been the past 4 years? every open betas and such are basically the full game
that's why Splatoon's test fire is the same as Splatoon now