On one hand, I'm kinda glad the real Shido never found out who made him have his change of heart but on the other hand it would have been immensely satisfying.
he did read Potter-kun arrest report before Goro shit went down
Yeah, but I don't think he actually remembered ever meeting him before. His shadow took a while to catch on as well.
he would probably order the arrest and assassination of joker & co. while his change of heart was taking place instead of taking that pill.
What the fuck was he even doing in some quiet country town? Just raping random women?
so now that you have 24/7 threads for each individual waifu, youre gonna make one for each of the other characters?
husbando thread?
Yes we will user. It's better then e-celeb threads.
Yakuza daddy is second best after coffee daddy
The difference is eceleb posting gets deleted. Your shit threads stick around.
I guess you have to deal with it, sweety
>Play Persona 5
>Get bored of the repetition and play Nier: Automata
>Come back to Sup Forums
>Waifu discussion everywhere
It's pretty sad. People that actually play the games aren't this insane.
Says the person who never finished the game
how is it a game when you just select options in menus
>implying you played Nier not because of waifu
>supposedly the big bad villain of the game
>has less screen time than random NPCs
Shido sucks. His fight was okay. Everything else about him isn't good.
Just play the game.
Te true villian un thriller dale Igor.
Still better than fucboi detective with daddy issues
Am I also playing a game if I'm using a coke remix machine
Fucking corrector. The true villian is the fake Igor.
You're right. He's my waifu.
Nah, he's the stupid SMT/Persona "true villain". Don't give a shit about that.
No, you don't get it. You only get to call him that because he pissed you off. He's a villain and that's his purpose. He constantly gets on your nerves. You don't get any attachment out of Shido. He fucked you over once and then vanishes for 98% of the game. They even have to explicitly tell you who he is because you might have forgotten him. That's a shit villain right there.
why can't you faggots stick to one thread
or at this point even 5 max would be nice
this is an imageboard not a forum
True Igor care about mankind. You wrong.
Again, I don't give a shit about the "gods that pull the strings" bullshit they pull. That doesn't make Shido a better character or villain.
Also, speak in complete sentences phone poster.
Youre fucking with the wrong prime minister
Not really, I get to call him that, cause Goro is shiƄ character. Shido is just a regular bad power-hungry guy. Its nothing special, yeah, but at least he gives some feeling of threat.
> husbando
you cant be gay or play as a gurl user stop living in a fantasy world
Atlus will NEVER give us husbands.
> you cant be gay
thats a good thing though, no?