But seriously though, is this game any good?

But seriously though, is this game any good?

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Good game, overrated to hell and back.

Pretty good game.
GOAT soundtrack


Is it worth full price? Im hella on the fence.

I didn't play anything else for almost 3 weeks after finishing it. The game has an effect.

no, summer sale is around the corner

Must be just you then, because I just poped Nioh in right after I got Ending E.

>mfw the dynamic music changes

Combat - 7/10 it's alright, not Platinum's best.

Story - 4/10 New Wave literature tier. Focused on being "experimental" and "more meaningful" but everyone with half a clue knows these things mean that the author's just not that creative, and that it's just tripe.

So to me it's like a 6/10 game at best. But, many people enjoy it and I don't speak for everyone.

My problem with Automata's story is that the themes are great, but the actual story that is being told to get them across is just shit.

I finished Persona 5 yesterday so I went in balls deep into this now.
Trying to get the dodge timing down but I keep fucking up. I lost like 9 Small recoveries in the tutorial area. Playing on Normal btw.
So far it feels .. slow. Your inputs have this queue system where they keep comboing even ifyou havent touched the controller for 5 seconds.
Also, why did 2B care so much for 9S if they just met? It felt out of place especially since she was so cold at first

>that Settings menu
>that Moonbase music

I don't expect everyone else to take a effing gaming break, lad. I was just noting that it had a somewhat profound feeling that I didn't want to wash away with a new game to soon.

If your into CURRAZY then yes.

>Also, why did 2B care so much for 9S if they just met?
Keep playing the game.

i don't know man, id buy it but i refuse to get a steam account. i know its not like it matters but ive been boycotting valve for a few years now and im not about to break down over this. Wish you could still just buy and run games from a disc

>Also, why did 2B care so much for 9S if they just met?
Keep playing nigga

Combat is garbage but the setting is ok if you really, really like generic anime

I don't feel ripped off but I definitely got meme'd on. Remember me had a better combat system and every character in the game is a anime cliche

Fucking masterpiece but less impactful than it's predecessor

>Also, why did 2B care so much for 9S if they just met? It felt out of place especially since she was so cold at first

You shouldn't complain about the stories of games you haven't completed

Was metal gear solid a good game?

It's okay, not great it's overrated. I'd play something else personaly. but that's just me OP.

>every character in the game is a anime cliche

Nigga what

>not an anime cliché
9S is basically M.D. Geist


the meme loses meaning if you use it for every game with a bit of character action flair. the combat and style of this game was way more subdued then say DMC of bayonetta. this game isn't nearly as good as those.


Meh. Wait until it's $30 at the most.

have you ever watched M.D Geist? I'm guessing not if you bought this meme.

Its P gud. Just overrated here on Sup Forums.

Don't take my word for it. Shit, don't take anyones word for it. Buy it and play it if you think you might like it and don't think you'll get buyers remorse.

If you're hesitant, wait for crack.

I don't think america borders with france.

Even worse

I'm not even from france though.

Route C til the end it's good.

Route A and B is boring as shit

Route A and C are good. B sucks really bad.

Yes and it was pretty shit. I know that 9S isn't like MC at all.

Crack when

Bought it yesterday, 8 hours later, it's definitely worth it for me. If you like jRPGs and character action games, it'll be worth it for you too.

Route B is the same as Route A with instakills, how is it less good? It's literally the same with a couple of new segments.

>If you're hesitant, wait for crack.

this, the version of denuvo it's running on was cracked just last week.

>why did 2B care so much for 9S if they just met?
Fuck off and finish the game, faggot.

>But seriously though, is this game any good?Pros
- Great slashing action
- Extremely comfy
- Great soundtrack
- 110% weaboo story
- Edgy as fuck characters
- All the assets went into modelling 2B's ass, rest of the game looks like stylish PS3 game.

Still very good and very enjoyable game capable of squeeze a lot of adrenalin during boss fights while being really soothing during exploration.

Just bought it, should I use controller or M&K?

M&K is nearly unplayable


Ok cheers buddy.

M&K lacks dedicated dodge button which is essential.

its good because its good what more do you need

Thanks lads.

A2 is best girl.


Meant this guyThanks bud.

Yes. Don't let Sup Forums overhype it though.

>Don't let Sup Forums overhype it
OP didn't as about Zelda, silly user.

It's the best fucking game that's come out this year.

The one thing I don't agree with everybody is the game's potential to make the player sentimental; I never really felt like this at any given part. Or maybe not with the strength other people have. I certainly felt things for the characters, but they were rather lukewarm. My emotional climax came in Ending E.

Music is probably the best in any game, ever. Only OG Nier and Bloodborne can compete. The game's use of dynamic music is nothing short of genius.

Gameplay is fucking amazing. As the devs have said repeatedly, this game is primarily an ARPG, so it may not have the same depth of a game like Bayonetta or DMC3, but you can get pretty crazy if you want to. The plug-in chip system allows for a good amount of combat customization, as do the Pod programs and weapon combinations. I liked it more than Rising, if that tells you anything.

The story is easy to follow and appreciate on your first playthrough of the game, all the while having moments where you can understand a character's rather unexplained actions - be it a body movement or dialogue. True to their word, one doesn't have to play Nier in order to fully grasp the story, yet their are documents and weapon stories referencing the first game throughout that not only add richness to the overall tale, but they can be tackled at the player's leisure. As much as people like to shout "ANIME GAME!," Automata doesn't really have a lot anime moments, story-wise. It takes on themes of philosophy and human nature that are cornerstones in the discipline of existentialism that reflect the human struggle to find meaning in a meaningless world, without feeling too mushy or unnecessarily emotional about the whole thing. I think a key moment in the game is when the player finds out why Androids and machines are so much alike, yet so different.

>hurr durr it's weeb bait
>it's so generic edgy anime lol

How do I know that these people have neither played a single taro game nor watched any anime in their lives
The people I've seen praise this game the most aren't even weebs, it's same type of people who enjoy stuff like planescape torment. It's just a good story that doesn't force feed its themes and rewards the patient and open minded player.

Get the game but don't go through the entire game on a quest to get your contrarian dick wet and show v how superior you are for not falling for le animoo maymays.

I bought it for $39.99 last week at Best Buy. Even then, it's about $15 too much. Farming levels and chips (to become ridiculously overpowered) is what eats up the most time.

If you ever do buy the game, don't patch until route B.

honestly 2be did nothing for me, just saw her as a generic taro character
but a2 man truly something special

It's a button masher.

Playing the same shit over again is not good. It's fun the first time, why do they make you backtrack.

>Ending E is happy


>he didn't read the emil head descriptions

>character action games

neck yourself

It's pretty fun. It's not worth 60 dollars. After getting 100+ hours in one playthrough of persona and 200 on Witcher I can't honestly reccomend it full price. It'll drop in price soon. Just wait

To be fair it's only the storyquests that you need to replay and Route A/B Story is rather short if you actually focus doing it.

shit square enix

A2 is the "generic Taro character" though


Same shit, different game.

Everything else was left like shit.

Let me hear your interpretation of the heads

shut up she's special and way better then 2b

>doesn't force feed its themes
>literally opens with white screen narration about the cycle of life

Best game of all time takes full advantage of its medium

Theyre trapped inside a cycle. The entire events of the game are doomed to repeat over and over again. Beyond the Emil heads, remember that quote where they mentioned that machines would constantly repeat the same mistakes (if a dictatorship failed, they'd simply make another one). And what are androids but machines? Unless you find happiness within the miserable cycle, there can be no happy resolution in automata

And you got ass blasted by this?

If anything, the soundtrack is easily among the best of all time.

Not everyone caught that. Most people wrote it off as "le edgy anime bullshit", but if you played through the game and took the time to read some item descriptions you'd find that they literally are within a cycle.

What a stupid comparison, 2B is much more like MD Geist for having a cold personality and for following orders complyingly like a soldier unlike 9S.

Our memories are only copies, so they're pretty vague. That android wearing black... I have the feeling I've met her before. She had a complicated look on her face, but I can't remember anything...

that's all there is of relevance beyond the fact that the androids having reconstructed their network which doesn't mean much without context

machines reconstructed the network, not androids.

>replying to people who didn't finish the game

Bought that fucking soundtrack, too. And the original nier soundtrack.

You don't even have to finish the game to know the difference. 9S is a "yes ma'am" beta cuck

Do you also remember why they keep repeating the mistakes? It's not because shit the bed once in a while and just go "Yep let's do it again for no reason whatsoever". The inherent problem of the behavior of those machines is that machines blow up, respawn but lose all their memories.

Memories are the single most driving factor and the reason why one gets the chance to escape their programmed fate. It's why YoRHa Androids go against YoRHa and try to escape the battle. It's the same with 9S, he keeps repeating the same things over and over again because his memories get wiped after getting killed by 2B for sniffing around to much. Saying that both machines and Androids keep repeating their mistakes is inherently wrong unless we are talking about them starting from a blank state..

I am torn between P5 OST and Nier OST. Both are absolutely fucking GOAT and both I doubt will be topped this year.

>for once Persona OST isn't shitty budget Rap
>can't play it because don't want to buy a console for one or two games
Life is suffering.

Buy a modded PS3. That is what? 150 for the entire PS3 library and Persona 5.

Holy shit I completely forgot it was released on both consoles.
Brb buying.

Tell me user, did you play through ending c

Did you play with dub? 9s is sly in the nip audio. Lame with English.

You can just buy a ps4 second hand for that kinda money.

Nah I already have a PS3

Honestly, I love it just for its value as art. Even if it's not any kind of high quality art.

99% of the time I'm "gameplay is more valuable than story", but Yoko Taro does feel very much like one of the few true artists in the industry, because he does actually try to intertwine the story and the game and the music and the visuals into a complete, cohesive experience where you need to appreciate all parts equally to fully appreciate the whole package, something that very few other directors/writers ever really do.

It is games like these that convince me to say that video games are valid as a medium for art, even if I would argue that not all games are art in the same way that not all movies are art because there's cheap cash grabs and utterly formulaic bullshit all over the place.

Like most of the time with other games it's either a cinematic experience that focuses on providing a touching or impactful story, with lacklustre gameplay, or it's got fucking fantastic gameplay but pretty shit story, or both are kind of decent but they're still kind of SEPARATED, like you're getting story and game beside each other rather than mixed together into a single thing.

Also it's worth noting that, even if the execution is somewhat cheesy and cliche at times, there's always a certain spark of a soul to these stories. Something I have difficulty pinpointing. Something that's kept me coming back ever since Drakengard.