Oh fuck I remember this.
>Not being jack of all trades
>master of none
Did they ever end up finishing this? I don't even remember any sex in the version that I played.
he did.
"A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one"
is the full quote, retard
you could tickle that one girls bumhole. That's the only thing I remember
>Same haircut for all 4
you gotta be kidding me
>drug dealer bald
>playful styled
>intelligent crazy hair
>casual short hair
Enjoy getting wrecked by glass cannons.
is this simgirl or ganguro girl? memories of both seem to melt together into one
why isn't there a counter to charm?
seems heavily unbalanced.
>>intelligent crazy hair
arr rook same western edition
>Not studying all day and getting them high test scores
>Getting your ass kicked in every fight but still being able to read
Fucking casuals, all of you.
HAHA YEAH BRO I totally read that cracked article about top five misquotes too!
Was this the Dark Souls before Dark Souls?
Criminal for that sweet sweet drug money
IIRC you bang practically everything
>that time traveler who tries to neuter you becomes your sex slave
>save option girl is your FOB
>fuck the girls you can date
>criminal has a scar
Criminal was best because you could save scum drug dealing for shit tons of cash.