Can anyone explain to me what the fuck this is?

Can anyone explain to me what the fuck this is?

Morrowind always had weird weapons but this just takes the fucking cake

an axe

Never played Morrowind but what you have there is one stylish looking axe.

a weapon

A tip-heavy curved blade on a stick.

An axe?

What's weird about it?



Looks like a nunchuck to me. Trust me I've watched Battletoads many times and know everything about Korean culture.

It's like a regular fantasy 2 bladed axe, but they filled in the top with another axe head and now it's one giant axe head. It's fucking badass.

Because of the advanced composition of Dwarven Metals, nobody knows how to melt them down and reforge them.

Most Dwarven weapons and armor are actually re-purposed bits of scrap.

That "axe" for example is part of a Dwarven Pendulum trap that has been refitted with a grip.


You need a youtube series. 10 Second long videos BTFOing all the shitty meme questions that get asked here on a daily basis.

>nobody knows how to melt them down

Its a sphere

How did I not see this

It's a tool used to put bread in/out the oven.


It's a spin2win weapon.

>recognize the axe as Dwemer
>see this post
noooooo I was going to say that

Ignore this user. It's really a dwemer pizza cutter.


Morrowind was the only game with unique-looking weapons. Oblivion and Skyrim just fucked it up.

An axe you can stab with because that's the only reason the top of the axe needs to be sharp.