With Fate: Grand Order being released in english soon, are you going to play it?
With Fate: Grand Order being released in english soon, are you going to play it?
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I've actually never read, watched, or played any Fate thing and I don't think I should start with this one.
You just reminded me of this.
>they're not just giving it an English option like Granblue already does so everyone who's been playing the Japanese version has to start all over
Hell naw.
Waifu basically got announced and the english version is coming so I've got no excuses to not play it anymore.
As long as they don't ban rooted phones like fucking pokeGO I'll try it out
I am not unrooting for a game
No I don't play mobage trash out of principle. I'll leave the getting milked by rigged gambling systems to the Nips.
I might try it out if it won't be blocked on emulators like the japanese version. I'm not buying a new phone because they can't optimize for shit.
TABA in english when
This, massive oversight. It'll probably flop.
God, I hope it flops.
All it takes for it to flop is for the people behind it to think west gives half the fuck about fate that japan does and try to jew them out because of that
The rates are still gonna be 1% for a 5* servant, so no.
I've been playing the Japanese one since release and I only have 7
>ban rooted phones
The fuck?
I'll play it only for the cute girls, really.
It will. Games like Shironeko Project, Rage of Bahamuth and Monster Strike have failed despite the massive popularity in Japan. You can't get away with gacha unless you are a really popular brand in the west like Dragon Ball and Fire Emblem.
You mean cock-hungry sluts
Cock hungry sluts can be cute sometimes. Those things aren't mutually exclusive.
Shes a cock hungry slut.
I don't think my poor little phone can handle it, unless I can turn off the particles and stuff
I'll stick to jp, thanks
I thought it was just a visual novel for anime fans ?
I plan to whale like a motherfucker.
Nintendo and Niantic do it
Kitty Matthew best Matthew.
>soulless gacha that only exists to print money
nah I simply won't fall that low, it's tempting though.
>Puzzle and Dragons
I have never played a Fate game before, so I probably won't.
there are only like 4 cock hungry sluts
amazingly enough, all of them are yandere
Even though I'm a huge Fatefag with a hard-on for Nasu worldbuilding, I refuse to play mobage trash. So no.
Only if you cheat on them
fate is probably more popular than fire emblem overall. fire emblem heroes is only doing well because nintendo is such a powerhouse when it comes to brand recognition, the game itself as it stands is mediocre as hell, the gameplay is dumbed down and theres not enough waifus, not to mention almost no actual content to do
compared to fire emblem, fate has far more far reaching content. theres movies, several anime, games, VN, etc. fire emblem at best has like 3 relevant games to the modern audience
>huge Fatefag
>doesn't play FGO
Nice lie.
Fate is far more popular than FE, FE is a pathetic joke in comparison. But this is the west we're talking about, not Japan.
I don't think it'll flop though, the various anime and even the VN have been quite popular here.
>everyone enjoys getting fed shit
I played FGO since launch day for a few months, until I realized I just wasn't having fun (around when London came out, I believe). I've probably been into Type-Moon for longer than you. Now back to your containment general.
I am but I'll need to figure out how to hack my phone to make it say I'm american so I can get it.
You wouldn't mash an eggplant, would you?
Fate's (and TM's in general) western market is borderline non-existent. It's above average by anime-orientated media standards but that's about it.
Unlimited Codes, Extra and probably Extella didn't perform amazingly. FGO despite being popular in nipland is going to turn off tons of people by being gatcha, and crossover between people into something like Fate and also willing to shill out for mobage micropayments is going to be narrow as hell.
It might not flop, but it's probably not going to do well either.
The biggest hit to FGO NA is that all the Fatefags are already almost 2 years invested into their JP accounts. And also, the majority of the Fate English community are actually from SEA, so they'll still have to jump through the same hoops that people playing JP already do, since they'll still be region excluded. NA is gonna be dead as fuck. They're doomed to fail.
I'd pump her so full of cum she'd reek of my seed for days even after bathing.
Does this game have any multiplayer component, or reliance on other people?
For example, you literally can't play Puzzle & Dragon without people on your friend list, and I hate that deeply.
You don't even have to interact with the people on your friends list though, autismo.
But you can't play the leaders you want to (in puzzle & dragon) without having them in your friend list, I mean.
I know it's hard for you, but don't be a retard.
Will I be able to get Shiki still?
I'd plunge my erect penis so deep inside her the person who extracted me from her would be crowned next king of the Britons.
All events will be run on the NA server. So yes.
So just -having- people on your friends list, that you don't have to interact with ever, bothers you? I do not understand these levels of sperg.
I'm playing the japanese and I have plenty of rares. I won't play the english, it will outdated as fuck.
Best Saber or bestest Saber?
So what is the gameplay like, though?
Wait is it only coming to NA? I'm EU
But that's a Lancer.
Repetitive grindy shit.
Also FGO at release was terrible, Im not saying its a revolutionary mobage now but its much more bearable with the updates that improved the overall animation, game design, menus, etc
>release a two year old game
>with the content it had at release two years ago
>in a region where all of 14 Servants have any recognition
>and where barely anyone knows about Fate
>with terrible gacha rates
>and all the whales are going to stay on Japan server and even if you IP ban them they'll probably quit in protest
So how quickly will this die?
you'll just download it through quoapp
Here watch it:
Its a combo system where with shuffle card related to characters attack, if you get 3 of the same character they can execute a four one, if np is full they can also trigger their special.
also this. It get repetitive because to get exp for your character you need to smash those golden things in the vid as well as do other daily quest tons of time to get materials for their ascencion.
Good thing is that any chara can go to their max level and you don't need a copy of them, that only improve their special power only.
Gameplay doesn't matter. the only thing that matters is art and waifus/husbandos.
Just download the NA .apk
Unless you're an iCuck. In that case get fucked.
Is there any sort of stamina or play-time limit?
>Good thing is that any chara can go to their max level and you don't need a copy of them
That's a very helpful detail, thank you
This is a VERY dangerous beast. Do NOT approach it!
Of course there's stamina are you retarded?
>Is there any sort of stamina or play-time limit?
It's a mobage. Of course there is.
I want to see a yandere cold war where all of them want to kill each other but they're too afraid of mutually assured destruction to make the first move.
cough Granblue cough Shironeko cough
I tried reading the VN a few weeks ago. I really couldn't get into it.
I don't think the west cares that much about FSN unfortunately. Not only that, those that do probably played the Jap version anyway and they wouldn't want to lose out on their progress and characters.
Out of all my friends who have played FGO in Jap, none of them are planning on playing the Eng version because they don't want to start over. The ones that like FSN but never played FGO aren't interested because its a phone game as well.
I'm literally the only one I know who is planning on playing it
Both of those games are outliers with ridiculous grinds and asshole tearing gachas. You're stupid for bringing them up.
This isn't really my area of expertise, sorry.
Any other tips?
Best Arturia
Honest question, why is Mashu being localised as Mash? like, I get that might be her actual fucking name but it sound pretty stupid. Leaving it as Mashu sounds way better, even if its technically wrong.
Check the main FGO website if you don't believe me
I'll give you Shironeko, but Granblue does.
>with ridiculous grinds and asshole tearing gachas
According to this FGO is no better, anything else?
drown you in red bottles
>tfw your waifu's artist doesn't give a fuck
At least she has decent fanart
Nips literally have no pronounciation for "Mash"
Can you still do in-app purchases with that? I'm actually willing to spend a bit of money to get best girl Altera
FGO has a generous rate of 1%.
Probably, yes. I've needed to get an actual smartphone, so that seems like a good enough excuse as any.
Wasn't there a guy who took out loans to roll multiples of a character? I thought he was doing that because you needed multiples to fully level.
Fatecucks must be really desperate to fall for a game like this then
Disclaimer: I don't dislike fatefags but I really have hard time believing anyone sane can stand this
Because she makes you want to smash her pussy. That body was made for breeding.
I don't think anyone legitimately enjoys themselves playing this.
Most other game percentages are decimals so this is on the better end.
Does it require recent & good phones to be able to run?
You should be able to. I used qooapp to get granblue on my phone and was able to cough over some $$$
No he took out loans from the Yakuza to try and roll his waifu that had an abysmal rate. I don't know if he got her in the end or not though.
You can run the game on emulators on PC, if you want. It's also a good way to get around region restrictions.
no, never(Yes)
That's cool, maybe I'll have to go with that.
I'm just trying to imagine that. How does one even contact the yakuza to make such a stupid loan anyway? How much did he borrow? Is his waifu good or shit?
No, that was Granblue I believe and he was very stupid. He saw in the banner a character that wasn't included in the gatcha and assumed she was, but you can actually check all the included character if you hit "detail" options, he never did.
It was a dick move of the company as well, never happened again. Funny thing the company as an apology gave out tons of free crystals and stamina potion to every registered players.
I may pick it up just for the cute girls
A lot of Japanese games does it. Also from research, streaming apps like to do it as well.
You definitely cannot run FGO on PC with any emulator.
You think? Aforementioned Granblue has 3/6% chances, many games on the market have around 5% rates like Chain Chronicle or Tagatame no Alchemist, Record Keeper has 12% for 5* gear and 1% for 6* gear but you are guaranteed at least one 5* on 10-roll. 1% in FGO sounds pathetic in comparison especially given that from what I was told by you guys, this also includes non-characters
Wait when was that?
FGO in japanese is impossible to run it with emulator. The first version of the games you could but now since last year they banned emulator users and you couldn't run the game with them.
No the 1% is for the characters only. It's a total of 5% for all 5*s in general but yea the rates are still low.
>Wait when was that?
January/February 2016 if Im not wrong.