Meanwhile, on Bizarro Sup Forums ....
Meanwhile, on Bizarro Sup Forums
i enjoy video games
I love videogames
Man video games are so fun! I can't wait to get home and play some.
I respect your opinion.
Traps aren't gay.
I play videogames!
I am attracted to women.
You guys are the best, I love discussing the vast array of high quality video games available with you all
This thread
I do too!
I wish I could be like anthony burch. Damn dobson is such great artist and shares same opinions with me!
There's a place for all consoles and PC in the market.
Traps ARE gay you mean
meanwhile on bizarro Sup Forums
SJWs make the best games!
The PS4 has games!
Warframe is better than 95% of AAA games thats touched down this year. I suggest everyone here download Warframe, it's F2P also.
I think we overreacted about Mass Effect Andromeda
video games suck
You didn't buy another remaster, did you user? When are you gonna learn fiscal responsibility?
The switch is the best console ever
I'm sorry Todd, I just.. Well, you know me. I love Skyrim so much, and the Special Edition was so good I had to gift it to all my friends.
man i cant wait for the next call of duty, i wonder what innovative changes will be made to the series next
botw is goty
i just pre-orderd an early access game
Sonic Adventure is a classic.
To be honest, I think Sonic Adventure 2 is better than Sonic 2
I want to live!
Zoe Quinn is great, the best game developer in this industry.
>he didn't pirate my game and save money
I don't have a problem with females
Is 2017 the best year for Western games ever? So many good games out this year.
>He thinks micro-transactions are the cancer of videogames
Me too! They have brought nothing but happiness to my life and I'm glad I have spent so much of my time on them!
Sup Forums caused the TORtanic, so they can claim it as a victory
Me too!
Emulation is shit, scannlines and crt monitors ftw
The Zero Suit helps illustrate Samus as a strong, independant bounty hunter who takes orders from no-one.
i am in love with leigh alexander
The Teacher in Persona 5 is a filthy whore! thank god Sup Forums doesn't waifu her and actually choose the neet
>Post yfw you're not Anthony Burch
This is no place for waifu discussions damnit.
moot did nothing wrong, it is ok to fuck a grrrl from gawker.
Hiro does not sell our data! Trust me!
all of these fags are just pretending they arent from bizzaro Sup Forums because it doesnt exist haha foiled your joke idiots
>wake up
>be excited for another day full of joy and hapiness
your waifu is shit.
I hate Reisen!
I like *game series* best but even though *game series 2* isn't up my alley I can understand why others enjoy it so much.
oh hey, it's the ralph shill
Don't blame you, most early access games are completed on time and pretty good so far.
what site can i download BBfix from?
really want to remove the CA but steam deletes any thread asking about it
>tfw gf
Me three
Good thing good times always last forever and we have nothing to worry because we all have it good always
Should've just bought the GoG version. It comes with it already installed.
Borderlands is so great, can't wait for third one I LOVE THOSE MEMES DOOD
I had a dream where I was him once
then I woke up...
Poor Randy Pitchford, he did the best he could
I don't judge video games before they're released. Nor do I make sweeping generalization about genres or games produced by Japan/Western countries.
Also, modern video games are just as good as old ones.
>ennemies can't open doors
shit game lads
How's it going my fellow Sup Forumseterans? Just came home from work, my gf made me my favorite food, and now I'm down to play some BoTW on my switch, maybe I'll play some Nier:automata later on m PS4. Life's good, I enjoy being alive!
time for your daily dose Sup Forums
Sadly, it's really my life
I respect and love the frogs, keep posting as much as you can
i'm really glad Tim Buckley's child has grown into a fine young man
I don't like Donald Trump, but realize politics aren't suitable for discussing on this board.
TF2 was such a shit game I'm glad it didn't last over a year imagine what it would be like now after all these years...
Doc, thanks.
>American level
>"Fortunate son" by Creedence Clearwater Revival starts playing
well I am glad to share the love!
I hate video games.
Smart frogposter
>tfw finally got to play God Hand and it is shit
Why does Sup Forums shill this game so much? If i wanted to play as a fucking tank i'd play Ace Combat
So good that his wife never had complications or anything
I sure love talking about video games! mods are gods! redditfugees welcome! new people welcome! I love diversity and love SJW! Sup Forums please stay! White isn't right! Multiculturalism FTW!
I'm really looking foward to those new Chinese and Korean mmo's, the grind, the cashshop, the p2w aspect, good stuff
It blows my mind how deep and thought provking Sonic is.
Truly the most sophisticated franchise.
OP is straight as an arrow as usual
I love you all, but now I have to go, lots of places to have fun out there that need me.
Overwatch is great!
I love how hardcore it is.
It's worth owning a console! AAA games are good!
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Horizon Zero Dawn are both pretty good games and I'm glad we all enjoyed them a lot.
I hope I'll live a long life
All you people clearly don't come from Reddit, and I appreciate your presence on Sup Forums and want you to stay.
You are straight
I love minorities and enjoy playing with them in online games. Especially women. They always know what they are doing and never seek attention.
I cat is not fine too.
What's Sega's next console gonna be?
West sure makes great games!