it's gonna be delayed
It's gonna be delayed
Gonna be shit anyway. Rockstar only cares about online (and jewing people with microtransactions) now
I do find the price of shark cards to be absolutely ridiculous since you can just spawn infinite money
>rockstar cared about online ONCE
I'm cool with that
>go into game
>hacker spams screen and drops money from everyones head
>ALT-F4 immediately
>log in a day later
mang just give yourself money don't fuck us over
Most likely, though at least it's gonna get released at all unlike a PC version *snickers*
>make a thread about a game being delayed
>sony nigger comes in and NEVER EVERs
this is why we get a bad rap
It's their most recent game though
>Be Me
>Use mods to dick with people but if they were good sports I would spawn them money after
>Obviously give me and all my friends money to buy everything we wanted then give us more money just because
>Fill an apartment with maxed out most expensive car at the time
>Get banned for a week
>Come back they took all my money but not my items
>Sell the garage I made just encase this happened
>Come out on top
Tell me again it wasn't worth.
First game wasn't any good. I expect nothing from this one.
>PCancer using "sony nigger"
>pretending to be a PS4theAlpha
Fucking pathetic, kill yourself kid.
>i-i-i-i played Bloodborne i swear!
you think theyll just stop with the microtransactions after GTAO? that theyll never include the ridiculous grinding nature of GTAO into future games because it incentivizes the purchase of their shark cards? you really think they wont sacrifice a worth while single player for their multiplayer "experience" again like they did with GTAV?
I haven't played since 2014. Wonder if my billions are still there.
Git gud
>Took all my money
>Took all my items
>Took all my shit
>Reset me to level 1
Was pretty pissed, at least it gave me a good reason to stop ever coming back to that shitty game
what are you even talking about
I literally use buzzwords for eat group of people
It's easier for identification that way, no I didn't play bloodborne though
Fuck off with MMO progression and just give us a sandbox.
Ofcourse it will be delayed. Videogames always are no shit Sherlock.
To be fair, if they delay it, it means they're taking their time to make it good.
kek sucks to suck I guess.
I pretty much got away with everything. The only downside is that it's annoying to go through every article of clothing to try and make an outfit and its annoying to scroll through the Pegasus line up.
Way to show just how much of a fucking pathetic PCancer you are.
>I'll use the least mean buzzword for my group!!
Kill yourself
Have they delayed anything since GTA IV?
Anyway, if this game has multiple protags again, I hope it's only two. Having three in the last GTA was spreading it a bit thin imo.
>least mean buzzword
literally just trying to get around the filter bud calm down aspie
Rockstar cares about money. Online makes more money than a single-player campaign.
Where is the single-player DLC for GTA5?
There can't be THAT many people buying virtual money that you get by doing missions, right?
>fag isn't a mean insult
found the faggot
They've made over 1 billion dollars in profit from Shark Cards alone like last year.
>least mean
The fuck is this kindergarden speak?
Where are all these newfags coming from?
Oh right, summer came early.
Been lurking since 2005, bud. Try again.
>le summer
>le newfag
why would you out yourself so easily
>play a mission that takes 10 to 20 minutes
>get a payout of ~8k
>play a heist mission
>setup takes an 45 to an hour total
>mission itself takes 20 minutes with minimal margin of error
>playing with randoms makes you hundred times more likely to fail
>measly payout of 125k to 250k
>most car and gun upgrades cost ~20k to ~50k
fact is, the economy of this game is so fucked and geared towards making people believe that shilling out 50 bucks to basically buy all you need to have fun with this online mode is the more sensible option
Not looking forward to it if they approach it how they did with GTAO
>If we make EVERYTHING overpowered and obnoxious then NOTHING is overpowered and obnoxious :D
>Buy horse cards pls
Maybe the single player won't suck
You mean 2009, but nice try.
You should be asking yourself that.
Maybe there won't be a single-player campaign in RDR2.
No, I mean 2005. Started posting in 2007. Fuck off, nigger.
they wouldnt do that
wow, dude you're so cool
>do you want this epic mount?
>enjoy grinding like hell or buy it now with your gold card