Evil path rewards you more

>evil path rewards you more
>only negative part from evil path is the ending, no penalties

>Evil path is undoubtedly the most fun, with more lore, conversations, character reactions, tougher bosses, and arguably better music
>Never know this because I instinctively choose Hero every time


>Evil path is easier, skips entire sections of the game overall
>miss out on rewards because everyone is as charitable as Bill Gates when you're good but don't own anything to steal when you're bad

>Evil Path has no downside because that's how real life works.

>can make your party members kill each other

Fallout 3 had some damn good mean dialogues

Fuck it, I'm going to admit it...
I liked the Cat in the Hat movie. I laughed a lot when I watched it.

>evil path rewards you more
this is how it should be
being good should be a handicap

>can make one girl your evil mistress and mindrape the other one by enslaving her with an evil armor's spirit

that scene where you're dark side with bastila and talking with the republic fleet gives me a fucking boner

>tfw no loyal evil gf who genocides the republic for you

I was talking about Jade Empire, you should play it

>Game rewards you more for being the good guy
>Ending hurts because it was all in vain

if they expand on the evil gf motif i just might

I hate how dishonored did this. The combat is a lot of fun, but it always feels like the game punishes you for killing people.

Of course it does. You're punished for killing people because you're making things easier for yourself by killing them. Why wouldn't the game become more difficult to compensate for your playstyle?

>Game has moral choice system
>Only the first one matters because it's actually detrimental to not stick with one side the whole game

Radiata Stories A.k.a Human path.

>The evil path makes you feel genuinely evil

I tried. It runs choppy as absolute fuck on my 290 and 6600k. I don't know why it's so fucked.

the gameplay has aged like milk anyway

>evil side gives you better rewards, cooler and more powerful abilities, tons of gold to buy whatever it doesn't give you and is non-stop action packed fun
>good side slowly amps up the rewards but never comes closer to the evil side, leaves you needing to grind money, has fetch quests for little old ladies out the ass, and only has the advantage of a more diverse and fun cast of allies
>pick good side every time anyway because Good is Right

Here, i always try to go for the morality in games like that, even when the good choice is shit.


>Evil path doesn't give you any rewards
>Good path is just better in almost every way
>no reason to ever pick evil


Human path was so much fucking fun. I need to replay that game


>not going good guy first playthrough, then bad guy for the second so you already know the decisions and can maximize the amount of evil you do

bg2. That being said, the evil characters in bg are fucking BORING. Edward and Korgen are okay, but they can't touch minsc

>Allies are all goody goodies.
>Don't try to stop you or even voice discontent when you do bad stuff.

>Evil path makes your rival good
>replay the game, but being good instead
>Good path makes your rival evil

>enslaving her with an evil armor's spirit
I remember your chosen lover becomes evil by the power of love, but I don't remember being able to use that Death's Hand to do that.

>Play through undertale
>Get railed on for not being perfect good guy
>Give up and play how the game wants you to play it
>Ok story, only the characters really carry it
>Decide to try the evil path for lore and challenge
>Constantly shits on you but its ok cause you can reset time
>Manage to beat final boss
>Lean all this stuff
>Game then punishes you with a permanent bad end
>Say how that's BS
>Fan boys then proceed to say its to deep for you

Why the fuck would you as a game dev or even as an artist lock away big portions of a game then proceed to punish the player for trying to unlock it. Undertale really needed to get off its high horse.

>Game actively mocks you for choosing the evil path
>The good path has shit tier gameplay compared to any other entry in the series
Fucking Fates.


Pick one. Hoshido were the real bad guys. Fuck Takumi

>Game makes a big deal about how you have to cast aside power if you want to be a good guy
>Your character isn't actually weaker during gameplay as a result
The first two that come to mind are Bioshock and Fable

Evil path in infamous is shit. Shittier story. Shittier powers. Shittier outfit. Shittier everything.

Persona 5

God I played that game at least 4 times through when I was younger. Good shit. Probably spent a year of my life waiting for those loading screens, though

that's accurate to real life m8

It's not locked away and permanent bad end is hardly a punishment, nor permanent.

>you can either make everyone hate you to get enough money to fight the ancient evil
>or you can make parks and shit and everyone will love you but you won't have any money
>or you can just buy every single building and raise the rent to maximum and then do all of the 'good' moral choices so that everyone likes you and you can save the day

Christ I completely forgot about Fable 3, they missed the point completely TWICE in one series. I was talking about the first game- you have to either kill your sister or throw the sword away. If you throw it away the game immediately rewards you with another sword that has identical stats for being such a good person. How is this a choice?

yes it is. It overwrites the game code to give you the worse ending every time after doing a geno run. The only fix is to use a hack if its on steam.

Radiata's Stories had such a retarded story that it wasn't good vs evil but dumb vs dumber.

That's not permanent, you just proved it.

hacks dont count. By that logic you can play as Luigi and super mario 64 by hacking him in, or you can save person X by hacking the game. You can do anything with hacks but it isn't legit

And you have no reason to side with them because they aren't related by blood either

Correct, you can do those things.

same, but not gonna rewatch since i'm sure it would go on my shit list if i did

Both those swords are shit anyways. You can make a better custom sword.

It was fun.

what game
asking for a friend

>TFW most games don't let you take a neutral path, you're either a saint or an asshole



Fable had a rival?

>evil side has shit rewards and is generally worse than the good one but you pick it anyway
Who /devilish/ here?

>game lets you switch between evil and nice personas

because undertale's primary goal is pomo bs, sounds like it was actually 2deep4u

Yeah, Whisper.

Fable 3 was super fucking shit. Fable 2 at least had choices.
>get money
>save a bunch of randos that don't matter
>save your dog and family I guess

Same, the cooking show bit with the cupcake maker gets me everytime. I'm kind of glad Sup Forums tried to make a meme out of the whole thing.

But why would you let her live instead of killing for a couple thousand gold in the arena?

>Good or evil ending is tied into a single moral choice
>That moral choice is "don't murder this intentionally annoying character"
>Evil path has a way better ending/final boss

that whole game is shit. enjoyed it for around an hour before i became bored with every aspect of it. quickest turn-around of my opinion on any game


what a dumb idea for a character. the mechanics are a mess too, tactics ogre is overrated

I heard that the final boss is unbeatable in the evil path

it's one of those "after you do enough damage to them a cutscene plays where something explodes/otherwise knocks the boss away and you escape while he gets up mostly unharmed" deals

Undertale's genocide run is dogshit though. You have to start the game over and grind every spawn room for half an hour, then get the fucking "...but nobody came" message every 4 steps until you finally beat the game. The only reason anyone should even consider playing it is the boss battles (which are the best in the game I'll admit), but the Pacifist run is definitely better.

>get bitched at if you're good
>get bitched at if you're evil
>get bitched at for not picking neutral options every time
>most decisions don't even have neutral options, except for some pointless dialogue

>tfw "evil" path is not only the better choice gameplay wise, but also has the best ending, and is arguably better morally

You shut your goddamn face, Vyce Bozeck and Law Route is the dopest shit

chaos route vyce is a retarded edgelord

law started off strong but was disappointing when they made me kill the duke anyway instead of going full law

>play evil path the whole time
>get the strongest ranged weapon purely thanks to my evilness
>exploit money
>donate a country's treasure to a church
>good path activated
Fable was a nice game

it was pretty managable when I realized that if I just hold a direction down and then click out of the window when not in fullscreen you would automatically walk until a fight spawned regardless of where you are

It's disappointing that it happens, but it makes the decision a reasonable one. Ronway was a shit leader who had one decent strategical decision, and ultimately Denam turning said decision around on him was the smartest thing he could have done.

Law was such a fantastic story, shit.

>The evil path varies from ends justify the means to batshit insane

>undertale fan fails to defend their shit game

I always do this because the first time I play a game, I'm slowly falling in love with the world in it
I feel so guilty for not doing everything perfect
The second time I try not to care that much so I can be evil and do all the stupid shit I was afraid of doing

>Game has two choices
>Second coming of Christ
>Edgy asshole for no reason

Why is so much shit in games stupid black/white decisions. Why do they force it in your face saying "THIS CHOICE IS BAD"

>Game shits on you for being Jesus incarnate for no reason
>Game shits on you for being a stupid evil asshole for no reason
>Game shits on you even harder for not taking sides
Love you Kreia, you'll always be canon to me

making reasonable decisions is neutral, not law

law was an ok neutral route


they added the identical-powered sword in the lost chapters. but without the dlc, the game immediately ends so the sword is still a bullshit choice

I think the lesson is: Life will always shit on you no matter your morale compass.

>go down evil path
>make nothing but evil decisions
>get to final moral decision before endgame
>accidentally choose good option
>get neutral ending

nothing worse than a brilliant pupil who refuses to learn. She teaches you everything twice and still ends up having to do it herself

He said evil path

it doesnt "overwrite" game code, it makes a save file.
if you have steam, the only reason its so hard to get rid of is because steam cloud is an utter piece of shit and you have no proper way of managing those files.
otherwise, just clear out your appdata/local/undertale folder, unless deleing files is to much of a "hack" for you.

It's not about being physically able to get rid of it. You could delete everything and reinstall it, you could play on another pc, etc.
The creator designed the game so that the genocide run changes it "forever".

>Binary morality systems

>take evil path
>become so evil you have the allies from the good path uniting to take you on, even going so far as to ally with the big bads and ancient evils
>as well as allying with psychos and rape victims

soul nomad is a goddamn treasure. More people need to play it.

>permanent bad end

chara lets you reset if you stay on the black screen for 10 minutes, though chara always murders your family if you go for the true end

>Game gives different armor sets depending on your alignment choices
>Evil choice is grimdark edgy shit
>Good choice is flamboyant gay shit

>game has magic mask that conceals your identity
>wearing the mask while doing bad shit doesn't affect your person because magic

Grey Cowl was one of the best items ever made

Because the story, lore, and characters within the game are poorly fleshed-out and shallow, so Toby used le epic meta shit like crashing the game and hidden files that lock you into a bad end to make his game seem "deep" because he can't write good metafiction without relying on shitty gimmicks.