I fucking love space and I just finished Interstellar
I need a space videogame to fill this void is pic related good enough? does it have cool world designs like in the movie? like frozen clouds does it keeps being fun after a while for people who love to chill and have fun? I did this in ETS2
Luke Peterson
It effectively becomes Euro Truck Sim in space with less depth once the shininess wears off and the devs seem determined to not solve its problems
John Rivera
Elite looks good and has good controls, too bad there is literally nothing to do in it besides look at pretty planets and grind for the next ship. Yes you can land on the planets and roll around in a rover but you need an expansion for that, and again its just to look at the pretty planet up close.
Nolan Long
you mean -literally- nothing?
Hunter Jackson
>Truck Sim in space If only it had in an game radio and warp gates instead of flying into the sun.
Brandon Perez
X: rebirth Fractured Space Rebel Galaxy
Dominic Foster
Interstellar was a good flick, but I encourage you to watch space film/kino next time.
Brody Moore
what the fuck is kino?
Dylan Nguyen
Worst 40 bucks ive spent this year It was pretty fun for the first 4 to 5 hours or so, then I realised ive experienced everything it has to offer and essentially the whole game boils down to; >land here >get 'mission' >warp there >land there >backtrack >repeat
Maybe it would make sense if you had a VR headset and a HOTAS setup but quite frankly I would not deem this game worth spending 800+ on just to make it worthwhile.
Parker Martinez
Sup Forums memes leaking out of their containment board
Xavier Perry
Un-ironicly literally nothing. as in the actual definition of literal. On top of that its tedious, and I'm saying this as an EVE Online player. The gameplay loop is grind out standings and cash in a ship until you can afford a bigger ship to do more of that same thing you were doing until you hit the largest most efficient ships to do those tasks. Then you just float around in space contemplating why you wasted all of that time for nothing. Unlike other space sims where you can actually build space stations or control territory, thus making the need for bigger more powerful ships necessary, this game doesn't. And the gameplay itself gets tedious because actually flying around in space in the game is annoying. Just going from point A to point B requires you to just sit there watching a speedometer for 5-20 minutes at a time making sure you don't crash into the star of the system you just entered and then trying to not overshoot the station you were going to to. There is no autopilot and no way to just jump straight to the stations/planets. Want to scan a system and be an explorer, unless you have the highest level scanners you have to make a spiral pattern outward in a system to get everything scanned, then you have to manually do a deep scan of each and every object in the system to get paid more for turning in the system data. And again this doesn't do anything for you besides getting paid so you can afford a bigger ship to do the exact same tedious thing.
Aiden Mitchell
holy shit, I thought it was redeemable I guess I'll pass, sad to hear that
meanwhile I'll try these games thank you anons
Tyler Perry
It's not even worth it then.
Zachary Ward
Elite's great to binge on once every 6-8 months. I love the exploration aspect. I don't even really worry about upgrading ships or progression, I just take boom data delivery missions and enjoy the experience. It's not really a proper playstyle, especially since it only works in short bursts over vast stretches of time, but it's well enough that I don't regret the purchase.
If you want more depth, though, you won't find it here. Shame.
Kevin Lopez
Wait, before you go I should expand on them
X:rebirth - should be a elite dangerous analogue except it has more emphasis in interaction with space stations than enjoying the scenery
Fractured Space - fantastic space moba-esque game that's not f2p and skill/teamwork determines victories. On top of that, the environmental team does a splendid job and you'll encounter sectors that have a very nice personality from asteroid fields to onyx space formations to glacial orbits, you'll like it
Rebel Galaxy - very stylized space sim. It's not really a true space sim, in saying that you're limited to a 2d plane. watch some vids and see if you like it. the soundtrack is great though
Sebastian Evans
that's not p2w, it's f2p. I fucked up on the words
Jack Smith
>If only it had in an game radio and warp gates instead of flying into the sun.
and burn jita
Ethan Cooper
thank you user, I'll look into some vids is x:rebirth the new one? I tried X3 but can't remember why I dropped it (I can only remember the green clouds in my face every 3 seconds)
the other two games look nice too is fractured space set into individual games or can you roam freely?
Samuel Scott
So it's literally Level 5 missions, but somehow more annoying?
David Rivera
FS is set on individual games. It's more of if you want to skip the bs of preparing a fleet and you want in on the action immediately, although the learning curve is a bit steep and it's alot more tactical than something like dreadnaught.
X:rebirth is the new one, and at launch it was pretty shit with the bugs and game design. But the team worked hard to fix it and gave a free 4.0 update sometimes last year I think which pretty much fixed everything and made the game completely different in a good way. It usually falls for 10$ during sales and summer is pretty close by if you want to give it a shot
Alexander Hernandez
damn I'm leaning towards x:rebirth will check it out, thanks user
Aaron Jenkins
Watch 2001 instead
Jaxson Cox
Same here, i hope it'll get better with updates
Justin Cooper
Ok, so X3 lover here. I remember trying Rebirth and finding it simple and less compelling. It felt like nothing was happening unless I was the one doing it.
Has that been fixed? Is Rebirth actually worth checking out?
Adam Lee
Don't fall for X Rebirth, it's shit in its core, no matter how hard they try to fix it, I bought it during the last sale and refunded it because it felt so cheaply made and shitty you are much better off with X3 Albion Prelude
Ethan Evans
Yes. update 4.0 changed everything that was wrong about the game
Connor Johnson
I know what type of space game I want, but I don't think it exists.
Combat and movement handled like EVE. A similar equipment system too, but I wouldn't balk at it being more complex. One main difference would be that you can control user-defined fleets of ships, where there's one command vessel you designate and change whenever you like(or when your set one gets blown up) and the others stick to mostly circle/come around/fire when in rage. Lets you define at what distance you want AI ships to begin firing. Outside effective range there's still a % chance of hitting for maybe +35% of effective range, and too far out it flatlines at 0%. Destroyed ships would also leave behind mostly components with some rare intact gear like in EVE as well.
Should have a strong narrative and main storyline. Unlike a lot of space games like this(or Elder Scrolls titles, for that matter) where you're intended to do a little MSQ, then go fuck off gathering rocks for hours but the overall story is actually pretty short if you glue yourself to it, I want this decently long. Say 30 hours if you did nothing but that, possibly shaved to 25 if you know what you're doing and do just a few sidequests for better weapons. I want political interstellar intrigue, planet conquerers that have to be stopped, ancient mysteries, etc. Put the main story on a timetable like Star Control 2, but give it many many deadlines for milestone events. You could blow some off entirely and still finish the game, though it might deny you early access to tech or an alliance. Some sidequests might exist just to push the deadline on some main events back a bit to give you more time to do other shit.
Asher Foster
Massive galaxy. Most of it generated from seed beyond a(still large) core of story-related systems and known pirate/small faction space. Bonus points for randomly generated aliums far enough out in uncharted areas, in addition to known/story races. I want to be able to achieve a sense of "oh god where the fuck am I" by manually blind jumping out into deep space, with no quick way of getting back. There should be one specific main ship that "you" are on, and with some quests your personal presence will be required to succeed/proceed. There should be main and sidequests out there, and some that begin in the primary systems but send you out into(randomly determined) far uncharted space.
I want there to be a system that's not dissimilar from an X4 game, but where you're not directing it yourself. And not too crazy either, more just a slowly evolving set of conditions throughout the main inhabited section of the galaxy, that will help determine when and where shipyards get built, levels of tech that might become more accessible in various regions. Your personal growth will be limited more to the research trees of games like that, to enable yourself to build/use more and more advanced things. I mentioned above user-defined fleets. You can set up as many as you like for whatever purpose. Some are just asteroid mining ops, some are planet scrapers, some for exploration. You can switch to any of your active fleets, jumping to the perspective of the flagship. Otherwise they set out via AI on an assigned task. Build or buy new ships, put in orders at remote friendly stations with a shipyard to construct something there rather than having to fly it there yourself to save time. Farther out you go the more likely you are to find lost alien tech you can salvage.
I hope someday I can find a game close to this.
Hunter Scott
That actually sounds like fun. I may have a disease