What went wrong? It was really fun.
Proxy slut.
What went wrong? It was really fun
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Should have given Wolf:ET a facelift rather than waste money on that bomb
One day they decided to substitute the fun for the esports feel. I dropped it like a hot turd and never looked back.
I've never played the game, but did you drop a healing item for a downed teammate instead of helping him up?
At launch it was great, then they added more and more explosion spam and other bullshit. It had zero anti-cheat for way too long, especially in ranked mode.
Used to play the shit out of it but then they dropped in phantom
Stuttery mess. Anti cheat fucks over legit players more than actual cheaters. Lol no content for 2 years in a row.
>Lol no content for 2 years in a row
Pretty much this.
Yes. He was a useless snipers.
>Pretty much this.
How dare you complain. Think of all the trinkets they made! That's content!
Stopped playing after the Aimee event.
Have they released Turtle yet?
There were a lot of ways to have fun in this game, from wiping the enemy team from across the map with Kira, spamming voice commands as Phantom, or going knife only CQC Master Redeye with that one loadout.
The game died when our fap bait left us.
"winter's meme"
that's a big mouth
Throw an air strike when someone asks for ammo pack, use smoke in Vassili team mates, hold the package and don't let your group deliver... Good times.
Shitty memememememememememememememememe game with zero game development.
Turtle literally never.
It actually was
Bridge was literally Goldrush
>Slick art style
>could develop the game for shit
who ever is on the art team as splash damage should leave
The game died when the general fell
fuck name fags
esports are a fucking cancer man
Apparently the game is so dead that nexon gave splash damage full control now
How is Ghost in the Shell?
that character who goes invisible got released and was op as fuck so i left before they nerfed him.
The new movie?
No, the FPS. People say it's like Dirty Bomb.
Worse than Dirty Bomb by a mile. Litttle to nothing to do with GiTS
Super slow content update, bugs, glitch exploits and legit hacks, dumb developers.
>am now remembering that there is a GitS FPS
god help us
which? I dont even know if their was any other exploit other than the EV glitch which was patched out a week after it was found.
they couldn't even be bothered to have auto team balancing when the numbers were uneven, but could be (based on players in server)
so I stopped bothering with their game
There were exploits with explosives that let you climb buildings and go through walls. Shit like this was rampant when I played it.
I remember playing in this map here and a lot of people sniping on top of buildings ruining games.
>finally grind out enough for Thunder
>he's shit
>take a break from the game
>check back months later
>game barely thriving
>game barely improved at all
Did Thunder ever get to be good bros?
I wanted so badly for Splash damage to quit fucking up
Yes he did
She left to a better game.
He was literally the strongest merc in the game for about 5 months. You cucked your self because of your hate boner for memes.
He's godly now. In certain chokepoints he's the best
thanks. guess I'll reinstall and kill myself later
Phantom was severely nerfed and is one of the worst characters in the game now.
I main him and can go games without being killed. He's great vs healers and Rhino
Our """"""TALENTED""""""" artist.
who /dbg/ here
devs ruined it with shit updates, move on.
Everyone, I guess.
Expect those fucking namefags fuck them
that general showed me why /vg/ is a terrible place
The sad thing was that those fuckers were what was keeping the thread from sinking off the board.
they should have let us continue making maps like we did during the alpha stage using udk3
also theres a bunch of images for you
I want to buy phantom solely to go revolver only with using melee just to finish off people.
They're pretty incompetent. The game decided to stop working on my computer after an update and has never worked since then. I'm not the only one either. To bad the game was pretty fun and not unoptimized trash like brink.
Who? I think I left before. Right before, I remember there was a russian weeaboo attwhoring and some other retards.