can't wait for the new steven universe RPG coming to consoles
what do you think of it, Sup Forums?
Can't wait for the new steven universe RPG coming to consoles
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there's a what coming?
Truly the pinnacle of faggotry.
>it's another disguised Sup Forums thread on Sup Forums episode
>what do you think of it, Sup Forums?
That the ammount of nigger tier b8 threads tonight is astounding.
Go away.
but what if his....
Leave fag, your shows the new Homestuck because it's in decline. Go jump to Star Vs. because it has the thinking mans fetish
RPG seems like a poor fit to me, and it looks rather boring.
Die fag
you have your containment board over there
>>Sup Forums
>the entirety of Sup Forums is a containment board
>adventure time
>marvel shit
it is
how fucking retarded are you?
/mlp/ has its own boaard, retard you haven't been able to post mlp on Sup Forums for years, literally kys.
You sound just a tad bit mad, kid.
Of course YOU would know that you ponyfaggot
>gets shit wrong
>lol u mad bro?
Wow, you sure showed him.
Jasper fags need to be eradicated
You made this exact thread at least once before.
Both times you have failed to provide a link, screenshot, trailer- not a goddamn piece of information.
OP is a faggot and shill. Literally Sup Forumsluter level.
This thread is no longer about some gay-ass cartoon and is now ABOUT VIDEO GAMES.
Personally, I want to see a Kirby game with the speed & difficulty of DL2. Or at least the option to change difficulty in a MEANINGFUL way (spawn more enemies/enemies more aggressive/enemies have expanded movesets&reach). Something like Viewtiful Kirby.
My biggest complaint about Kirby 64 is that it's so damn slow and easy. You can turn into a fridge and throw out landmines (food-mines) that damage enemies and heal you. So fucking OP.
Back to R E D D I T with you
I'm happy when you're happy user, thats all
yeah im fucking mad, gr 15 is the most autistic thing in the fucking word
I saw one clip if Star and could tell it was really fucking stupid.
How about you start judging a show by actually watching instead of a one minute clip
you mean the fighting game that is getting a beta within 2 weeks?
them fighting herds? yeah its some autism about copyright. fucking retarded
No, you're probably thinking of fighting hears, formerly known as fighting is magic.
I'm talking about a 3D game where you play a unicorn. You could combine properties to make spells. Like, combine projectile with barrier and you'd put down a little wall wherever you shoot. There's a demo for it too.
gummy a cute. AND he belongs to the BEST pony waifu.
No, he's talking about this.
>paper mario with Steven universe
It' going to be shit because the devs still don't understand that nobody wants townie shit and half the game will be a giant townie episode with the main plot disregarding the main plot of SU and just use generic evil gems doing generic shit in its own contained story.
fucking townie the show deserves finally start losing its viewers. The next 3 episodes are already confirmed townie shit. You can't even put that in syndication reeee.
what the fuck happened to Sup Forums?
Its so shitty now
All of you should take a moment to consider just how fucking worthless the posts you made are and then preferably never post on Sup Forums again.
huh, looks fairly competent
you mean filler episodes?
Oh, so it's like that shitty Barney game for the Genesis
looks good, would play and make my waifu and jerk off to her every day
Supposedly the devs are still working on it but have gone silent cause muh cease and desist. They post rarely to twitter with updates.
barneyfag pls.
>Personally, I want to see a Kirby game with the speed & difficulty of DL2
But DL2 is below-average speed for a Kirby game. Adventure, Super Star, Amazing Mirror, Squeak Squad, Return to Dream Land, Triple Deluxe, and Planet Robobot are all faster, I would say.
And while it's one of the most difficult main-line Kirby games, DL2 is still on the easy side as far as games in general are concerned. The hardest is probably the first Dream Land's extra mode, and that's not very difficult either.
Peridot best.
>The next 3 episodes are already confirmed townie shit
Fucking really? Between this and the frequent hiatuses, are they trying to sabotage their own show? Why do they do this?
No one cares about Lars, or pizza shop dad, or some other third faggot. NO ONE.