Do people here actually trust Sup Forums's opinions on games more than other websites? If you do then why?

Do people here actually trust Sup Forums's opinions on games more than other websites? If you do then why?

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V objectively has terrible opinions because it's a maelstrom of conflicting interests and autistic neets eager to stir shit up. Unless it doesn't have a general, I just ask vg since they're centered around things and can give a clearer opinion

Sup Forums is pretty good about games I'm interested in.

To be honest, i used too. Ive just been here too long to see Sup Forums flop about on their opinions. The worst offender of this is dark souls 2.

>inb4 nuh uh

I mean, if I didnt trust Sup Forums to some degree what the hell would I be here for?

Lol threads, console wars and vidya waifu's

>Do people here actually trust Sup Forums's opinions on games more than other websites?
>If you do then why?
I've been here for 8 years now and so far Sup Forums has always been right

I dont like funposting

Like a smart person, I look up game play videos.

I don't go to other video game websites, so I guess so. I think Sup Forums is a decent place to see how games are when you have the right filter.

I don't. This place is more like a shitposting free-for-all than somewhere to discuss video games.

you have to know how to read past Sup Forums's inherent contrarianism but once you do you can generally get decent opinions

I usually make my own opinions.

This. Also, in a place as big as Sup Forums you're going to see every single opinion, the question is which opinions you filter out. Usually the majority opinion is a good one to go by, unless you're sure a poster's taste aligns with your own.

My general metric for when to listen to Sup Forums is “does the game currently have several threads in the catalog discussing it X days after it came out?” If so, then it's probably a game worth playing. (Careful: Unless those threads are making fun of the game)

I did when Sup Forums's opinion on a game was based on how jew-y the company was being moreso. Stuff like reused assets, rushed development, on disc DLC.

Now it's more "did anyone in the dev team publicly say something that offends my political sensibilities", so a lot less so.

Sup Forums has objectively good taste especially when it comes to souls games.

It's full of dweebshitters like you so nah.

>trust Sup Forums's opinions on games more than other websites? If you do then why?
trust is a strong word
i come here for advice at best, only on jap games ive not played yet, usually older ones that started on PS1/2
Some of those series are so long that only people here know where its good to start from

Anons here are also higher than average skill at what games they do play, so they're more likely to find the bullshit hacky way to play that i like to abuse either to cut down on the grind some or flat health dumps on higher difficulty.
The webm threads are also helpful
>direct gameplay
>no sound so no marketing bullshit
>short and to the point
>chance of unseen games

i want to fuck charlotte

I only use Sup Forums to find new games to play i don't trust them at all.

uh nuh

>Anons here are also higher than average skill at what games they do play, so they're more likely to find the bullshit hacky way to play that i like to abuse either to cut down on the grind some or flat health dumps on higher difficulty.
My experience with Sup Forums is that no matter where you go, no matter what board you're on, and no matter what topic you bring up - anons will find a way to pick out all the flaws and shit on it. It's the most brutal, truthful form of feedback you can get on any subject; in this case games.

found out about Soul Nomad and Radiant Historia thanks to v

There's some great shit on this board if you can dig through the thousands of posts made by literal children that are filled with buzzwords and stupidity, usually parrotted off another user or some faggot e-celeb.

Yes, but you have to learn how to distinguish actual critcism and mindless shitposting.

You'd have to be really insecure to take Sup Forums's opinion seriously.

If any it serves as a survey on what are the huge faggots of the world doing with their lives.

It depends on the reason why Sup Forums is hating a game. Some people just hate anything that is popular or anything that isn't from japan. Yeah there are some really shitty AAA games out there but you will find a decent one every so often.