Wizards are clearly the best because they gain wisdom

Wizards are clearly the best because they gain wisdom.

sorcerer is better because they gain charisma

Wisdom is literally dump stat for wizards you inbred mongoloid.

Warlocks are best because they live in a tribe of barbarians and get to capture harems of women as sex slaves

but if someone were to burn all of the wizardry books then they wouldnt have a source of power

if someone burned your retarded ass you wouldn't have something within to draw your magic from

Clerics are the best

>you will never be a comfy wizard living in a tower surrounded by esoteric tomes
this is the worst feel
even worse than
>you will never be a cute girl

I like playing wise old men when I play a wizard.

don't let your dreams be dreams

build yourself a tower, user

brick by brick, tome by tome

>you will never get to be a cute comfy girl wizard living in a tower surrounded by esoteric tomes

In most games your powers have to be acquired by reading books or using them on yourself to simulate you read them.

what about a sorcerer?

sorry, I meant mage

not him but that kinda takes away the magic of being a wizard. my favorite part about wizards is how theyre comfy wise old men, like nice kind patient grandpas.

then again i dont want to be a cute girl at all so that may affect my bias

Mages are just part time wizards.

no ill always have the ability to cast magic withoiut relying on a shitty piece of paper

gg scrub ;)

I just gotta live long enough, then the singularity will occur and I can be a cute girl wizard in my comfy tower/library in virtual reality forever.

Like the dumb thing in the fire master episode of the adventures of Aang
>how to make fire now that the hate is gone?
>no idea lol

Reading and comprehending written text has to do with intelligence, not wisdom.

Some games have int others have wis
And they work differently
Let's just agree that people are faggots and because of ignorance or lack of logic they assign random stats to imaginary shit.