How can I contain my hype for Sonic Mania?
How can I contain my hype for Sonic Mania?
that make me furrious.
Why contain it?
Ay i made that weebm
Because Sonic is a slippery slope:
You dont have a choice, bitch.
I wish there was a mobile version
Sonic games have such input methods that they control alright on touch screen. You can beat the fucking games with your feet.
You can't. I know I can't, either.
It's gonna be glorious.
>Deleted scenes
jizz, I wonder why?
Remember that you will be playing Green Hills again, for the 60th time
You're not bored of playing the same rehash every year (weeb shit, cod, battlefield, Souls game, etc.) and I'm not bored of banging your mom. So we'll be fine with Green Hills.
I'm expecting the same quality than Sonic 4
graphics or ost alone already beat sonic 4 by a landside.
Sonic and the Black Knight nails these things too
How? The ost is literally dogshit
I'm containing it well enough. It's like a minimum 3-4 month wait till release.
>that mirage saloon sonic cd-esque clusterfuck
Is this really considered good tier sonic music? Are you really gonna hum this after playing the game?
Holy fucking shit
What's wrong with Sonic's mouth there?
I don't know when it releases. As a result the hype doesn't build to boiling point.
>containing it
>Mobile port of 3&K never ever
You can live in the world of Sonic Mania user. you just have to pull the trigger.
Dont you ever talk shit about tee lopes ever again, I'll fight you irl
Not him but what if it is true, that I CAN live in a better world if I jump...
Emulate it you idiot
No widescreen.