Did Sup Forums play the original witcher game before playing the third one?
Did Sup Forums play the original witcher game before playing the third one?
Atmosphere-wise, it's even better than W3. Item progression (well, sword progression) and skill progression are also much more impactful, interesting, and less MMO-like "openworldy" shit that we get in every game nowadays (including W3).
I also played W1 after reading the books, which were already quite popular in Russia well before CDPR.
I've played 1 when it came out, 2 last years, still have 3 installed but haven't touched it yet
This is Theodore Three. He can automatically get the third post in any thread.
I bet you didn't even read the books you casual faggot
Played it four times. Acts 1 and 4 are great.
yea i played it back in the summer of 2014 and enjoyed it immensely. it's very dated and the combat will turn some people away but i fucking loved it
ive only played the first.
Three times.
Played the start then dropped it as soon as the combat started.
Played the second one but dropped that because shit combat as well.
I haven't played the third but I've heard the combat is shit there as well.
When everyone was hyped up over TW2 I decided to pick up TW1 and play that first.
I think I sunk about 30 hours into it and got up to chapter 5.
It was alright, but the shitty combat and boring main story kept me from really getting into it. I ended up just reading up on the story on a wiki and then playing TW2.
Typical amerilard.
Everyone tells you to use the Full Combat Revamp for Witcher 1. It made combat much better without any questionable changes. There was an FCR for Witcher 2 but it had a few questionable changes. I think there were a few attempts to make challenge mods for Witcher 3 but no clue if the guy who made FCR ever bothered to do it a third time.
Of course, it was extremely popular on Sup Forums, especially with the enhanced edition.
God I hated so much TW2 and 3 for what they did for the weapons and armours. I loved how expensive it was to change your sword (even eventually you find ridiculously OP ones in quests) and armour. Same with the quests. Having to read on books and all to get more money.
There was a nice economy even if it was easily breakable with poker dice
Am I the only one that liked the combat in W1? Blasting niggers away with group fighting was so satisfying to me, especially in late game.
I find it fine personally. This kind of abstraction is typical of RPG frankly.
I really hated the jump to the bland rollfest we had in W2.
I did and it was bad
I played through the 1st and barely into the castle seige of the 2nd, haven't touched the 3rd.
I thought it was OK. The main missions were neat, but I hated the swamp areas. And about halfway through I gave up on any missions that were optional because I stopped giving a shit about what rewards they would give, and eventually regressed to looking up which missions mattered when transferring saves and which didn't, then focused on doing only those.
Shitty way to go about it, but that sums up the experience for me.
Played it twice, first time, couldn't get intoit.
Second time, it was great.
Abstraction doesn't work on a close up 3D game. Witcher 1 had dance dance revo combat.
I'm a slav so yes, I did. It was kind of a big deal in the slav video game scene. The fact that Witcher books were pretty popular beforehand also helped a lot.
The whole "Witcher got popular after the third game" meme only applies to USA and maybe western Europe. Slav world has had Withcer lore in our hearts for a very long time.
I stopped playing partway through the swamps because I decided I needed to minmax and farm a bunch of monster parts for potions. Havent gotten around to playing 2 or 3.
Yes, I bought it day one in 2007 and it was really good. At the time it was a very atmospheric game and the weird combat system wasn't really a problem. I viewed it as a "RPG style combat" I didn't expect the game to have a third person action game type gameplay.
Same with the second one in 2011 but I didn't like it as much, too many cutscenes, less atmospheric, less comfy.
It was big in western europe too, at least in belgium/france/germany
I've only played 1 and 2. 1 is one of my favorite games of all time. 2 is pretty good, but not nearly as good as 1.
>God I hated so much TW2 and 3 for what they did for the weapons and armours. I loved how expensive it was to change your sword (even eventually you find ridiculously OP ones in quests) and armour. Same with the quests. Having to read on books and all to get more money.
This. First Witcher got it right by taking the Gothic route aka every single piece of equipment you get is a deal changer because there's so few of them and it's a milestone to acquire them. Either through story progression or because of hefty fee associated.
>play Witcher 1
>need to buy all those books and recipes
>new armor comes in Act 2 and costs 5000 gold
That was a shock.
The whole detective thing was such damn awesome, felt like Ace Attorney type shit
Eh, I think Witcher 2 put the franchise on world map beyond just PC gaming. It helped game showed RPG doesn't have to look like ass just because it's an RPG.
You are not the only one. Stay strong, family.
Fuck yes I did.
I even played the first in ANTICPATION for the second one since I didn't want to start the series with 2. Talk about a fucking hidden gem, at least to me.
I'll probably replay the entire series at least once every 5 years or so. Have like 100+ hours on 1, and thats for some reason not counting my very first play through ever of 40 hours or so on my god damn Macbook before I had a gaming PC.
Why the fuck don't they make games like that first one anymore bros?
Also for anyone interested in the first game, I HIGHLY implore you to get the Rise of the White Wolf mod. Since this is a long RPG, the option of "playing vanilla first" isnt always something viable, and I don't think this mod really takes away from the vanilla game if at all.
>tfw lost all of my Witcher 1 screenshots with the best pieces of dialogue because I didn't realize uninstalling would delete them
yes, got it long ago but played w2 before going back and finally getting it done, all in anticipation of the third. books too, those were a fun read.
>this atrocious combat
Dropped this shit after 20 minutes.
It's an alright system, just different from people expected so of course it's automatically bad. Because people can't differentiate between their preferences and actual product quality.
yes, played and finished all 3 when they were released.
Played both and completed both and transferred one into the other and finally into the witcher 3, which I am holding off till i complete the other games on my steam account. I'm almost there.
Yes, back in 2008, before Witcher 2 was even announced, replayed it two times since then and hold it as one of my all-time favorite games.
. Fuck all those fags that play "hot" latest entries in the series without having played the previous games - Witcher 3, MGSV, MGR:R, etc. The only exceptions are when the games are unrelated - Persona 5, Elder Scrolls (still, fuck Oblivion/Skyrim babies).
It was a lot of fun.
Also I actually kind of like that 2 didn't go with the same system but at the same time seeing that same system reiterated and improved on would be pretty cool.
But yeah I really loved the first ones combat system, and making potions for the all buffs was so good too. It doesn't feel the same in the other two games because they streamlined it so much.
I mean fucking hell I don't even think theres a potion drinking animation in 3, that really bummed me the fuck out.
That's too bad. It's a great game if you're into these kinds of RPGs.
Give it another go, if you please. The combat gets "better" when you progress in the skill trees. The extended animations do a whole lot
>"Witcher got popular after the third game" meme only applies to USA and maybe western Europe.
What? The second game was huge here in the US and if anything its the reason the third did so well because more people had played the second one only and knew what to expect.
Its actually really cool how different some of the quests can go too.
It's one of those games that are impossible to play with out gamefags walkthrough telling you what to do, what to buy, where to go, how long to farm, the only cool part of combat was that cats stance or some shit where you just whack everyone in AOE, also its good to just cheat engine yourself to like lvl 50 and grab all the talents and just play the game for the story, which is not much because the game feels very episodic you jump all over the place, most of the time not knowing what the fuck is going on or who you are going after or why. Most of the quests ware really fucking boring, kill x10 of these monsters, but you got to fuck allot of girls which was cool, also shani, also you could wear like 4 funking swords and look Alpha AF. Second game fixed almost all the problems, story was better also, but in the end it doesn't matter because W3 went the last of us route and rail roaded you into a fuking movie with fetch quests
>tfw havn't even played more than the beggining area of TW3 because I'm waiting till I have a GPU that can get consistent 60 on high
Sad part is its been almost two years now, I should just accept that new GPU ain't happening anytime soon and play the damn thing. I just want to play it in all its glory though, not at a mediocre 45-52 fps.
>It's one of those games that are impossible to play with out gamefags walkthrough telling you what to do, what to buy, where to go, how long to farm
That's just not true, user. The only part I could see you needing help on is the detective part of Chapter 2, and that's only because you get lost running around haphazardly between clues and other side quests.
>most of the time not knowing what the fuck is going on or who you are going after or why
The game gives you the information if you pay the attention needed
>if you pay the attention needed
What year do you think this is?
You're beyond clueless, Boris
Not in the fucking slightest.
A couple times I had to search a wiki, sure. There was only one quest that broke on me that I had to do some extensive digging on which still didn't yield much so I said fuck it.
Otherwise you can get through the game with minimal reliance on looking shit up.
Literally every single sentence from your post is wrong
Shit, I'm sorry
So are the books well written? Only fantasy I've ever really enjoyed was the obvious LotR and GoT.
But I love Geralt and that world and I can get more immersed in fantasy when I enjoy its world and when it feels "real".
It was an okay game
No hes not wrong, upgrading weapons felt better and items in general were better in the first game.
Yes. English translation is pretty bad, though. Dry and dull.
It was an allright game, but it had allot of flows, the sporadic plot was very big issue for me, maybe because I never read the books which would give you much more insight into the characters and their motivations, places, timelines, etc The ending was also bananas with Alvin, not remembering in hindsight the only really fun part was the completely bonkers marry sue tale told in the in about the princess of everything and master of all things, then it turned out to be fuking true lmao
Aw, thats what I'm afraid of.
I never got past the first one.
I also can't take anyone who defends that tab-targeting-tier combat seriously.
I bought it when it first came out and it was completely unplayable. I have never seen a game with so many bugs at launch. I remember giving up and waiting for an official patch and still after that having to spend hours having to fuck around with things and having crashes and bug when playing. I still like the game, but it amazes me this is never mentioned, everyone seemed to have these problems at launch and now no one seems to remember this.
Played first twice, second thrice, third once.
witcher 1 is kind of a bad game on the surface but all the branching paths made it cool and the non-tolkienesque fantasy setting was refreshing
>played 1 in 2009
>got a massive boner when seeing the first trailer for 2
>didn't play 3 until 2016 cause I was saving money to get a decent rig without spoiling myself
yeah I love the witcher
I tried playing it, but it was too shitty and I couldn't finish it. I didn't even mind the combat, it was the fucking swamp that made me stop playing it.
I tried Witcher 2 and thought it was horrible. I have zero interest in trying any of the other games because of this
Yeah the swamp can really suck a lot, it has way too much backtracking. Just do the bare minimum quests and use a guide to get the fuck out of there quick.
Yes I did. I never finished it because I didn't like the combat.
Tried to do it two times, but gave up.
This, loved the way these chapters work, why the hell lots of people come up with the "muh give up on first chapter" meme?
Obviously. It's still the best game in the series as well.
i played the original witcher before they made the enhanced edition.
it was quite an experience.
>walk around the outskirts
>enter a decrepit house
>30 seconds loading time
>house it literally empty
>leave house
>30 seconds loading time
>repeat for 50 hours (70 with loading times)
>why the hell lots of people come up with the "muh give up on first chapter" meme?
Xbots experiencing culture shock when they realize that the OG game is NOT a cheap and clunky DaS clone, but an actual CRPG.
TW1 was amazing. TW2 on the other hand, an absolute slog.
IIRC your saves quickly grew to take up several GB as well
Just run straight from quest person to quest person and ignore all the drowners, it's really not that horrible
Then when you arrive at your destination kill one of the bloedzuigers following you and watch them all blow up
>IIRC your saves quickly grew to take up several GB as well
they did.
each quicksave was like 200 mb at some point
That sounds horrible.
I played the original Witcher and then uninstalled it because it was trash. Haven't played the other two because I doubt they're any better.
1>3>2 in my opinion
That's not to say 2 is bad, it had the best story at feeling like it meant something with the political scene.
1 has the best atmosphere hands down and I'd actually put it in my favourite top 10 games.
3 had the most content and fun things like treasure hunts for the school gear and expansions, replayability too (although 2 is good for this since it splits into two seperate paths early on)
>TW2 on the other hand, an absolute slog
Why is that? Combat was pretty fun, just rolling all day until you had an opening for getting a hit in. It's CDProjekt so obviously the story and characters were great as well
I tentatively agree, though I'll have to play W1 again one of these days to check whether it was really as good as I remember
2 is an amazing game in a series of even better games, so it's the "worst"
It's the only game in the series that's actually worth playing.
plebs who hate the first game usually tend to like the third one
Played the first shortly after it was released. Re-played when the enhanced edition came out. Then bought 2 and 3 at day 1.
Completed every title at least a couple times. I pulled 400+ hours out of the third.
yes, yes i did. first time i played it i only got to the first chapter (lost my saves) but now i'm in my first proper playthrough, chapter 3 going on. still haven't touched witcher 3.
i kinda like witcher so far, but i could do with less handholding though.
although, i'm kinda unsure what orens are used for (apart from buying certain quest items) cause i haven't bought a single weapon or armor, i think i've bought 3 plants and 2 books total
>played in chronological order,
>waited for next game patiently
>upgraded before TW2
Wished I could upgrade for TW3, the toaster I'm running it in does it not justice.
>see W1 in vidya store
>buy it randomly without ever having heard of the books or the game
>it's amazing
>replay the EE in time for W2
>buy W2 day 1 and finish it
>replay the other path in time for W3
>have read the books by now and they are great
>preorder W3
Still the best random vidya purchase I have ever made
i only finished the first game
Of course. 3 > 1 > 2
I remember being a lot more hyped when first playing 1 than I was playing 3, even though I liked 3 more. Wonder why.
Played it a bit but shit lags hard on my rig if I don't distable the grass.
Tried the 2nd one but that's even more poorly optimized. Spawning objects and improving models and textures every scene change, lagging every 10 seconds for no reason and having a broken souls like combat just don't make it fun for me.
Just read the books and jump into the 3rd on.
Tried playing it on zhe recommendation of my brother. Stop during the prologue because of shitty sword draw animations (I was a retarded teenager).
Gave it another chance after playing W2, absolutely fell in love with it.
>Why is that?
Controls, UI, writing, and yes- especially the fucking combat, ever awful as fuck.
Only game I liked was the third one, which was easily a 10/10 game.
The rest were pretty boring.
I haven't played any of them properly.
Tried the first one like 4 times but always dropped it.
I've read all the books when I was like 11 or 12 though.
>poorly optimized
>he can't run a game from 2007/2011
It's not poorly optimized because it doesn't run well on your antique hardware.
neo-Sup Forums in a fucking nutshell.
>not reading all the books before playing Witcher 1&2&3
Its functional, its on Neverwinter Nights engine so what are you expecting.
It wasnt a dealbreaker unlike with 2 where every single encounter feels like an amateur tooth surgery
>not watching tv series before reading books
toppus keksimus
Nothing wrong with playing MGR:R without playing MGS games considering its practically a standalone title, and MGS story is a hot load of garbage
I sort of bought a 10k rpm HDD to help with it and it wasn't too bad with it but yeah I remember everyone going nuts about the load times.
I still haven't played 2 or 3 because I haven't gotten through 1 yet. According to many fans everything is garbage other than the writing, but the writing is garbage too (which is not helped by the awful VA), so I don't know what I'm supposed to be getting out of this.
Agreed, although I'd place them 3=1>2
The production values of 3 are just staggering
No, I started it after I beat 3 twice, and I couldn't get passed the second level because the gameplay is terrible
Kurwa mac! I played a little bit of all three but I end up being confused whether I should read sapkowski's books first or play the games. I have to choose one or the other..!