ITT: Immediate signs you're playing with a shitter

ITT: Immediate signs you're playing with a shitter.

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relax bro it's just high noon

they have overwatch installed on their computer

you for playing a fucking shit game

gg ez

>check profile
>support main

>not buying and using the newest McCree skin every time
What are you, a faggot?

Cropped hentai picture

They don't follow the hottest subreddits

>they play overwatch

>"What's an Eff Zero?"
>*down throw to sourspot knees you*
>*tries to downair every millisecond you spend offstage and misses everytime*


>they have the word twitch or youtube in their username

*walks towards you*
*up smashes*



Maybe if faggots didn't constantly go 4 fucking DPS + Roadhog in QP every time I wouldn't have to play support so much.

I always pretend to be a long time fan and ask if they're recording or streaming. If they answer seriously I always get em with a loud fart sound followed by me telling them I don't actually watch their shit and I think they're stupid.

did you just

when they suddenly mind vibe

Thanks b

keep sucking on my inflated health bar, make sure is always nice and hard for you.

don't mind if i do ;)

>Pharah, Soldier, Genji main

whats wrong with pharah

smelly weebposter

Anybody with a anime/pony/trump/pepe/e-celeb/meme avatar goes straight into the mental "i don't care about you" folder

what if its a video game character avatar

Just reeks of teenage kids or "adults" stuck in their teenage phase

hi son its dad

spot the reddit memer

well someone's gotta do it

>they play overwatch


gl hf :)
i just play for fun
try hards

>Maybe if faggots didn't constantly go 4 fucking DPS + Roadhog in QP every time I wouldn't have to play support so much

this is why Reinhardt is my second most played hero

This was my main back in the day.
I donĀ“t regret anything

>some new character being tested ptr
>everyone picks actual decent comps
>always one healer, 60% of time even 2
>normal main game qp
>4 dps one roadhog

This is why I stopped playing these kinds of games altogether.


On behalf of everyone in my elementary school class.


jesus christ OP BTFO


She just keeps getting uglier and uglier




>hating on jjan jjan jjalajan McCree

>ana, widowmaker, and hanzo all on attack
>refuse to change because we have two tanks and another support
>nah definitely follows the meta

damn bro a fart noise wow haha u really showed them, you're definitely not being made fun of by people who aren't mentally retarded no sir

>tfw you have Zen, Ana, Lucio +70h each
>then comes others less than 5h

Well someone has to

I'm thinking I'm done with overwatch.

I went back because of this event and really had fun playing it, I loved the story and the difficulty too. After I finished I kept going to normal games to get my fix and it's just insufferable.

>low player base means that you will get that troll/child/manchild in you team again and he will trow the match just because he doesn't like you

>fucking retarded maps that are a fucking drag to play with in attack mode unless you have a perfect team

>fucking balance that takes more than 6 months to make a change (and still counting)

>fucking premades have too much of a upper-hand on solo players

>fucking low effort skins, even league of faggots put more effort on them. THEY DON'T EVEN CHANGE THE FUCKING COLOR OF THE GUNSHOT/BULLET/TROWABLE


FUCK. I really liked this game's story and mechanics but the management is just pure and unaltered shit and just keep fucking those two over.

Luckily I'm playing it on console.

His name is Cuban Pete

>hides name
>doesnt show your btag no. anyway
this has to be bait

>on a console
>weebtrash pic

They wear any version of this


This nigga knows what is fun.

I laughed even though hes a frogposter, are you mad that youre a twitch streaming faggot

>low player base means

Do you seriously believe that? Overwatch is one of the biggest games right now, I'd be hard pressed to name a game that sold more units and is more active than Overwatch.

>fucking retarded maps that are a fucking drag to play with in attack mode unless you have a perfect team

I suppose this point is mostly subjective, but generally defending is harder than attacking

>fucking balance that takes more than 6 months to make a change (and still counting)

Because Blizzard doesn't just want to nerf or buff numbers without having a good grasp on the consequences. You often see people in forums and on here as well suggesting changes that seemingly fix everything, but hardly ever think about the consequences it could have done the line, for example Soldier 74 becoming very prominent in the meta a few patches ago because triple tank became a thing because Ana's grenade was buffed.

>fucking premades have too much of a upper-hand on solo players

It's the other way around. Playing as premades is harder than solo queuing or queuing with one or two friends, because the matchmaking assumes that a group is always better and more coordinated and thus matches you against people who are above your SR.

Actually, *76 joined the meta a while ago becausr his damage per bullet went from 17 to 20, effectively making most other offense heroes an objectively worse pick

>Do you seriously believe that?
Just go competitive at any region. At platinum you are guaranteed to get the same players you've played with at every 5 games. At the higher tiers it becomes a shit fest with masters trowing matches just because someone said something bad about them in a match you weren't even in.

Anything other than QP is bound to be filled with low population.

>I suppose this point is mostly subjective, but generally defending is harder than attacking
Tell that do Eichenwalde, Hollywood and.
King's Row. They greatly enhance the defensive team, and since you can't chose anything in any modes, if you are stuck on attack it can be a fucking drag.

>It's the other way around. Playing as premades is harder (...)
A premade is people with 1 or more players, and if the team has the least amount of teamwork no solo can kill any of them them. (zarya + mercy + ana for example) the SR boost if fair but getting a good premade in other modes is just an abomination.

>Because Blizzard doesn't just want to nerf or buff numbers without having a good grasp on the consequences. You often see people in forums and on here as well suggesting changes that seemingly fix everything, but hardly ever think about the consequences it could have done the line, for example Soldier 74 becoming very prominent in the meta a few patches ago because triple tank became a thing because Ana's grenade was buffed.

The thing is, taking six months (AND COUNTING) to make a change about a character that became the main choice in everyone's tier is just bad management. I'm all for well-thought changes but no respectable game would let that much time pass by without even trying to tweak on a few things. It went past the considerate part and just got to a lack of actual effort on doing choices.

Sometimes you need that much. I've been working in business intelligence and data mining and you get to spot some really odd shit. Shit like people saying a character is a mandatory pick but the character actually getting picked the least in high and middle levels of play.
You don't just make changes because people complain over and over again. You look it over with your data. Discussed meta and actual meta can actually be two different things.

Furthermore they are keen on changing things between seasons, not during seasons. Ana's nerf didn't happen until three tank meta actually dominating and limiting play styles.

I'm only making conjectures based on my experiences mining data. I have no idea what their data looks like. I've just seen some correlations and trends that don't make sense when spoken but for some reason are correlations and trends.

Another issue to keep in mind, something that's actually hard to deal with, you might find trends that are correlated, but in truth are tied to a third entity that's really hard to spot.

"Hey guys"

I understand how any change is actually tied to a lot of different layers but one thing I should point out is that most end-tier players are not like the average player. With that in mind we need to ask blizzard if they are balancing it from the end tier player point of view or the average one and adding that the low openness blizzard have about patches the balancing becomes a mess at every single tier layer.

The way they add the closed-information and low time changes just kills any idea of the management doing an actually job of balancing.

Do you know you can switch heroes? Pure dps is fair for breaking initial chokes.

>most end-tier players are not like the average player
Was only making an example, I'm sure the look at that too.
>With that in mind we need to ask blizzard if they are balancing it from the end tier player point of view or the average one
Can't really tell. Ideally you want to keep both in mind adjusting so as not to swing one or the other to extremes. Small changes can really really resonate into something big three years later.
>low openness blizzard have about patches the balancing becomes a mess at every single tier layer.
Can't comment on that.
>The way they add the closed-information and low time changes just kills any idea of the management doing an actually job of balancing.
I can't agree or disagree, but I do know that idea and reality are not that same thing. To be fair though, perception is reality for pretty much anyone that does not have an inkling.

>Estimated Time: 0:20
>Actual Time: 6:00+
As a new player, I am getting really tired of this shit. Unless I'm playing in the evening EST my queue times are stupid.
I don't understand how this game can stay in Twitch's top 5 all the time with queue times like this. not that I give a fuck about Twitch, just a gauging tool to me.

>Twitch's top 5 all the time with queue times like this
I wouldn't be surprised if blizzard is actually paying some money for those cocksuckers. God knows you only need 100 bucks to make a person your slave on that site.

That skin reminds me of Jet Black

I do this too, also if anyone says cuck or a meaningless buzzword I immediately give myself the greenlight to ignore their existance.

I've noticed they're all intrinsicly linked..fags, pepefags, the horsefuckers, anime fags and the trapfags.. they huddle together like roaches because nobody likes them. What they like/their sexuality is what the supplement for their lack of personality

It's an enabling symbiotic relationship, it's just a matter of which "flavor" you like best.

That's SMOKIN' outfit

Too bad most people don't actually switch after the initial 4 minutes.

God forbid you join a discord with them.
>endless VERBAL spamming of Pol, cucks, LITREALLY, Kino, ACTUALLY READING BRAP POSTING EVERY 10 MINUTES (I know the point is to annoy random people, but you're in a chat channel with only 4 fucking people in it during non-peak hours)
Fuck you WoWgspecifically This Game is So Hard, you deserve that sperging rogue.

>reddit spacing

>Overwatch on console
>any FPS on console

kys la kys yourself my man

>dicks exist, so someone's gotta suck them

>food analogy


>Overwatch has a high active player count


>Phara: Lucio can you go Mercy and heal me?

Fuck all you Pharmercy faggots.

>When your opponent latches onto a single move and uses it over and over
>flare blitz


>on 4 chan
>being triggered by anime


Well its broken in any rank below masters

So why not abuse it?

Any "Soldier main" in TF2 that has a Black Box and a Concheror.

That shit is good in pubs though where medics are either non-existent or only heal 1 guy.

But it's kinda cheap though. All it screams to me is "I can't survive or find health kids on my own without my Medic GF's strapon up my asshole 24/7".

For me, it's Batt Backup, Buff Banner, Shotgun, or fuck right off.

Come crawling back to me when the enemy Pharah is shitting on your team.

overkill shitter detected

>he picks smoke
>doesn't use the SMG-11 + Shotgun combo

>spot the console baby


>autist arrow

>I want to play dps in comp games
>always have to fill instead
>suddenly people think im a mercy main since I have the most wins with her this season.

I hate filling

Thats because everyone mains dps.

But the worst thing is that most of those dps players are garbage