saint's row 2 is free on GoG right now and there are other saint's row games you can enable through GoG connect if you own them on steam
Saint's row 2 is free on GoG right now and there are other saint's row games you can enable through GoG connect if you...
Also I want to mention if you have just the base game Saints row the third on steam you get "the full package" so I assume thats all the dlc
Thanks user, got it now
Thanks for the heads up, OP.
thanks bruh
It amazes me how are there are still people complaining about DRM in video games and still opt to using Steam when there is GoG being such a fucking fantastic alternative with DRM free games with fantastic deals like this.
Steamniggers need to kill themselves.
Did they fix it?
According to the top review yes
Does GoG have achievements yet?
Why should they? The whole point of GoG is to be able to play your games offline whenever you want.
For some games yes
Thanks user
it's shit
don't waste ur time
>Saint's Row 2
Even knowing this is a bait, it still made me almost mad.
Thanks OP. Normally when somebody mentions a free game the threads are full of "OMFG GAM SUX!".
Glad this thread didn't do the same
It's not a bad game, but the PC port is atrocious.
Fuck off user.
Its a full game for free.
Literally why wouldn't you just grab it.
How fucking retarded can you possibly be?
>tfw a better deal ALWAYS comes out after you buy something
Don't look now, but that same type of nigger just appeared.
>why did you eat that pile of shit
>he thinks saints row 2 is shit
>he probably thinks saints row super hero mode is better
The port is horrible.
>being THIS DESPERATE to fit in
>literally GOTR
They do work offline for consoles, at least on 360 and PS4. Not sure how it works on Steam
>mfw you'll never get to play the SR2 DLCs on PC
GoG connect is an awesome idea.
>full game that you don't like but others love
>person on internet tells everyone that a game they might like is free
You are so unbelievably retarded beyond measure
ok but it literally is shit
Why would you pick up a dog shit off the street just because it's free?
Good. Playing at 2x speed wasn't very fun.
So you can pad out your collection of shit back home.
Can I use a controller for this?
Guess I'll keep buying my games from steam, if I can just add them to GoG later on for free.
What a weird business model
>fantastic deals like this
In the last 3 weeks I've bought the entire company of heroes franchise, all the witcher games, nba 2k17, the SNK Classics and both dishonored games for a total of 39 bucks on Steam. When GOG offers that I'll make the change im gonna need more than GTA: South Park Edition.
i just put the game i downloaded into another harddrive, regardless if there's drm or not.
that way when GOG or steam goes under, somehow, then all I'd have to do is get a crack, or I can just play it immediately.
Because you have a scat fetish
Thanks user, got mine
don't all the gog saints row games have no multiplayer?
Useless achievement fags should be hanged
>there's no achievements on gog
kek. You should be grateful. As long as your precious site refuses to implement the most basic shit, it has no choice but to give games away to attract attention. More free stuff for everyone
>giving a shit about achievements
good, lad
saints row 2 on steam doesn't have achievements either so you're not missing anything for using the GOG version of this game
Kek, you should kill yourself. Achievements are what caused cheats to die off. Devs can't have players using cheats to get achievements,
Saints Row 2 is also kind of a shit game these days. The gameplay isn't that great.
Thanks for the mention. Free games are always nice.
Also noticed that the HItman games were dirt cheap, and so I picked those up as well.
Not sure if the GOG version needs it still but the Steam on totally does, get the motherfucking gentleman of the row patch to pretty much fix it being a shitty port.
gog version is capped to 30fps by default (its easily removed though) and make sure you're also getting the hq radio files as well as gotr.
There are achievements if you use Gog client.
You're right, I'm sorry you have to earn things yourself instead of cheating your way out of everything. Might be time to switch to movies, user
On how many games? About 5, right?
can confirm this
>One takes a few clicks and might give an enjoyable experience
>The other smells horrible and might give you diseases
Great analogy boys.
just thinking about it...
I am using connect to get a lot of DRM free games from my steam library
and I have a lot of trash in my Steam library
so GOG is acting like a pretty reliable purge
I need the Arkham saga, though
low-tier Sup Forums posters use either poop or food analogies, sometimes combining the two by remarking something about eating poop.
They're small time.
Just played a bit, seems like the stuttering is gone, it runs are a silky smooth 30fps though.
It took 5 posts for a fucking idiot to derail the thread, congrats, kys