Post where you live and what vidya has been set there

Post where you live and what vidya has been set there

>be in Alabama
>literally no games set in Alabama

Other urls found in this thread:

Serious question: what's Alabama even known for?

Incest and 80% of the worlds confederate flag purchases

What a shit thread. This is just going to turn into Sup Forums-tier shitmouthing about people's states

Second son
>tfw Seattle is not even nearly that nice


No games that I can think of.

Only ones I can think of
>Medal of honor: Frontlines
>Brothers in arms: Hell's highway

Iceland here. I don't understand why Southern Americans can't get over the Civil War. I mean, it was 150 years ago plus the South literally enslaved people and betrayed their countrymen. Like what the fuck?

>Vice City

While the news coming out of this state can be interesting at times, I really don't care for it. I'm looking to move away in a year or so when I can afford it.

South Australia. Nothing that I know of.

Guess again north cuck

Found the fag in a flyover state

you first, op.

My Summer Car, various rally games.

Those MoH Frontlines Netherland levels were the hardest in the series. Getting to that pub though was pure bliss after the hell you had to go through.

Fucking tons of games are set in America

Not OP, but a fellow Alabama poster,

The great thing about that is that it is both incredibly accurate and hilariously wrong at the same time. basically only a small portion of alabama is like that, but they are so loud and active that they overshadow the rest of the state to such a degree that all of us look bad as a result, which is...honestly kind of impressive?

it is like 20% horrible white trash racists, 70% dingbat protestants and 10% very quiet atheists

>literally no games

>the poorest state in the Union talking shit


Don't get it either. As a Yank I believe anyone with a confederate flag should be tried for treason. I think they hold onto it because it's the only time any southern state other than Florida and Texas was ever relevant.


Being the subject of that one rock song by lynyrd skynyrd

Some how they tie confederate pride to american patriotism. They are not mad as much a confused.

>life is strange
>Gone home
why do so many fucking hipsters live here kill me

>Literally every game set in NY takes place in NYC
>no games set in Long Island or upstate

It's a bad kind of feel.

>no games

That game had a very odd representation of Seattle.


on a nother note
why don't you handle the hipster problem yourself?

I hope this is bait.

Fallout 1 and 2 take place in California.

>Be Finnish
>Literally playing My Summer Car in real life

It was a mix of things, namely propaganda and actual legitimate bullshit that happened in the post-war reconstruction era.

The northern politicians were very harsh with some of the laws and shit that they pushed on to the south, but that is generally overstated by southerners and there was a massive anti-northern sentiment that led to a ton of propaganda that has influenced the southern culture for decades.

Plus it's not like the ending of slavery fixed -everything- as there was also the issue of segregation which was legally enshrined in a lot of southern states and became another point of north vs south conflict.

I mean yeah it's stupid but there is a lot of history as to why things are this way.

>Way too many, none of the representations have anything to do with the region and typically just a collection of worst stereotypes and cliches

Literally plebbit

>be black Texan
>drive a convertible
>driving to Florida
>go through Alabama
>literally right over the state line
>party lights
>get stopped three (3) fucking times for "illegal lane shift"
>searched by drug dog
>not given any tickets
>waste a day when driving back to go around and avoid Alabama entirely

Fucking racist ass scamming state.

Any games set on Chile?

I'm suicidal, not homicidal.

Just play TF2 if you want to play as an Australian.

Well you don't have a constitution that treads the line between upholding the will of the majority and also protecting the rights of the minority. Nor do you have a country big enough to have a largely differant area and divide between people. The distance between the deep south and Washington DC is a one month stage coach ride on uncomfortable terrain with no breaks. Now the civil war was made for two reasons. The rights of states among the federation. This is an issue today that could be more common to say Sactuary Cities, where there is a national law enforcing the rteturn of illigal immigrants. Feds want them gone, but fuck them, the locals say they won't enforce it. Back then this was an issue of taxation. The feds, with a heavy base in the north, would put taxes on say cotton picking. That cotton Picking tax would effect the entire nation equally, but guess who'd be the most hit? Taxation laws were created mostly by northern states (the current majority), and the southern states felt unrepresented.The democrats always protected the minority, and southern states were that at the time

Then there is also slavery. 60% of the south didn't own slaves, 30% owned 1-2, 9% owned 6-9, and 1% owned 10-300. Not everyone in the south gave a fuck about slaves, but Slaves could power plantation which drovbe the local economy. It's like ford making a factory in a city, giving money to that city. If someone were to ban cars, would people who couldn't afford them be upset like factory workers?
There's more factors to the civil war than foreigners think, not to mention the aftermath of the brutal bloodshed.

>The only game worth mentioning is the Walking Dead: Season 2

>South Carolina

Only games I can think of that have anything SC related in them are sports games. College football and golf primarily.

you lost boy?


>Uncharted 4
>Broken Sword
>Project Gotham 2
>Tony Hawk Downhill Jam
>Harry Potter games I guess
>Timesplitters Future Perfect

I always felt sorry for the poor elderly farmers in the level before the town

>The declaration states the primary reasoning behind declaring of secession from the Union, which is described as "increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the Institution of Slavery"

M8 the South split over slavery. But I do applaud the South's propaganda in convincing poor white Southerns to die so the rich plantation owners could have cheap labor

newfoundland. stick of truth and that one xcom game.

there have been several fighting game stages set in our beautiful holland, mostly featuring windmills, tulips and clogs

Huntsville, where I live, is known for the space and rocket center, but south alabama is incest and rednecks.

>southwestern ontario
Literally no games take place here

Opinion discarded

>Walking Dead I guess

Midtown Madness and Watch Dogs, off the top of my head.


>Alberta, Canada
Until Dawn is pretty much the only one I can think of.

Kentucky Route Zero is the only game I can think of set in my home state.

>Coloradofag, specifically Denverfag
>An entire section of Metal Gear Rising is set in Denver
>They show Raiden driving past actual roads we have IRL

I was fairly impressed. They totally fucked up our skyline though

Alan Wake American Nightmare and apparently 7 Days to Die

Yes yes, Southern whites are so inbred, that's why they have scores of genetic disease that effect just them... oh wait, that's Jews! There are no host of genetic disorders plaguing white Southerners as a group, so the image of high levels of inbreeding in the South is just projection from coastal cosmopolitan Jews with Tay Sachs.

>tfw Slav about to move to Alabama
What am I in for?

The south is majority black and Hispanic now.

let me guess, the color of the convertable was red. cops will pull over flashy looking cars just because they think the people driving them are smug retards and just want to mess with them

Boredom. There's literally nothing to do outside of mudding and college football unless you bring a cousin with you.

>only character even close is from new zealand

I'm sorry, user.

I live in Newfoundland and even we at least one level set here.
I'm not bragging, but, it just feels kinda nice to be noticed.



I hope Mexico appears in RDR 2

>basically only a small portion of alabama
And they're mostly niggers.
>it is like 20% horrible white trash racists, 70% dingbat protestants and 10% very quiet atheists
Alabama is like 30% nigger.

I lived long enough to see this become a real thing

Did you just call Alabama north?

all i can think of is beneath a steel sky

Mad Max, too.

Not even a southerner

>In Mississippi, near the banks of the great river itself, I came upon the ruins of Windsor. Nothing now remains of this great house but the high, vine-covered Grecian columns. There are so many elegant and mysterious ruins throughout the South, so much death and desolation, so much ghostliness. And always in the fairest spots, as if the invader aiming at the vital centers struck also at the pride and hope of his victim. One is inevitably induced to reflect on what might have been had this promising land been spared the ravages of war, for in our Southern States that culture known as the “slave culture” had exhibited only its first blossoms. We know what the slave cultures of India, Egypt, Rome and Greece bequeathed the world. We are grateful for the legacy; we do not spurn the gift because it was born of injustice. Rare is the man who, looking upon the treasures of antiquity, thinks at what an iniquitous price they were fashioned. Who has the courage, confronted with these miracles of the past, to exclaim: “Better these things had never been than that one single human being had been deprived of his rightful freedom!”

>has a flag on top of his car saying he is black
Why not just take it off? There is no way they would see your skin color just driving

Anti-civil rights

Forza Horizon

nah, the game is set in america for whatever fucking reason
american buses and american diners

Left 4 Dead 1 takes place in shithole rural Pennsylvania.

Who /Florida/ here?

To answer OP question. Rolling Thunder

Resistance 2 for some reason

New Vegas sets around the Colorado River


red dead redemption i think

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2007.

the last of us
left 4 dead
fallout 3: the pitt
homefront the revolution
heavy rain takes place in philadelphia, it just doesn't feel like it because everyone has a weird french accent

It's all in Nevada, California, Utah (Honest Hearts) and Arizona.

There's a tiny patch of arizona in Fallout NV

>Deus ex mankind divided
Some levels of other games were also set here...

they would have nuked us if they could at the time, just remember euros if you are aren't a part of the united states you are considered an enemy

i have no idea, really

Sniper doesn't even speak with an Australian accent, it's some bizarre mix of South African, British, Kiwi and Aussie. Granted, they all sound fairly similar to Americans as far as I understand.
The only Australian thing about Sniper is his slouch hat.

Only about 10% of the country lives in the outback, and it was only filmed in Australia (i.e. flat red non-descript desert that could be fucking anywhere), nothing else about it is Australian.

Only one I can think of that's not a strategy game.

Pfff, do you know nothing of your own culture? THE best game ever takes place in The Netherlands. Pic very much related.

>Shizuoka city

No games I'm aware of, but Yoshitaka Amano and Hidetaka Miyazaki were born here.

Where at, motherfucker? It's not everyday I meet a fellow Idaho-fag

Idaho Falls here.

GTA London and Killing floor
can't think of many games set in England actually.

Does Google Earth count as a game?



All I could find. Tornado season is all I look forward to honestly.


Probably just some backyard hockey game or fishing simulators.

>mfw no game that take place in the Mall of America
I mean, that would have been perfect for a Dead Rising game.

Florida: GTA Vice City*

*I think, fuck you otherwise

Still holding out for a Fallout game taking place there or something

What part of london?