Play tf2

>play tf2
>go soldier
>i kill some shitbag crouching doing nothing with a thousand lime painted hats
>"wow user you're soooooo bad at this game your a tryhard"

How does anyone deal with this shit? Every game i get into its this shit all over.

That's exactly why I quit years ago.

just accept that some people don't care about being good at the game, but instead want to win by their own standard

>How does anyone deal with this shit?

keep killing them.

>"Instead want to wim by their own standard"

They arent trying to win, they just crouch and spam voice commands as a "friendly" and have a hissy fit if you kill them.

>tfw you airblast 5 friendly faggots off the bridge underneath Doublecross
I wouldn't care as much but I love Doublecross and nobody ever plays it.

sorry, but don't be dense.
>just accept that some people don't care about being good at the game, but instead want to play the game by their own standard
your infringing on their way of play. call them retards andstop playing on shitty public servers

Who thinks that doing nothing but slowly walking around the map, giving small health packs and spamming binds in a shooting game is fun?

You just dont understand my friend,
They're everywhere.

If you're gonna stop trying to play the match, you should at least be a nuisance to the other team in some way, like going stickyjumper/caber Demo, Demopan, or getting the giggle-gloves as the Heavy and taunt killing faggots.

TF2 is the only game I can think of that has shitposting as a semi-legitimate tactic for playing the game.

It's a game where Lennyface and chat binds are considered high class humor.
Just ignore everyone and try to have fun.

>soldier main getting this butthurt about a fact of life
>caring in pubs

>"Why am I getting killed :((((("
>"Omg report user killing friendly hoovy"
>"user has no friends wow"
>"user ur such a tryhard stop killing people"
>Tell him to go on an idle server
>"Don't want to XD"
Fuck friendlies.

>getting this mad over idiots having fun

I quit tf2 probably before 2012, can somebody explain to me what the fuck are "friendlies"

>still playing tf2

face it game creators stopped giving a shit about tf2 long time ago, same will happen with csgo if they wont introduce another cs game, which is unlikely since autists keep buying keys for every new skins released and therefore it is a cow that's about to be drained dry

You can't even call valve a game developers anymore because gaben is a huge piece of shit swimming in money that can't even shit out of his ass 0.5% of his total life savings to make a game of the year which would bring him more money and possibly more fans

Open your eyes user, gaben is nothing but a top class jew, switch games to OW or do something that will benefit you in future or fuck off i dont give a shit

when did i say i was a soldier main


When I see dickheads RPing in a corner somewhere, I just use them to build buff banner rage. If they get mad at you, just call them faggots or ignore them.

I sometimes go C&D spy just to spam voice commands behind snipers.

People who don't fight or do anything, just wander around the map, often in firefights, with a sandwich held out as a sign of "peace".

They're a waste of slot on a team and should be considered a way to farm your strange.

Bored children who stop playing the game and try to make friends with the enemy team instead.

It's not disruptive or even annoying, I don't know why this sperg is so angry.

I used to dead ringer and disguise as a sniper on battlements sometimes. Thanks, Jerma.

>dude stop i'm friendly
>cool, i'm not

>switch games to OW
How are Blizzard not jews? Fucking crates and unlockables and immersion breaking skins of all colors of the rainbow in every Blizz/Ubisoft/EA/Activision game nowadays and others, too. Online is dead, you're better off playing singleplayer games.

gotta love how you go on that fucking tirade and mention overwatch at the end

completely invalidate any of the shit you say, kiddo.

I just see them as free kills for my stat tracked weapons when I played

Wait, a "friendly" is a thing in this game now? Like a thing people try to do and not fight, just treat it like an MMO main city hub to talk to people?

>low on health
>duck behind cover to eat a sandvich
>enemy spots me
>ignores me because he thinks I'm friendly
>fill his back full of minigun

There is no reason to even be bothered by this unless you share the same autism they have, winch I definitely see you have. It's just like entering a furry server and start complaining about the porn. What the hell you were expecting people to do when you go out of your way to annoy them up?


Well just go do it with other people that share you freaking mentality you dumbass, there are no shortage of servers to choose from but you insist of painting everything in your own autistic color.

Say what you want, you still will lose in an argument which of the following company is more jewish

shit this happened just yesterday
>"hoovy" on harvest saying everyone must obey the hoovy rules
>kill him
>kill him again
>kill him again
>switches to scout
>runs in a straight line missing every shot
>kill him again
>Retard has disconnected


>go spy
>disguise as the guy on your team being a friendly faggot (Yes, you can disguise as your own team.)
>change the disguise weapon to melee/sandvich/whatever else
>wait until someone on the enemy side tries to taunt in front of you
>stab them
Eventually the enemies get so paranoid they shoot the friendly faggot on sight, and so he's forced to actually play the game.
Problem solved.

Why not try competitive?

>See friendly heavy crouching with his Sandvich
>Go friendly heavy too
>Eventually more and more people join our "friendly party" and have a good time
>One asshole F2P keeps coming in trying to kill us but we kill him easily with our combined might
>Move to new location to avoid him
>Silence as the party goes on undisturbed
>Everyone taunts and eats sandviches in peace
>Unzip my
minigun and mow down half a fucking server who I've gained the trust of, leaving none spared from the genocide
The parties are even better when you invite a Steam friend over to help you. Why does Sup Forums hate them?

What the fuck is this friendly shit you0re talking about? Are you telling me me people "play" this game to not to play it?

>this has become a pasta

How do you change the disguise to sandwich?

>"wow user you're soooooo bad at this game your a tryhard"
I say this too but only after minisentry kills

On some maps the "meta" is to kick people if they try to go for the objective.

I start to sandman ball them over and over, Im not killing them but it annoys them to hell and I can just pretend Im also being my own kind of friendly, some of them snap and try to kill me eventually.

Yes. They crouch somewhere on the map being "friendly" because reasons. Free kill in my eyes.

>everyone shrugs and continues playing

sounds like a waste of time t b h f a m

pull out the sapper and press whatever your last disguise key is

There is only one response:

I'm from Buenos Aires and I say kill 'em all!

I'd be inclined to agree with the OP were it not for the fact that people tend to get chased into serbers marked "friendly" or "casual" by other people who need to kill something there.

I keep running into this too.
>The friendlyfag is on your team
>Sits in a corner being a useless waste of a slot
Might as well just go back to playing Overwatch, at least they actually play the game there.

It's fun to watch as both you and your steam friend mow down friendlies on both teams. They have no idea how to react when somebody they assumed was also friendly (and not some braindead F2P trying to "ruin their fun") starts killing them all

Best post

>people trying to go for the objective in CTF
>engineers will still hold down a nest in there for almost the whole game
>people just treat them for the gamemode for the most part as an arena because no time limits so you can hang out there for hours
CTF maps are weird

The superiority complex people have in this game is mind blowing. The fact that people actually think you're going to be a worse opponent for not having special effects on a hat is ridiculous.

>How does anyone deal with this shit?
Kill them more,

Valve is redpilled.

>be mod on an idle/trade/fuck-around server
>people constantly complain about getting killed when they're friendly
>join in on the killing while stating that there are no rules against killing anyone and they're free to use the server's /friendly command
>instead they just keep whining

It's fun to see them complain at least.

I used to do the same thing and think I was being clever
but then I rethought my life, quit TF2 and deleted all my idiot TF2 friends

>Idiot keeps getting killed
>Offer a solution to satisfy both parties
>"No LOL XD"
Why wouldn't I be perturbed?

I love it
>wear Spiral Sallet because I genuinely think it looks dope
>people think I'm some f2p retard
>proceed to delete them

Holy shit, that is a genious plan. Why did I never think of doing that instead? It was so simple.

>I had fun once, it was awful

It happens to a lot of older multiplayer games for some reason. Pretty much a sign to move on.

> Every game i get into its this shit all over.
What the fuck are you talking about retard? I haven't seen a single one of these faggots in a pub game since 2014.

it's memes propagated by people who no longer play Tf2, just ignore them

you keep doing it

their either leave or start trying to kill you which causes other people to shoot them

It's more rampant on 2fort servers. I love killing friendly faggots and watching them cry about it. Most of them are literal children.

Say "Put dispenser here" to sell the fake.

>some people don't have a last disguise button or don't know how to use it.

>stomp someone in casual
>"lol stop tryharding why don't you play competitive???"
>point out the ridiculous number of cheaters, tiny teams, tiny map pool, stupid abandon system, lack of graphical options, etc.
>shitter keeps being a shitter
>their shitter status starts spreading
>now half the server is "partying" at mid
>"kick user hes killing friendlies!!!!!!!!"
>Disconnect: #TF_Vote_Kicked

>using the matchmaking
Just look for a objective custom map server on the browser you fucking fags.
You'll have infinitely more fun when you find a good one that isn't Skialshit, of which there are many.

>gaben is nothing but a top class jew
>switch games to OW
L m a o

It correlates pretty well with a lack of playtime. While people decked out in cosmetics won't necessarily be good, they'll at least be familiar with the game.

>tfw top scoring with zero cosmetics and someone tells you to put some fucking hats on and stop acting like a F2P

I'd do that more, but I've found that not wearing cosmetics actually makes medics ignore me sometimes.

user you can't be le cold-hearted cool kid casual stomper while playing TF2 of all games. The problem is your retarded choice in video games, not the people who play them.

Blizzard is arguably even worse than Valve, at least Valve used to do good games then stopped. Blizz did some good shit but didn't stop and they only produce turds nowadays, popular turds yes but shit nonetheless. The worst offender is WoW because every MMORPG that came after it tried to copy that shit game, it even polluted the artsyle of videogames in general especially with that giant pauldrons armor garbage that so many games copied

Sometimes I am tempted to go back to TF2.
Yesterday I installed hax and got a vac ban
Now I'll never play it again :)

Sounds retarded. Just play it then drop it again once you get tired, what's the problem? It's not fuckin dota.

I'm not sure what makes me angrier, what happened to TF2 and the community, or what's happening to Overwatch.

Fuck I still can't get over the fact that Overwatch deliberately has no comp.

No, you totally can. That's a significant portion of the player base.

The fuck? I just want to play the game.

>play spy
>disguises never fool anyone
>disguise as my teams heavy and equip the sandwich or the melee weapon
>everyone on the enemy team ignores me, even the engineer will sometimes wrangle the gun so I can walk past
>tons of easy kills and when you die the double takes are always funny

I should be disappointed but its hilarious the amount of salt I sometimes get doing that

>engi builds teleporter under a staircase
>anyone who goes through it gets stuck
>he just stands there at the exit and does his laugh

Hightower is filled with literal twelve year olds. This game is filled with literal twelve year olds. Just wear a gibus, set up a mini, and watch the chat be filled with autistic screeching.

I'm kinda tired of pubs bullshit. Is there any decent community servers? Preferably european.

Fragmasters servers are the best I can find for serious gameplay, they are often full too, but they only have three servers iirc: a Payload maps server, a Dustbowl server and a Lazytown (cp map) server

they added a "mute" feature a while ago. Use it then move on

I only play on one server that is only populated with regulars so I don't have this problem.

>not just ignoring them
>letting retards ruin the game for you
i don't even know what to say

I have fun killing them so why are they getting mad over me having fun?

Talcon is a virgin loser irl vani too u gay af nigga little cuck boys