Other urls found in this thread:
>rip-off Starcraft 2 blobfest strategy
>rip-off assfaggots
What do you expect when you let millenials make a game?
Are RTS games just inheritly flawed?
Though that's just one scoring that's still 'in progress'
Here are a roundup of a dozen other reviews.
>3 factions
Dead on arrival
No, it's when every developer needs to fucking copy Starcraft
That's why Blizzard kills every genre they touch
Open beta already?
>straight-up phwoarr factor
Well that's unfortunate. We really do need better 40k games. I feel like we're in a famine and I have no one to play the table top game with.
>Really only 3 fractions
Fuck off. At least I have WH:TW2 to look forward to.
The fuck is wrong with these people?
Post the giant robot going invisible in the tiny bush.
Yawn of war
I am hardly surprised.
Still gonna try out the open beta this weekend, but I doubt that it will convince me to get the game.
There honestly seems so very little about it that appeals to me in any real way.
>giant robot going invisible in the tiny bush.
>no score syetms
>Not final
Why even give a score, then? What's the point of it if you can give the game every single score?
well I guess it will be patched
It's just not the same wtihout that british guy giving the obviously "this aint right" commentary.
>"So it just disappears in the bushes? it just vanished in the bushes?" or something to that effect.
>posts png
>No Sigmarines
No buy
>They destroyed the whole Warhammer setting.
No buy. Good luck Age of Sigmar.
>has more going on than both previous games combined when i comes to scale and tone
Is there actual hope for this game?
Wtf is this shit?
>the fantasycuck needs to remind us about his murderer every single thread
From looking at the utter clusterfuck the matches become, no.
the death of warhammer fantasy
Age of smegmar
If the game is dead on arrival, how come it's in the Top Sellers above Nier Automata and Bayonetta?
Checkmate, atheists.
>they just stopped pretending that Warhammer isn't for children
>manchildren mad
Grow up faggots
how the fuck is nier automata still on top sellers?
Adding super heavies was a fucking mistake.
Literally only added as sale bait.
That UI is trully horrible
>inb4 BUT ITS A BETA!!!
Betas these days are the final product
>top seller
>can't even beat a meme football game that's been out for decades and some dime a dozen OPEN WORLD SURVIVAL icksdededededededede shovelware early access game
We are living in the age Warhammer games are top 10 sales material consistently.
Praise the emperor.
>IGN dislikes it
well then Sup Forums is gonna love it
Because it's good?
it´s a good game user
because its not cracked
Weak bait my friend
No. If wide audience considers it good, it means it's actually shit.
>sales = quality
I guess Minecraft is the greatest game ever made right after call of duty and the meme open world survival early access game of the month
>typical warhammer audience
At least you admit you are a troll fishing for (You)'s.
warhammer is for autists and for rich kids
>but muh books
Go play with your toys kid
The animations look like garbage.
go play along with the other autists
How are you different from a kid with toy soldiers? Just because you've spend 1k for your "army"?
Look how much content is in preorder and dlcs. to hell with them and while we are at it, dow 2 faggots should fuck off.
He's already on Sup Forums though
There is no dow2 user, what are you talking about?
Nice, but why don't you answer my question?
What are some other games with phwoarr factor?
Sup Forums is the normiest board
even /soc/ is more autistic than Sup Forums
as an autist who's fascinated by 40k's lore I'm pretty butthurt that there are no (((great))) 40k games, also the genre being mostly developed as an RTS doesn't do this any justice neither. I just want more 3rd person specc mareen action that doesn't feel like a shitty 6 hour call of duty campaign
Im guessing he is here to talk about Warhammer videogames
this. Sup Forums is a normalfag central with redditors and twitter screencaps and jewtuber threads. and normalfags looove warhammer because le epic nerdz credzzzzz for te le emperor xd upbote
>If wide audience considers it good, it means it's actually shit.
So if that logic was true (which it isn't) then literally every well regarded game of all time would be considered shit.
Pray tell me what games that have come out in the past 5 years that are "good" under that logic?
Fuck yourself with a drill. DoW is GOAT
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, faggot.
>IGN gives average score
>IGN gives high score
>paid reviews, shit game
really makes you wonder
fucking creed, you're supposed to be in trazyn's fun house
shut the fuck up tin can, 40k deserves more than that and you know it
Because you are an imbecile that doesn't know how top 10 sellers operates?
objective review
fuck off normalfag go shill another overhyped shit and post in two best goys threads.
Source? I can't find it
Only if its about more guardsmen. Horroresque 1st person shooter with some squad-control mechanics and light rpg elements would be great
>if something gets popular, you have to stop liking it to save face on an anonymous image board
fuck off retard
No, a guardsmen game would be awful. They can only put you up against other humans without shitting on the lore.
But most of them are overrated shit like Uncharted, Nu-raiders, Last of Us etc. while still widely acclaimed
>he actually defends normalfaggotry and le epic nerdz culture
lmao dont forget to post on warhammer subreddit how hyped you are for this game.
this one is shaping up to be a letdown, I'm more hype for TWW 2
Why is the DoW fanbase so fucking stupid?
It's genuinely the most autistic fanbase outside of Sonic. Why?
>I just want more 3rd person specc mareen action that doesn't feel like a shitty 6 hour call of duty campaign
That's the biggest contradiction I've read on Sup Forums to date
Looks ok to me.
And? All good games are widely acclaimed but not all widely acclaimed games are good games. You can't seem to grasp this simple concept.
>too many mechanix gaiz
>too complex
I don't think any game will beat meme football game in a long time.
You don't make a game in a pre-established franchise and then just ignore the setting and do whatever you want.
If I made a lord of the rings game and people were running around with guns and jetpacks people would be rightfully pissed.
weird combination of elitist autists and meme hungry normies
first day?
A tau fire warrior already killed a Lord of Change on his own, plus a few spess mehreens and chaos creatures. A guardsman soloing a few greater demons is up next.
I recall the Top sellers list is adjusted to ROI instead of raw sale numbers. Since Automata was made with a budget Naughty Dog uses for toilet paper it only needs few sales to keep up.
>Its real
No words can describe my feeling.
>MOBA disguised as a RTS
amazed they gave it such a high score
>W40k Imperial Commando
fucking scum
You mean like the last Lord of the Rings game?
Or maybe like the new one?
If the fanbase were actually angry about lore-breaks It'd be typical fanbase stuff - and wouldn't be objectionable.
I mean more that the DoW fanbase feels like it's filled with 12 year olds and ESL retards.
ugh can you not be so entitled? the other factions will be released soon, if they came out at launch it's shorten the lifespan of the game