>You will never play on good persistent world NWN realms again
ITT: Online communities you miss every day
Trials HD on 360
Red Dead Redemption mp
Red Faction Guerrilla mp
gta 4 online
DotA 2 when it's gone.
Nothing makes me feel more alive than being flamed in voicechat by a furious Russian
Demon's Souls/early Dark Souls community
The biggest disappointment of GTA:O was the total abandonment of the game modes like chopper vs. chopper, protect the boss, etc.
There was one in GTA:O where you chase motorcycles as jets, which was pretty great, but overall they focused too much on the MMO aspect and forgot to make actual fun content.
the pso community on the gamecube
halo 2 and 3 customs
BF1942 modding community
if you want me to call you occasionally to tell you that you're bad at last hitting and are also a faggot, i can do that for you, user
TMF, mainly a Counter strike source community, playing Jailbreak, Surf, Gungame and other shit, was fucking great, was in it 2010-2014 until TMF disbanded, fuck I miss it every day.
UT 2004
Playing monster madness for hours and hours.
Also transformice Sup Forums servers
I miss the erp community of every mmo I've ever played.
I'll never see an MMO community as friendly and laid-back as City of Heroes' community ever again.
>Even WoWfags are too busy grinding arenas to ERP any more
Kill me now
I miss Tribes, and all the pros that shit on me until I grew into a flower.
I miss Tribes
And to a lesser extent, Nosgoth. I only played with my friends for a few months but they were both pretty fucking good and I got dragged up to their level real quick.
>guild wars wolverine.jpg
>Halo: CE before the Mexican Revolution
>CS 1.6
>Halo 3 Customs
>CS:S back when people didn't always ban awp's
Graal Online
Vanilla/TBC WoW
Good old zombie master.
Jailbreak on gmod. Used to have so much fun with friends until it all kinda just fell apart
>GTAIV on the 360
>05-08 Runescape
>Spacestation 13 6 years ago
my niggas.
>cops and crooks
>no frills free roam
>weapon pick up deathmatches
>gta race that was actually fun
GTAIV was great because it didn't have connection issues, no contrived leveling up system and the only incentive to grind was to get clothes. You could jump right in as a level 1 and have just as much fun as someone who has been playing it for a while without being at a disadvantage thanks to some bullshit stat system
How much for 5k maple logs?
>/vg/station when I used to play in like 2013
>halo reach custom games
>dark souls 1 on xbox 360. dark souls 2 PvP was okay in terms of gameplay but everyone just went to the boring gray arena or the boring gray iron fortress. DaS1 had active PVP in basically every area
where did the time go
Ashen Empires
Lineage II
I miss guild wars 1 when it was populated
On a related note, what games have excellent communities?
Star Wars Galaxies Pre-CU/NGE.
I'd cut my balls off to get to play this game again. You can take the dick too if the graphics are updated to Battlefront/Battlefield-tier.
I remember when the countersword was the only banned weapon in melee rooms in S4 League
Early TF2 community pre hats update
Day of Defeat source
Rainbow Six Siege when it wasn't that popular with youtube trash and csgo rejects
>Rainbow Six Siege when it wasn't that popular with youtube trash and csgo rejects
FUCK man that hurts
>old school runescape when i didn't have a care in the world
>roblox when i didn't have a care in the world
>rainbow six vegas 1 and 2, met tons of good players on there on pc
>re5 versus and mercenary matches, used to be quite a tight knit community on ps3
>my wow guild during cata, which i wish i could go back to almost every time i play a private server
>re5 versus and mercenary matches
literally playing this 3 hours ago on pc since i just bought it again, there was only 1 other person on the game playing through the campaign on amateur.
Sad it died out everywhere
midnight club dub edition
zombie master
back when i played it i think the game had been out for a few years, but the community on ps3 was pretty damn strong
i think the consoles had the better re5 experiences anyway, the initial pc release was on gfwl and i don't think they even sold versus despite it being in the game (you had to use a trainer or mod to access it if i remember correctly) plus lost in nightmares & desperate escape were absent on pc for many years
Runescape when I was in 7th grade (like 2003-ish)
Demon's souls too. I was pretty late to the party but it was still a cool community.
Very good times
Planetside 1
City of Heroes/Villians
Tabula Rasa
plenty more mmo and online games
Defcom with Sup Forumsirgins