why did 'autism' become a common insult?
Why did 'autism' become a common insult?
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boing boing
Because people got mad when other people said they had autism, so people learned that by saying you had autism it could make people angry.
To suppress science with Newspeak.
language undergoes change just like how we don't use "pwned" and "noob" anymore
No joke. Some people here actually have autism.
It became an insult when everyone realized that each elementary classroom had at least one autistic kid
/jp/ pioneered the term years ago. It then leached to other boards and increasingly became more mainstream after that, branching out to sites like reddit.
Because the internet is overflowing with them
Because it's a bit more nuanced than "retarded"
More importantly, why autism become so mainstream? I dont think i ever heard a case of autism in the 90s or so
This, OP posting asking the question obviously has some negative feeling behind it which reinforces my use of the word.
When vaccinations were normalized by the government.
Because it sucks
because a minority of losers who post the majority of stuff here are so pathetic that they can only feel superior when the other suffers from a dissability. is quite simple/sad
A long while ago, it used to be my favorite way to get people upset when they were raging in League or any other game. It was perfect because if you phrased it correctly you never, ever got in trouble for it.
The way to do it would be to ask, "Has anyone asked if you have Autism?", or, alternatively, "Have you been diagnosed on the spectrum?"
These people would rage more, report me after the match and I'd get notifications about it, but I never ever got banned or in trouble.
I miss old League sometimes.
Because it's the closest insult you can use when saying someone isn't normal. Now cuck is becoming the next insult and I think it's such a stupid word to use.
I just wish we could go back 10+ years where we just called eachother a bunch of faggots.
how can u deny video games cause autism when shit like this exists?
It's because of people like Chris Chan
Holy shit I've actually accomplished something on this board.
Autism is the new ADD/ADHD for shit parenting.
Same with cuck. It will all fade with time. I wonder what insults we'll be using 5 years from now?
It's simple.
>board learns a new word ("autism", "cuck", etc.)
>it gets overused to the point it becomes entirely meaningless
>idiots pick it up and start using it outside of Sup Forums
Basically, it's your own fault.
We've been using it on Sup Forums before /jp/ even existed
a LOT of people on here have autism.
Whoa, thanks for saving my picture. But you shouldn't post it on a work safe board.
Cause autistic people play CoD, Minecraft and LoL.
You haven't seen shit yet.
If you want to see the worst of it, skip to eight and a half minutes
I firmly believe that very few people would be using autism as an insult if Chris-chan didn't exist.
Bullshit, it popularized due to Minecraft threads
Probably because of all the fucking autists
boing boing
struggling to find another word, but that is, kind of autistic user
He's just such an influential autist
is fedora still a hot meme?
>2012 was 5 years ago
Because of the fucking early Minecraft threads and ManlyTears constantly spamming it until it forced its way into the average insult vocabulary.
That faggot little midget raped the internet with his words.
>in college
>everyone moves chair to sit next to people they like
>professor doesn't like it and asks us to move chairs back so that the classroom ''looks good''
>ask him if he has autism
>everyone laughs
>never made to rearrange chairs again
I don't know seems like a pretty good insult.
>cousin gives me a ride home
>starts bursting out about them SJWs
>asks if I know any funny memes
>actually uses the word "cuck"
What's particularly interesting about this is that English is not our native language, and yet he literally said "cuck".
I'm almost positive he browses Sup Forums.
When this first became a commonplace thing I lost my shit and got angry. I got over it pretty quick, but goddamn people are scum.
Autism might become the new ADHD.
I can remember when an autistic person was somebody who needed a wrangler in class and was so low functioning that they could barely communicate. Now every weird introverted kid gets screened for autism and there's a growing number of people who talk about being "on the spectrum" as if it's some kind of alternative lifestyle.
That's what put the idea into people's heads, but what talked about is what set it on fire. The Kotaku article that probably inspired this thread certainly isn't going to help.
it's a very good way to describe people with obnoxious and illogical tendencies
Sorta? I mean fedora are not a meme anymore.
MAGA Is the new fedora
That autistic muppet is cute hottie
She needs more rule 34
people got tired of the word "retard" i guess
When NEETs became a thing
Autist here. I fucking love the fact that autism has become an insult. It's like my very own N-word. I live in a town with three universities so whenever some uppity college asshole calls me out for using it I get to tell them I'm that they don't need to get offended on my behalf and watch their attempt to gain SJW points backfire.
Whenever me and the mates go out drinking this happens at least once.
>/jp/ invented autism
clearly not since you've had it for longer than they've existed
It's a new way to call someone retard without calling them retard. Also there is a good chance when you call someone an autist, it's true in some way.
autismposting in /jp/ was the farthest back I remember it
>I can remember when an autistic person was somebody who needed a wrangler in class and was so low functioning that they could barely communicate
>now it's the spectrum
Luckily we aren't the subhumans we once were, realizing nothing is black and white
Overdiagnoses to excuse shit parenting. Parents would rather blame the fact that their son is an awkward beta who spends his days holed up on his room on the computer on some mental disorder than on their inability to be parents.
Because it's an easy way for bullies to feel Superior
Because underage Redditors don't know what the word means and just spout memes they read in epic Sup Forums threads. Being a weird introvert with strange hobbies doesn't mean you have autism or are even """"on the spectrum""". It's just a meme buzzword insult that strayed from its original meaning when it became overused by underage kids, like faggot and cuck.
stop it hurts
It started when Heart Gold and Soul Silver released. There were non-stop threads about it (as in the entire front page) discussing IVs, EVs, and private servers for pokemon drops. Around that time, it was discovered and spread that the creator of Pokemon was on the autism spectrum, and then the connection between pokemon and autism was made.
Of course, it didn't stay to just being an insult of pokemon fans, as idiots saw any game that required a modicum of effort as autistic.
it started with manlytears like 6 years ago, he started the 'autism' meme and calling shit autistic, then it became a generalized Sup Forums meme
>That faggot little midget
he's pathetic but isn't he 5'10 or something? I'm 5'10 so that would make me feel pretty bad
anyway, it's hilarious how he's trying to reinvent himself as some streamer faggot now, the guy has so much lolcow material on ED too, what a joke of a human being
you sir, are and idiot ;)
>giving little brother, who is in high school, a ride
>he mentions somebody or something he finds distasteful
>quietly proclaims, "cuck"
It took me a while to really become certain he was saying that, because I so greatly wanted for that to not be the case
>has an autistic fit because the radio host mentioned Black Lives Matter, changes the station in an actual huff
I never thought he would turn out this way
a long time ago, about when minecraft was blowing up on Sup Forums, a stupid tripfag named manly tears would create thread after thread linking autism and minecraft and would spam the minecraft threads with pictures of autism awareness posters
he would reply to most, if not all, (You)s he got, usually insulting the poster by calling them autistic
he made his prescense so obnoxiously large autism eventually caught on as a Sup Forums buzzword, and it eventually trickled down to reddit and surface level internet, like most Sup Forums or SA memes go to die.
i can't tell you where he got autism from, or if he just thought up himself, thats just the earliest memory i have of the word being thrown around
It got widespread when Minecraft was getting popular and Sup Forums being contrarian, started calling anyone who played it a autist
Autist pls leave
I don't give a shit what his height actually is, he'll always be Manly "Two-Feet-Tall" Tears to me.
I think around the time they invented "assburgers"
Is it this place that is ruining people or does it simply attract people with that mindset?
I have a honest question, not trying to shitpost or anything but how comes mental illnesses / disorders and so are celebrates these days? Shouldnt we aim to cure such things insted of celebrating and making people special based on what illness they have? Because it seems like america gave up this a long while ago
They can't cure it so instead they say "Yay! You're special for having it!"
We used to use "retard", but then autism came around which is an even better insult because there's a much higher chance that a seemingly normal person can have it
is this bait
I saw assburgers being thrown around on Finnish image board forums with a picture of Spede Pasanen to go along with it, but it later just turned to simply "autism" too.
Shame, I liked the more humorous tone of assburgers better.
That's mostly feel good stuff to comfort families that have to deal with it, isn't it? I assume there's research being done on what causes it.
*autistic screeching* is usually a good explanation to how I feel, even if I trained to not do that anymore.
People without a personality think mental illnesses are the fastest way to become interesting to others. Plus, people are suckers for drama. If their life is lacking it, they tend to glorify mental illnesses. The people who parade their disorders around are usually pretenders or at the mild end of the spectrum.
Diagnosed with crippling depression here. I'd gladly give those idiots a taste just to feel like a person again.
But if they have multiple children raised the same way and only one is an awkward beta that flaps their arms unless they are actively trying not to, then it might be a thing.
post the full thing you pansy
>implying personalities are an actual thing and not simply mimicked behaviors
>Diagnosed with crippling depression here
So what do you user? If i may ask? Do you take pills or something or go to some meeting or how do you battle this.
It is psychosomatic
How unapologetically autistic do you have to be to get called autistic so consistently by complete strangers at a bar?
hi meme elite here
Autism became popular when the whole "cringe" shit became popular, which was back in 2009-10 Sup Forums. The concept of exposing cringe and enduring through the whole video was pretty much non-existent and it was a novel thing that was fun to discuss and watch, so Sup Forums was basically FULL of those threads. From then on a very obvious average was derived from the large sample of cringe, which showed that about 90% of those people are very likely autistic and socially unaware. No one ever wanted to be those cringy people, so the nickname used to describe them - autistic, became the best insult on this site. From 2011 on it spread to reddit and the rest of the internet caught up in like 2013.
>using autism as an insult is leaking into Twitter/Facebook/YouTube
Which board do I blame for this?
I've went to clinics and see a therapist regularly. Yeah, I'm on medication, which helps with the mood, although it's far from perfect. I still have very little drive to actively do things if I don't have to. Interacting with others is stressful, but I'm getting there.
because be autistic become more common for attension whores
almost all special snowflakes defend themself saying they are autistic
It doesn't matter the cause, only that it exists.