No galactic conquest mode

>no galactic conquest mode


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I never picked it up to begin with

>considering EAfront in the first place

battlEAfront a shit

I mean besides no galactic conquest being announced yet, its looking pretty good so far

Based on a fucking CGI trailer? Please end yourself.

Not CGI you dingus

It was in engine footage, dice doesnt even need to hide behind a cg trailer because their engine is so god damn beautiful. Its about the only thing decent about Battlefront


UC4 was "in-engine" footage too

only difference is DICE delivered with Battlefront, while Naughty Dog downgraded it like hell

>game engine footage

Still falling for that shit, huh?

Reminder that posting on Sup Forums counts as breaking the masquerade

the nostalgiafags who played BF2 last century need to die

they do nothing but make the situation worse

>the game was superior in my day and no i'm not wearing rose-tinted glasses!

gameplay standards changed and developer sustainability is a nightmare compared to years-of-old. there's absolutely no way to implement all the features you cocksuckers want without the game finishing in the red budget-wise

do everyone a favor
and kill yourselves

under current US advertising laws what you're proposing is illegal since this is not a bull shot. it is "game engine footage"

the nostalgiafags who played BF2 last century need to die

(you) first.

Guess who's Rey's mother? Mara Jade isn't canon anymore, remember?

>breaking advertising laws

Wouldn't be the first for EA.

Battlefront is pretty much the only game in recent memory that delivered on their in-engine trailers

>the biggest publisher on the planet can't match the features of a PS2 game

If you honestly believe this then you're the dumbest fuck on the face of the earth

Classes, single-player, and Clone Wars era stuff is good but

I'll see how the release goes, no way in hell I'd ever pre-order this.

Surely you jest?

did you actually play the game? Because it looks like that, no bullshit

Reminder that battlefont 3 was going to happen but was cucked to death by Lucas arts and all we have left is the 360 version

It was more than ea could ever hope to have and they know it

>gameplay standards changed
So gameplay standards mean giving players less content than a 10 year old game on the fucking PS2?
Lazy piece of shit devs need to die

You're a fucking moron if you actually believe this.

>new made up OC character just for a game
>implying the battlefront games are in anyway actually tied with the movies and not just using it as a setting
>the last jedi specific characters are locked about preorder/DLC, and if rey's mother was ever going to be in a game she would be a last jedi specific character at least

But they couldn't and haven't done that.



>didn't play the originals

Classes were a huge part of Battlefront and it's an abomination that the reboot didn't have them. We'll see how this new one handles them though.

AT-AT going down looks like shit compared to that trailer. And its bits and pieces are bouncing around like made of rubber.

>they have to put development time into something because a PS2 game did it

Kill yourself

Classes were appart of the original.. but this is ea they will be cancer who am i kidding .. CLASSES ARE CANCER. FUCK YOU.

I did play the originals. They weren't perfect and the class system was a flaw.

>babbies hating on a popular game

not surprised
you cucks mad i preordered?

>galactic conquest mode being literally the worst aspect of BF2 and wanting it to return

ea+disney+dice should be automatic drop anyway.

Who cares if the trailer is made in engine, they're still animated so it's no different if they had just animated the fucking thing. In game scripted footage is in no way indicative of how the actual game is.

Also, the fact that y'all are still trying to hold EA and Dice up to the same plate as the original shows how stupid you are. It might be a good Star Wars game but EA/Dice clearly do not want to make a Battlefront game.

>had to point out one very specific moment in 3 hour long video

face it faggot, it's a good looking game. Not even the user you're arguing with. It was a shit game, but one of the best looking ones of the decade.

They stopped showing that claim after a few seconds, which is obviously an ingame cutscene. They don't claim any of the rest of it to be gameplay so it isn't.

>which is obviously an ingame cutscene

Only to you, Biased Brian

Give me a second to breath in and admire all that beauty.

Nice cherry-picking

I have no doubt that this one will be significantly better than the last one. Maybe even 5x better.

Unfortunately for you, EA, that's still nowhere near the quality of what I consider to be an acceptable game in this franchise.


Fuck no it wasn't, how the hell else would you do it while still maintaining the variety of Star Wars?

>no ground-to-space transitions like in Free Radical's cancelled BF3
This is the fucking worst

are you suggesting that looks bad?

Obviously the originals are night and day superior to the EA crap, but if what he's saying is that they're not well balanced, then he's completely correct.

>faggos saying the frostbite engine looks bad


Yeah, sorry about that. I should have posted a screenshot from that grey planet instead.

No. I'm just saying it's nothing impressive. Graphics like that should be pretty much a standard thing. I want to see more realistic physics, enviromental damage, combat which has actual impact.

>Wanting Galatic Conquest mode when you can just have the superior Operations mode

>>Yeah, sorry about that. I should have posted a screenshot from that grey planet instead.

>so salty he resorts to cherry picking - again - when called out on cherry picking

Given how EAfront 1 compares to 2, maybe EAfront 3 will have it.

This of course assumes EA/dice can actually deliver on making 2 not be shit.

Frogged my picture.

No he's saying that the very concept of classes is bad.

>No he's saying that the very concept of classes is bad.
Oh, well fuck that noise.

Can't take a joke now? Maybe you should lend me some of that salt of yours because it's pretty sour here at my end right now.

>I'm just saying it's nothing impressive.
>Graphics like that should be pretty much a standard thing
But they aren't the standard thing you mouthbreathing mongoloid. Saying graphics like that "should" be the standard doesn't just magically wash away the fact that the fucking graphics are fantastic for this dumb shit game.

If that was a joke you did an extremely poor job conveying it in the OP; fault is yours.

source on this?
i wouldnt be surprised if this were true but i cant find anything about there being no galactic conquest

You should take some air, buddy. If you look at the other games released in 2015, Battlefront doesn't exactly stand out from the bunch too much. It has standard graphics for a triple A title. That's it.

Yeah, I'm no comedian.

Any word on instant action coming back? I can thrive off of that alone. Forget the online multiplayer.

If it's that "skirmish" bullshit again I will kms

It was such a cool concept and it blew me away when the first leaked trailer dropped. The fact that the game was canned and nobody every bothered to do anything similar breaks my heart


Oh please, god forbid they add that shit again.

just a directx update


It's only fair to cherry-pick one of the worst screenshots of my best looking game of 2015.

EA just shut the fuck up and put galactic conquest in your game