Dwarf Fortress Thread

Hi lads, time for a comfy dwarf fortress thread.

I'm working on a fort at the moment, going for full army defense, no traps or bridge abuse.
This has the unfortunate downside of meaning I can no longer ignore crossbow dwarves.

How does this look for a range? Is there enough space? can there be multiple targets in one range?

Here's the fort after the first year.
Working on a fighting pit for prisoners and transferring everything inside. Also have a sealed guard tower that's having Fortifications installed for the crossbow dwarves, in advance of the main causeway I'll be building into the fort.

Looks like enough space to me, and yes I think so. Full army defence is fucking fun, but it's a change of pace than using traps. I wouldn't limit yourself with bridges though, use and abuse the shit out them.

Here's a better view of the front entrance, such as it is.
There's an underground passageway to the tower, under which sits the bulk of the fort.

I use drawbridges every game, and they really take the "oh shit" factor out of a siege imo. if I lose I lose, wouldn't be fun otherwise.

So the crossbow dwarves will practice archery if I get the equipment right then?

Yep, just make sure you don't assign them to a normal barrack or they won't actually practise shooting them.

How do I learn2play Dorf?

I wish df had mouse controls.
I tried to play it, i really tried.

There is a script that adds that I think

Read the wiki, ask here or on/dfg/ and do not be afraid to lose.

what tileset is this? it looks great
My favourite is ian mconville's but that shit is ancient so I assume it doesn't actually work anymore

Once you get past the initial perspective fuckery and ASCII art it's just a matter of finding out what things do from the wiki.

thanks guys

No problem. It's very in depth, if you're like me you'll feel overwhelmed at times because you'll feel like you have to choose between a nice looking fort (and fps death) or an ugly fort but longer until fps death. Go for the pretty forts, because when you're new you'll get a game over long before fps death kicks in. That being said, keep industries closer together (kitchen, still, farms, butcher etc close by) and look up bedroom design on the wiki

My most recent fort hit fps deaths after only two years. Granted I had running reseviour and a magma cannon



I think the gobbos may actually be better equipped than my dorfs.

Oh shit they drew first blood.
Also there are only like... 6 goblins.
I overreacted. This is doable.

The lads are putting in work.

Well the crossbowmen didn't have any bolts so they're just kicking the shit out of the gobbos.
Seems to be working.

And here are the rest of the gang to clean up. gg.

Final results:
6 dead kobolds
3 injured dwarves.

They're going to the Hospital.

>How does this look for a range?
1. the shooting direction is wrong. "top to bottom" should be "left to right" so the dwarves will stand left of the target and shoot right (which is, towards the target)
2. only targets that have been setup with a room will work. you have 9 targets there, you need to setup 8 more targets if you have not already
3. make sure your marksdwarves training routine is not "10 dwarves" but ten sets of "1 dwarf" read the wiki on how to set up a proper training schedule.

4. you also need to make sure the training ammunition is as nearby as possible so the dwarves don't need to spend time walking around grabbing bolts
5. make sure the marksdwarves squad has been assigned the proper training and military ammunition. if you have a shitton of metal you could just use that for training and avoid equipment swapping problems/delays.

6. ALWAYS BE PRODUCING CROSSBOW BOLTS. think 1000 is enough? add a 0 to that.

1- yeah saw it, ty
2- why 8 more?
3- 1 dwarf at a time?
4- Good call.
5- yeah got it.
6- and here I was thinking 1000 is enough