What do you want to see in RDR 2?
-Multiple protagonists
-Better deep story
-More focus on exploration (similar to Breath of the Wild)
-Another great old west OST
What do you want to see in RDR 2?
-Multiple protagonists
-Better deep story
-More focus on exploration (similar to Breath of the Wild)
-Another great old west OST
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Red Dead Redemption 1 but more of it. No gimmicky shit like multiple protagonists, no "immersive online experience".
Just play as a old gunslinger, on a quest for revenge/redemption, deadeye and basically the same multiplayer as back then, but not abandon it to hackers once you publish more profitable games.
Bar fights. I want to hit someone and the whole bar erupts into mayhem, not hit one person and everyone runs away screaming
>Multiple protagonists
So the same thing that ruined GTA V's single player? Why would anyone want this?
>-Multiple protagonists
Worst part of last GTA
Worst part of the first game.
Shit taste, muchacho.
>Maybe if we add like 3 protagonists the fans will like at least one of them
>Worst part of the first game.
What? I loved that part, specially the Mexican revolution, and it was god tier in Undead Nightmare.
>make shooting on a moving horse more difficult
>toggle-able spaghetti western mode where enemies are sent flying from shotguns, a new filter is added, reduced gore and all the ingame sounds are replaced with these
Multiple protags gave the game much more depth. THat's why it's literally the best video game story crafted in years.
Bully for you, nigger. Mexico was universally panned in 2010.
Multiple Protagonists can be good but in GTA 5 it was trash.
specially since you are bond to hate atleast one of the 3
How so?
I kinda want the freedom to make my own story. Maybe multiple protagonists will cover most bases in that sense, but I'd rather be a nameless gunslinger of my choosing.
I don't care for multiplayer and would rather not have a situation where the single player experience isn't complete without it.
Other than that, it's hard to be too specific. Just an updated, bigger RDR will do me just fine.
if they made multiple protagonists i would rather have every mission can be done with multiple characters, so you could see from their perspective, and not just
>Hood missions > Black character
>Whacky missions > crazy character
>Money missions > rich character
No it wasn't, it actually was praised a lot
A proper title instead of Red Dead 3: Redemption 2
I want Red Dead Redemption Online like GTA Online, but even better. Even if that means there will be Shark Coins™ and a new purchasable breed of horse added to the game every week.
I hope they give a way to buy money online with real money and put in a whole bunch of things you can buy like different colored horses and weapons.
>THat's why it's literally the best video game story crafted in years.
According to literally fucking who? GTA V's story was complete utter dogshit, and the playable characters having zero depth (because there was too many of them, and Trevor was just shit in general) was a large reason why. It was literally impossible to give a fuck about any of them because you didn't spend enough time playing as any of them. It was actually sad when John Marston died in RDR, in GTA V I didn't care at all about who died and who lived.
Man, when they announced multiple protags I was expecting GTAV to be co-op. I was hoping for a GTA with a co-op story campaign. I still don't fucking understand why they decided to go with "single player but multiple protagonists"
Red Dead Redemption with more content.
There's nothing to change in the formula, the first one got everything right, just add more mechanics and systems, make the loot more useful and that's it.
Make it take part in an earlier time. I'd rather it be during the peak of the wild west like a Clint Eastwood film than an end of an era type thing like RDR was. Either way as long as I get some western world to explore I'd be happy. I love westerns now so a new RDR is going to be 10/10 for me either way. I replayed the first over the summer and I had such a different appreciation for it.
What do you mean? We already had Mexico in RDR 1, so could you talk more about that point?
i dont like the way GTA V did multiple protags, but i think RDR2 could do it better.
i'm cautiously optimistic about that.
I will never have Red Dead Revolution
Why live