This is a Shy Guy! Say something nice about her!

This is a Shy Guy! Say something nice about her!

Other urls found in this thread:

Y-Yoo T-T-Too



Every fucking time I look this game up, I always find a different version from before that either has more or less characters or controls differently.

Fuck sake.

She has a very feminine dick and balls.


>yfw minus 8 turns out to be a pedophile


>mfw minus 8 turns out to be a pedophile

He's had a Flash animation of D.W. from Arthur getting plowed for quite some time. Not saying I approve of it, but fuck man, how did you not know?

yes, and?

is this a meme or did something happen to him?

>that monkey sawntea

I was speaking more about his depressing as hell post about confessing his thoughts and feeling really broken about knowing he could go to jail about it since he is from South Korea.

There is a different between drawing it and pretty much confessing these thoughts are with him 24/7

I don't see whats the appeal with these

You can't even see their faces

that is their face

>having faces

shy gal is cute!
i want to hold her hand and get a blowjob through her mask and snuggle while groping her ass!
that's a part of the appeal!

get out of here you faggot tranny.

shygal is fat



link to post?

disgusting thicc fags

Seems like the guy's always having a hard time with something. It's a shame because the content he creates is so great.

So he's not a child rapist but just a poor mentally ill man.
It's sad, not shameful.

He seem to have deleted his huge post about it but he seem to have gotten a better mindset about it

That flash looks like shit, no idea how people can get turned on by that

Is loli illegal in SK? I mean if he didnt fiddle a child, then saying he wants to shouldn't get him arrested. Just like saying you want to kill someone won't.

Porn is illegal in SK.

porn is illegal in south korea

No it isn't you fucktards. I regularly buy it down in Hongdae.

are you sure you're not mixing it up with NK?

Porn should be illegal everywhere because it creates faggots! Fucking shit goddamn those annoying weaboost but god forbid a guy wanna french a 12 year old. Also NOT VIDEO GAMES

You seem to have stumbled into the wrong website, is that way

fucking retard.


What did he mean by this?

Whoops. That was the wrong one.
it's restricted

>It's a shame because the content he creates is so great.

It's an escape from their reality. This one artist I know and talk to often draws some nice colorful shit, but eventually told me that he's more or less a hikikomori since he can't go outside without getting sick and doesn't even drive.

when the hell did Sup Forums become moralfag central?

I saw the first part on his blog, and wondered if it was just an april fools joke in really bad judgment. Like maybe the foreign bastard just didn't understand the line in what you shouldn't joke about.

At least this is one person you learn about in a blog post and not in the news after the fact.

Not really. Porn websites are just disguised as not being porn websites. I can watch JAV or amateur stuff just like anyone else in the world.

Because being edgy gets boring.

Shut up

>If I have the money, the courage, the ability to take responsibility for the future of a child. I rape.

whoa! i dont believe it! Sup Forums is actually tired of being edgy? what happened to being the internet hate machine?

Well, at least he's honest. Most pedo fags would defend loli like it's a good thing

more like shy gay

Porn is fantasy, genius

You under Estimate my skeletal power

If only he had 200 bill gates 200 year money

That argument won't work in court.

>he thinks porn is edgy

That's not enough.


Yeah! Totally! My Anonymous brother! We sure showed Fox New all those years ago!

This hits way to close to home. Pedo's are always portrayed as monsters but some of them really don't like the way they were born.

>the law defines what is right or wrong
Not having any integrity.

300 bill gates 200 year money

>implying I'll get caught

The ones who act on it ARE monsters, user. No exceptions. And those are the ones you usually hear about. People who seek help for it shouldn't be demonized though.

>Fox News
>Not Oprah
you are not my brother

You'd need at least 400 Bill Gates 800 year money.

>Most pedofiles will defend loli
>Proceeds to defend loli

Enjoy going to jail and being shanked for being a kiddy fiddler with 'integrity'. See how far that gets you just like Jerry the rapist with a heart of gold.


Fantasy implies real desire
If you fantasize about fucking little children that means you have a real desire to fuck a little child, the only thing stopping you is the fact that society doesn't want their little children to be molested by a sweaty old man.

>Actually wanting to be connected Anonymous

The laws do define what's right or wrong. Otherwise you'd being raping kids in their houses, Muhammad.

>tfw no 600 bill gates 500 year money

>have to basically scan ID to look at porn

i'm guessing tunnel bear gets the majority of their revenue from south korea

>tfw 1000 bill gates 1000 year money

Could give a fuck less. I still like his porn and that's all I care about.

I thought what's right and wrong define the laws, at least in theory

>this whole thread

Can we ban these Sup Forums tards?

Couldnt give a fuck less. I still like Hitlers art and thats all I care about.

>wanting to be a secret club
hey maybe Sup Forums will get an offshot website that will slowly merge back into it self, thatd be funny right?

I'm still gonna masturbate to his animations

But he's not. The man didn't speak a speck of English. Check his recent posts

What are semantics? We have laws for a reason, I'll let you figure out why.

So does this mean i'm no longer allowed to jerk it to shy gals?

thats some nice art.

You mean half of Sup Forums?

>wanting to be a secret club
>Implying Sup Forums is anything but mainstream.

>"""guy""" who caters to degenerate meme fetishes is a degenerate meme fetishist

who would have thought this

They're talking about porn producers, not Guryong hillbillies with Internet access you mongoloid.

>first he's into cartoon porn and furries, to an extent
>then he's into traps
>then he is the trap who likes taking dick
>now he wants to have sex with children
Somehow I don't think minus8 is really a pedophile. I think he's just hopping from sexual disorder to sexual disorder because of his own mental illness in the first place. Which I'm not gonna demonize him over, it's just a sad state of affairs.

Someone should afford this guy some professional help or something.

Am I not supposed to like this because hitler made it? Was that your point?

>secret club
that was the joke m8.

Or maybe they have some sympathy towards real children? that's not like all dudes who can't get any are not rapists just because they are afraid of jail.

Yeah if he was actually good there wouldn't be anything wrong with liking Hitler art.

Go back to Sup Forums, christian larper.

>>If you fantasize about fucking little children that means you have a real desire to fuck a little child
>tfw enjoy loli every now and then
>tfe completely and utterly disgusted by real cheese pizza, don't even want to see it
That's so "faggot who's so insecure about his fetishes and libido that he's gotta virtue signal and act self-righteous". Think before you speak next time.

I think its more of the drive to actually do it in real life. Regardless of what says about Fantasy implys real life desire, There are ways of dealing with these desires in a legal fashion in private.He already draws it so just find another way of venting it out.

I think he should maybe talk to someone about this shit.

Not that user but it was a shit joke mate.

Not seeing the problem here, chief.

That's the point