Character's smallest form is also the strongest

>character's smallest form is also the strongest

Other urls found in this thread:

I dunno ants are pretty strong

they keep the density thats why

this show was boring what do people see in it

Literally no game has ever done this.

It's popularity is entirely because of reaction faces and memes.

Can't we just gas all the weebs?

Ganondorf's smallest form in Twilight Princess was his final form.

A kawaii desu wiafu that's just as big of a piece of shit as her fans are.

Back the fuck off


when's season 2 coming out

When the sea boils over and the moon shatters you fucking weeaboo degenerate

>he doesn't know

Some time this year

I want to fucking kick this hamster into the highway. I want to stomp on it. I want to rape it. Why does this thing evoke such fucking rage in me? I want to leave it drenched in cum and crying from PTSD. I WANT...I WANT


>game has a functional transport system

Frieza, Majin Buu, Janemba? Idk why DBZ came to mind first.

You can have Season 2

Nier Automata, Father Servo.

Frieze from DBZ was also the first thing I thought of lol

Technically not vidya first but he's been in enough games

>your equipment gets stolen halfway through the game

>Sup Forumscancerfag critizing weaabos
So rich coming from you

Glad i could find a use for this