Wolfenstein, DOOM and Quake are all back

>Wolfenstein, DOOM and Quake are all back

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>Wolfenstein & DOOM

Yeah, they were good games.

>Quake Champions

Looks fucking shit.

That was said about Doom before launch as well. This board fucking crucified in before actually playing it. It was the biggest 180 degree turn I've seen on Sup Forums. So let's give QC a chance.

Nobody cares about your opinion since you haven't played it.

Wolfenstein wasn't good though

Heretic and Hexen when?

quake champions isnt quake its a topical moba shooter

im in the quake beta. its addictive as fuck. if they have a leaderboard or ladder system, i can see myself sinking tons of hours trying to be the top

it's closer to quake than overwatch is due to the emphasis on powerup control and weapon pickups, but yeah, when you take out equal starts and have characters that have different starting/max attributes and abilities, it's not Quake anymore. also the audio is total ass

Good taste imo

>new Blood never

>So let's give QC a chance.
no, there is a reason we handle things here the way we do

>new Heretic/Hexen never

>Halo is fucking dead and will never be good again


What about Duke Nukem?

>Looks fucking shit.

>classic Quake mode will be available
>plays like Q3/Q1

Come on, son.

yes we, Sup Forums, unlike (you), who is from reddit

What's the point. Even if they did it would suck dick and have u cinematic kill every enemy bringing the fast paced gameplay to a screeching halt

One thing I don't get is everybody was whining about DOOM's multiplayer not playing like Quake. And now here we are getting an actual new Quake game and now everybody's still mad.

Honestly I thought the DOOM multiplayer was serviceable for what it was. The original DOOM multiplayer wasn't any thing special in the first place, it was just a basic deathmatch mode.

Duke had his chance and he blew it. The new Shadow Warrior games are nice, though.

I just wish there'd be a reboot of Blood, but I think there's a lot of legal BS over the rights to that game.

Are you implying that Doom that lets you stay in battle by killing enemies in 1 second is not as fast paced as Doom that requires you to hide behind walls and backtrack to pickup medkits?

H3r3tic could literally be D44M: Fantasy Edition and could get away with it given its history with Doom. Hexen on the other hand would be dangerously easy to fuck up. In a perfect world it would be Doom with actual puzzles, switch/key hunts, and large, interconnected world like Metroid with an expanded upon class system.

Blood is still better.

>Duke is still in hell
>Blood is kill
>Shadow Warrior is now a shoot and loot game
Not fair.

>Duke had his chance
Not really. DNF is quite literally a 1997 game released in 2011. He needs an actual modern day entry in his series, especially now since the genre is recovering from the Halo / CoD decade.

>quake is back
no. not after what I played it isnt

I pretty much learned fps by Herectic and used to play a Hexen demo I had in one of those shitty 500+ demo CDs you bought in gas stations, and I don't remember them being that different (I was a kid though, like, 10 at best but most likely 9 or 8)

Do you really want a new Duke game by gearbox?

If u wer good enough in og doom there is little time spent backtracking for hp and ammo. Not to mention learning each maps layout was part of the challenge back then


I feel like he's just a 90s relic, and he only really had one noteworthy game.

Then again I preferred the id shooters and Unreal games over Duke Nukem 3D. I tried playing DN3D and I just never cared for it.

>DNF is quite literally a 1997 game released in 2011
Have you even seen footage of DNF?
Because that was not the fucking problem with it

And they are all shit.

But none of them are good

>No new Blood
>No new Shogo
>No new No One Live Forever

>Wolfenstein is decent
>Doom is Serious Sam
>Quake is Overwatch

>and I don't remember them being that different
They are so different that they're only connected in series by their main villains. If you took out the Serpent Riders from, say, Hexen then no one would know it was the sequel to Heretic.

Heretic is the epitome of the Doom-clone for a reason and as such plays almost identically with only a few differences, like having an inventory system. Hexen differentiated itself by having multiple player classes with different arsenals, inventory item effects, stats, and such while having you traverse hubs with sub=levels that held items or switches that changed prior levels, making you backtrack to areas you've already explored.


These faggots turned on Doom and/or Quake once or twice to farm hardcore gamer cred, they are not the intended audience or a desired audience.

Did you play Quake for 10+ years? 15? What the fuck do snotfaced teenage retards on Sup Forums know about Quake? Why are they talking about it? Gotta butt in on every conversation to win imaginary internet points. On an user board. I don't get it and I don't pretend to get it, I just wish it would stop before I cringe into an early grave.

Oh yeah gotta play the game 10 times, because during 9 playthroughs I didn't play it "properly".

Jessica Nigger

new DOOM multiplayer is alright. it's the worst in the series, didn't even have duel; maybe it's my competitiveness and the fact that I can pubstomp like mad, but I think like four out of the total twelve modes are pretty good and even playable on a tournament level. there's a 2v2 clan arena tournament at quakecon this year. new DOOM really isn't like classic doom or doom 3 mp at all though, it's a modern FPS for sure. other id software MP games are much more involved in the areas of mechanical and mental skill.

Wolfenstein and doom both got good single player reboots. Quake champions will fail because it's trying to be Overwatch

>because it's trying to be Overwatch
Nice shitpost.

>all these dead quake clones release over the past decade
>finally an actual new Quake game appears
>PC only, 120hz, can turn the ability shit off, etc.
>game dies because "hurr itz not quack"

If this game dies, Arena shooters are finished.


It's designed as a hero shooter, pal

Only played wolfenstein because poorfag but

>thinks single player is pretty good and gunplay was fun
>wants to replay again
>long unskippable cutscenes and dead moments at hq
>no other modes to play

Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?

Wolfenstein would be good if it had nazi wizards and other shit like 2009 version. But it will be just a mediocre game, because almost every enemy is a guy with a gun.

It's designed as a MP Quake game first and foremost.

Exactly. Anyone who plays fucking Quake will tell you this is fucking Quake.

Yeah, it's not a carbon copy of Quake 3 - Good. We already have Quake Live, go ahead and play it. You won't though, because you don't actually play Quake. The reason Champions exists is to bring something new to the table. I want this fabled "Overwatch clone" gameplay, I want to see what they can pull off with the hero concept. It can gel well with Quake gameplay if done right.

This post is truth.

Quake has to have some modern features and change at least SOME things up or else that shit's just gonna die like the other hundreds of Quake clones.

It's even getting a classic mode. Nobody should be complaining apart from netcode shit and related concerns.

Came here to post this.

True, so they're different games and ones not worse than the other? Join the club, enjoying varieties instead of wanting the same game over and over is patrician taste.


hexen was just okay and hexen 2 was shitty

You're right about Hexen 2 but 1 was amazing.

Nothing like either game, other than being fantasy themed with magic and shit.

It's a casual modern fps using old elements, updates adding proper balancing and excellently designed maps that we don't see in modern fps anymore. Bad because it's not what I wanted is what most people say but its in no way bad for what it is and I have fun

Did you play the beta? It's not great imo, but it's better than I expected.

>mfw Q2 sountrack

hexen 1 was alright, i played it when it came out and loved it but in retrospect its got a lot of problems. a lot of the weapons are weak and unsatisfying, playing mage and cleric is so fucking boring until you get your #3 weapon especially against centaurs.

>he didnt play it

Rank 'em so far
Doom > Wolfenstein TNO > Quake Champions Beta.

And every game is shit

Old Blood >> TNO >= Doom

ill play champions for the first time in a couple hours

UT soundtrack has always been better.

That's the only thing that's undeniably better in UT.

>implying implications

>TFW Rise of the Triad reboot was announced
>TFW it turned out to be complete garbage

I don't like having my emotions toyed with.

It was garbage because it was a remake of a garbage game.

this desu. rott sucked

>said one faggot once.

I disagree, I found all of the weapons to be satisfying outside of the mace. The Sapphire Wand, for example, has a very good and unique sound effect that has a lasting impression on the player and when used in the right situations, like lining up multiple enemies, getting off multi-kills with it is great.

>Cleric's mace

Those weren't id IPs were they?

No argument there.

Aint no bussiness like show bussiness.

No. We're just moving down the line with these classic FPS' and Heretic/Hexen were basically sister ips to Doom, like Raven was to id.

>DNF is quite literally a 1997 game released in 2011
It has Halo's weapon and health mechanics. 1997 my ass.

Where's my modern remake/reboot/whatever?

>Descent Underground is a thing user

Fuck that Early Access multiplayer only shit.

thanks for reminding man im gonna kick some ass in Mars with Ultra-Violence later tonight


>the changes didn't attract any outsiders because they're too busy playing the established blizzard game that did the same changes

Descent Underground is a thing, sweetie.

Haven't been able to try the beta yet but when it comes out I have a feeling I'm just gonna end up playing the classic mode.

But the abilities look like a non-offensive inclusion, I wish this "overwatch/moba shooter" meme would die.

Eh, I had fun with it. I liked the original ROTT though so having basically the same thing but with updated graphics didn't bug me much. Only thing that sucked was a checkpoint system at release, I'm glad they added in quick saving/loading later on.


At least the pc versions weapon limit was bumped up to 4 weapons instead of 2. Runs nicer on pc as well. It's still not a great game by any means but it's funny how much more enjoyable it was by that little fix.

>most levels are boring door opening labyrinth shit
>barely any weapons
Heretic was way better.

>proper balancing
sort of true. they did a good thing when they fixed the SG/SSG exploit, but then after the fix, the TDM players whined about it since they could no longer get absurd DPS for mashing the weapon switch weapon and doing tracking aim in one of the easiest games ever to aim in on a mouse, so then id software changed it back. you should've seen the community backlash on the forums, they acted like weapon combos was an interesting and skillful thing or something, like mashing Q to switch between two weapons over and over was fucking magical. id has been on point with weapon balancing for the most part, their problem is that they actually listen to the TDM fuckers. also the static rifle is still OP, needs some sort of laser thing when it's fully charged, like the sniper.
>excellently designed maps
yeah I actually fucking love the maps. although a few DLC maps were obviously not designed with all modes in mind, sometimes I feel like they didn't test boneyard on freeze tag.

>and he blew it
Blew it out his ass.

>>Doom is Serious Sam

That's an insult to Serious Sam, at least BFE could have more than 10 enemies on the screen at once

It's getting a classic mode. What else do you propose they do?

There's been countless Quake clones over the past decade and they're all dead. The most populated iteration of Quake is Live, and only 1000 people are playing it (and I'm being generous with that number).

Surely you have a better option.

Doom is shittier Painkiller.

>barely any weapons
Heretic didn't have much before expansion.

SubLevel Zero.

I found it closer to Shadow Warrior with the weapon and skill upgrades

>Serious Sam
>holding a candle to DOOM 2016

The expansion didn't add any new guns to Heretic.

>holding a candle to second encounter



Even BFE holds an entire flamethrower to its face.

>basically any solo arcade FPS
>holding a candle to The First Encounter