Leave it to Nintendo to create the best summary of FFVII in existence

Leave it to Nintendo to create the best summary of FFVII in existence.

Does this mean we're getting the remake on Switch?

Well ffvii hd isn't a ps4 exclusive so there's a good chance

the fuck is the point of this thread

Yeah, I mean MGS4 and The Phantom Pain both came out on the Wii U after all.

Every time a new Nintendo platform comes out, there's discussion of it getting all these third party games.
And it literally NEVER happens.

Squeenix said that they have more interest in switch than scorpio.

Also, main FF games always keep leashed by sony with huge ass marketing budgets. Nintendo consoles always get a spin off or port.

And to be honest modern FF is shit.

Leave it to NintendoGAF to jerk off over the blandest description of a game ever.

Switch is nowhere near powerful enough to run FF7 remake. It ain't happening.

>have more interest in switch than scorpio.
stating the obvious

It's not even right, Cloud was never a soldier he was just some loser who stole everything about him except his ace personality.

According to???

Switch isn't that weak but isn't that powerful, its halfway there. But if X console is selling the suits will demand a game on it.

Welcome to capitalism son.

Hows that bayonetta 2 on ps4?

If the Switch can't even run Overwatch there's no way in hell it can run FF7 Remake

>being this autistic

>when an illiterate autist replies to you

Yeah, but you'd be giving away one of the main conflicts in the story.

They didn't said that it can't run overwatch, they say that they are looking on it but there is logistics problem behind it, patching bug fix etc.

What they gave is just a PR excuse, but they never said that Overwatch can't run on it, and that shit run on toaster for the fucks sake.

What if they make the same game but with prerendered backgrounds? It would be literally the definitive version.

>It would be literally the definitive version.
Um... no it wouldn't?

Yeah - they'll just have to downgrade everything to PS3 levels for it to run at 30fps

Im sure Square Enix would do that complete overhaul for the second Wii U.

There's was a MGS3 port to the 3DS, however.

>port of a fucking PS2 game
Cool, that means you'll get the PS1 version of FF7 on Switch. Maybe FF13 if you're lucky.

>Overwatch can run on a shit toaster
>somehow can't work on Switch

either shitposting or Blizzard are incompetent console devs

That's a spoiler, genius.

You'll be lucky to have any teeth left if you don't delete this

Read again, they gave just a PR excuse, console versions run separated from PC version, there is a bit of logic behind it, since that would require a staff to keep the game running + sever on Nintendo network.

INB4 not enough audience for the work.

>the PS1 version of FF7 on Switch
Doesn't sound bad at all.

I mean you can run it on your phone with an emulator if you're really that desperate to play it on the go

About as much of a spoiler as Aeris dies.
Everyone knows about it.
Get with the times.

>not enough audience for the work.


Switch is already outpacing all the other current home consoles in sales

>in b4 scalping
>in b4 moonland IS CHEATING

>Switch is already outpacing all the other current home consoles
lol not even
PS4 sold a million in one day in the US

Yes, yes, it would. Prerendered backgrounds and fixed camera angle have atmosphere. Something ff7 had in tons and will lose it once you translate it to full 3d

>fixed camera angle
You are aware that the battle system is totally different now? Having something like that could literally break the game.

I think you can emulate it on the n3DS too.

>real-time ARPG combat
>fixed camera angle

It's fine with a top-down camera

To make you mad for no real reason

Wow fucking spoiler I was waiting for the remake assholes

Why not? DMC3 had a ton of fixed angles.
Also, might as well make a turn based remake.

Switch FF7:
>turn based
>fixed angles
>pre rendered backgrounds
>honey bee inn, Cid being an abusive guy, etc still in the game
>wacky shit
>Just giving it overall a visual upgrade and combat balance, more enemies, etc

>action rpg
>no atmosphere 3d
>neutered story and scenes

I wouldnt even touch the ps4 version.

>reads amiibo description
>thinks this means remake will come out on switch
Why are you Nintendo drones so retarded?

Nice boots I see Nomura just had to get those fucking zippers in there somewhere.

Just like mentioning Zack, hu?

In my "Trophy Hoard"-like amiibo display, the third-parties are at the back. Oldest to newest Smash roster characters, front to back.

But GOD DAMN do I want to put this one and Mega Man up front somewhere.

>make an entire separate remake just for the Switch
I think you're asking a little too much there user.

This. Its pretty much Kojimadrone-tier desperation

>Does this mean we're getting the remake on Switch?

If you're really asking this you're clinically retarded.

It would be a completely different stripped down version of the game. The Switch doesn't possess the hardware to run FFVII. There's no chance of this happening. At most there will be a PC release.

You're stretching and it's sad
It's not happening

> xbone sells a staggering triple digits in nihongo
> "more interested" in nintendo

no shit, doesnt mean the wiiu part 2 will have shit for games outside Ninty mascots

it'd be more 3rd party gamu than ninty's had in eons.

They're using UE4 to make the game. If they stuck with their in-house engine then you may have a point. But it seems like a weird choice to abandon that in favour of a more portable engine.

> wants mudshoes clouds psx design had

Remake is running on fucking UE4 out of all things, a nobody can port a indie game in weeks, why the fuck a big ass dev can't make FF7 run fine and dandy?

>Bomberman selling like hot cakes
>Nintendo willing to finance some of the development.
>Konami gives the MGS IP to Nintendo since they won't let Kojima touch it with a 10 foot poll.
Which dev team gets to work on it and do they just do remakes or try to make a separate MGS game?

Switch LITERALLY can't run FFXV, let alone the remake of VII.

You have to be retarded if you think an X1 is powerful enough to handle current gen games. The devs of Titanfall 2 literally laughed at the idea.

I bet you still think the Skyrim you're getting is the remaster, you fucking idiot.

Yeah, it was so cool to see GTAIV, SF4, and Mass Effect 3 on the Wii right?

Oh wait!!

Capitalism can't do the impossible, like upgrade a gimped tablet. If the machine can't run the game, it can't run the game.

FFXV is running on a shitty ass engine, FF7R have no excuse because its running on UE4, Switch do have support on it.

Switch isn't that underpowered you fucktard.

Except it's not.

Cherrypicking samples from Japan and pretending it's winning doesn't mean it is.

You are fucking drone if you think it's possible... it's like making game for ps3 and 360 again - they WON'T do it, because it's gimping the design

>Switch isn't that underpowered
Keep telling yourself that and it might come true.

>barely more powerful than the WiiU
>underclocked X1
fucking, LOL