Best version?

Best version?

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There was a dreamcast version?
I don't believe it

That version has cut content because of voice acting so that's factually the worst

The n64 version is actually the worst
If they cut content from the ps1, the n64 version has even less space for voices.

The sequel.

Levels being cut is way worse than lack of voices.

Did they cut levels from n64 version? it is the one with the less space of the three.

Rayman 2 is my favourite game, and I've played it on every available system loads of times. The list is as follows:


Can dump Rayman 2 artwork if anyone wants.

No. PS1 is the only version with cut levels unfortunately

The only thing the N64 version stripped down was the music.

Which version is the best then

N64 had more levels, but no voices.

PS1 had less levels, but had voice acting.

I believe Dreamcast was the definite version.

Either way, the cut levels from the N64 version are great and dealing with the gibberish is fine. Its not bad as Banjo Kazooie at least.

What do you mean? As I wrote, the PC version is the best but the Dreamcast version is a very close second.

Well I didn't read your whole post before posting. Thought you said that you played them in no particular order.

PS2, seriously, it not even up for debate

Oh my bad, I was listing them by how good each version is, I thought it was clear.

The PC version is the best because you can (at least with the GoG version) change your resolution to modern resolutions and use newer controllers.

You niggers better post your favorite track NOW

Didn't know it had a pc version. About to get it off gog. I'm excited to play it again after a decade

Good thing I have my CRT monitor to play Rayman 2 without worrying about modern resolutions :^)

Yeah sure whatever user
I prefer my LCD because my tired eyes can't stand CRTs anymore.

It's a 10/10 soundtrack, but this one is easily my favourite.

Enjoy it. As I said, it's my favourite game of all time, I hope it's as fun for you as it is for me every time. You might need to tinker a bit with it to get controllers working depending on what you use, I remembe reading something like that but for me it worked straight away with a 360 controller.

I still have mine too. Playing the N64 version from time to time. I can't really stand the PS2 version, I think it adds too much flair and kind of removes some charm. It's still great, though, but it's got loading screens up the ass.

The Dreamcast version is still the best, The PS2 version SHOULD have been the best, but that ended up being a fucking trainwreck for some reason.

trainwreck all because of 30fps?

But user I have tired eyes as well but the CRT doesn't affect them at all, maybe you should lower the brightness?

Dreamcast is best. PC has no Isle of Doors, no Globox Town, and the controls are mapped to a retarded button layout that you can't change.

I dunno but CRTs make me sick now
I am already using f.lux for my pc.

30fps would be generous. also that retarded and unnecessary hubworld. that port was all kinds of fucked up

Emulated PS2 + 60 fps pnatch


>no Isle of Doors
shit that sucks
>no Globox Town
wait, what?

The hub world was great, what the fuck are you talking about?

I liked the gibberish talk way more than the voice acting.

Hall of doors > anything else

I really enjoyed Origins/Legends but fuck, I want another 3D game. I really enjoyed both 2 and 3.

Did anyone else play Rayman Advance? It was weird having the Pirates and the Hoodlums in the same game but I can't remember why that was a thing.


I thought this was universally agreed?
The frenchlish was great

>Ly's dreamy sounding gibberish

Shit taste, honestly.

Nevermind I'm retarded. It wasn't Rayman Advanced. It was Rayman 3 ON the Advanced.

What's the difference between the PS2 version and PC/Dreamcast?


the VO sucks, gibberish is the best and so the clear option is Dreamcast. Maybe PC, but I dunno.

Well fortunately there's a 60fps hack for emulation and I thought the hub world was fine.

The PC version is based off the N64 version, not the superior Dreamcast version.

In case anyone was wondering.


Gibberish was fucking trash.

Revolution added a hub world you explore connecting the levels, rebalanced the game to be harder and added some more content.

umping for this

Gibberish suited the more ethereal feeling of 2.
Actual voice acting suited the more satirical, funky and offbeat feeling of 3.

These are the facts.

What is the N64 missing besides the voice acting and superior music? Something about a globbox town?

Are there any other platformers that feel so good like rayman 2? Besides psychonauts

the gibberish was clearly superior, you uncultured swine.

no that was seriously the worst hub world in the history of video games, but if you say it was good I'll tak your word for it.

The PS2 version has more content, but I wouldn't call it good content, but at the same time not bad, just unnecessary.
It added a hubworld you can travel through, english dialogue if you're into that kinda thing, some new music tracks which are good, an extra boss fight, and the option to buy extra, shitty abilities, and 30 second long load times between every area, and there's like 3-5 areas per level, with a save prompt after each loading screen. The best part it added was more versions of the pirate enemy, with varying weapons and attack patterns.

I personally thinks it interrupts the flow of the game totally, but lots of people like it. I prefer Rayman having most of his moves from the go, and being able to select levels easily from the Hall of Doors.

Revolution (the PS2 version) might be the best option if you've never played it, but also it might be the worst because the new additions might throw you off. I dislike it, but whatever.

>nobody bothered to make an ultimate version of Rayman 2

So PC is more aunthentic

>The Cave of Bad Dreams no longer contains Yellow Lums and can't be revisited.

yes it is more aunthentic

>no secret area in fairy glad accessible through the echoing mines
what a botch

But does the other versions have the sacred 2D prototype level?

>The Top of the World has been removed

>the worst hub world in the history of video games.

Ive never seen a decent argument as to why the ps2 hub world is shit, it always "it suck because i played it on Dreamcast first".
Sounds like blind nostalgia to me.

Was one of the first games I played on PC, controlling was a pain sometimes.

Removed as in it's not it's own level but an optional minigame

>Want to replay Rayman 3
>Remember those levels with the Knaaren

I felt such relief when those levels were done, fuck me.

it was just really confusing and easy to get lost in. very poorly designed imo. I much preferred the Mario-esque stage select screen in the original.


I thought this was fucking ebin when I was a young boy.

Now it feels weirdly unsuiting.

You got the true ending right?

That song kicks so much ass, still listening to it to this day.

The psx version has got to be the worst

When are we getting a new Rayman game?

Remember this vaporware.

>I saw this expecting another actual 3D Rayman game with evil rabbit villains and was pretty hype
>Then what happened happened

The fuck DID happen, anyway.

Best track

I never finished Rayman 2, my memories tell me that it was because it was long as fuck
Was kid me correct or just an impatient ass who should have just stuck to finishing the three original Spyros in a few days?


Oh oh

>tfw if the shitty Wii never existed Rayman wouldn't have turned into a minigame series and fallen into oblivion like he has
I mean Legends and Origins are cool I guess but to me Rayman 2 and 3 are untouchable.

I liked the one for DS
But I pirated that shit. No way in hell would I have bought that game.

N64, the music was great.

i remember when this used to get spammed on Sup Forums occasionally.
Wasn't even mad. the game is sick

oh shit

did u check em



Foe wuh get some, doohwah lay! It's a dooey geuh!!


The soundtrack is so fucking good.


tfw I can't remember what this meme was about

What's the difference between the GOG PC version and dreamcast?
Seems like it's a bit of a hassle to emulate.


Holy shit, I can't stop laughing. It's like I'm talking to myself.

I've been doing these voices for almost 20 years and someone finally knows what I'm saying.

Spamming the same picture that gradually gets more and more distorted iirc.


>Buying it
>From GoG

Dreamcast has some new lighting and a shitty island hub replacing based Hall of Doors, other than that there's no difference