Do you have any vidya-related keychains?

Do you have any vidya-related keychains?

Nah, but i use my old dead Pentium D as one.

Someday I'll probably do this with my Phenom. I currently have a little Chevrolet keychain, because me and my malibu have been together for more than a decade now.

Gotta remov dem pins. LGA is easier.

I have this but kingdom hearts is like the one thing i allow myself to nerd out on.

Why? It's one of the worst things you could possibly pick.

Got the fire emblem fates keychains. I'm only using the Aqua one

I wear a twewy pin on my hat, thats as far as I'll let myself go though. In high school I used to wear a chain with like 30 keychains at once on it, one being a poliwhirl plush. If I remember to, I'll post a pic.

Have this one a Shovel knight bottle opener and a bloodborne saw hunter badge


Why do shit games have to have interesting characters?
I.e overwatch


I have an original release Skyrim lanyard that is my daily key chain. Hate the game but it works so I don't need to buy s new one

Actually, I have that exact one. I think that's it, though. Otherwise, I've got some One Piece and some Keroro Gunso chains.

my fallout key chain is better

I'm trying to find a keyring with my waifu on. Do you know where I could get one, or anything with her on for that matter?

It's actually annoying as fuck because it jingle jangle jingles as I drive, but it's literally my favorite Vault Boy depiction so i can't get rid of him.

I have these rare ass Tatsunoko vs Capcom keychains that came with the game when you preordered it at gamecrazy

Yep. They're cute. My Teddie one is all fucked up though. On the other side of the Chiaki one is Hajime. I lost my Xenoblade one. I like keychains.

better off with a lanyard or keychain than a keyring

Ive never bought on cause for some reason keychains are always overpriced for what they are.
I did get given a pipboy one though so i have that

Yes I do.

>what key does that unlock user?

I giggled, nice one.

I got this with DS3 but I never put it on my keys.

I do.

I like it.

That's a good one. I like.

etsy,ebay, ami ami or some video game retail store(fangamer, thinkgeek etc)

park bathrooms in San Francisco after midnight

have gotten 2-3 from games(CE's, LE's) but never used them for fear of scratching/lowering value(if they were to ever gain value)

I use this one too.

got one of dese

is that supposed to be one of those stupid battlefield dog tags?
its not eve dogtag shaped.

if not then it still looks stupid

I have a Reimu keychain.

On Tuesday I will

I have this.

its okay

I spent like $12 on this fucking thing and one day it just wasn't there anymore. It's a shame cause I liked it, too.

No one ever sees my keys but yes.

But which one will you use?

I have that one but dogtag shaped.

I had a sonic one I got for free from some stupid otaku website.
Shit broke like a month later.

But keychains waste precious pocket space.

I have the same


You gotta cram those pockets with as many items as you can so there is no space for spaghetti to generate inside them.

>putting your keys in your pocket

Enjoy your deformed pants you pleb


>I'm a cuck faggot: the keychain

Show your


Not currently. Looking to get a lanyard to put my keyring on, though, and this one looks to be the one.



An old Mario keychain they gave away for free at some trade show

This, keys go in your purse

I honestly went from

>vidya keychains lol that's so fucking autistic


>holy shit. I have to have this

in 3 seconds, it's so perfect and powerlevel concealing

where'd you get it

Ratchet & Clank Deadlocked.

Better deform my pants than my asshole.

GGXrd Sign special edition back when it first released.

I have a blue star Sunset Sarsaparilla bottlecap

A Felicia keychain that I just got today.

Probably not going to carry this around in public.

You better believe it. Gotta have my waif with me every day

no but I have hello kitty and a cannabis leaf

It's sure as fuck not his virginity.

oh bummer I thought it was on etsy or some shit

I just want to wear my gg powerlevel in subtlety

Cute as fuck. Do they have Chiaki and Hajime? I will always have them together as much as I can. I want them together always.


Got half the cinderella girl cast myself, these things are way too cute

i would buy these if they weren't 50+ bucks each because japanese companies never make enough shit to satisfy demand

Sadly, no. The only way I can have them together is with their one coin mini figures and their bigger figurines once Nanami finally gets shipped


Whoops, I forgot to link a picture

That looks like cum on a pillow.

why ?

Wasted slot if you don't have a mount

Aw man those are so cute too. I miss having money. Not having a job is despair.

I ripped this fucker off my keys because it's so fucking annoying. That jingle still haunts me.

why not? I got it yeaaaaars ago and i'm still nostalgic about vanilla wow
does tram count?

>keys keep digging into my thigh and making small cuts

Do you feel like the train is 3% faster?

I have this thing. Got it at Gamestop ages ago.

I just go with LoL stuff because it is normie.

We've got trouble!

Got the full collection, so I have every SDR2 character. A bit pricy though, but I just wasn't content with a few of them

maybe because the tram and distance i take is bretty gud compared to the rest of the city


How do you fix keychains getting scratched to all fuck over time?

put them in your key pocket

A friend of mine got me this years ago. It's missing a leg, but it's still pretty much intact. I wish I still had some friends...

Yes, I didn't realize it at first, but having a tiny bit of your favorite vidya with you all day really improves your quality of life, if only by a tiny bit.

I have the San d'Oria one.

this and some patches I got from kommandostore

My dad gifted me a Charmeleon Keychain when I was like 7. Most of the color scratched off over the years so it's mostly a silver silhouette now but I still use it.

Is that autistic? [Spoiler] He died when I was 9, I see it as a menento. [/spoiler]

I have the Xander and Ryoma ones back to back on my keychain.

I have this along with one of Space Ghost