Will there ever be another "WOW" moment like Super Mario 64?


nope, gaming has reached it's peak.

For Sup Forums? No.

We had one this year, it's called Breath of The WIld.
We'll have another one by the end of the year, it's called Super Mario Odyssey.

We're done with huge leaps like this.
It's all slight incrementals from now on.

Halo 1 will forever be the game I remember for first impressions on graphics. I remember thinking that graphics literally could not get any better ever. Now I look at state of the art new games on the highest settings and see tons of room for improvement.

It's because you were a kid. You'll never be a kid again.

If you're talking from a purely graphical standpoint just wait for Scorpio.

>it's called Breath of The WIld.

I feel nothing but pity for people like you.

every game is a "wow" moment when you're 8 years old.

>Nintenbros everybody!

And arguing that the slightest inch is superior and worth $$$ spent to achieve. Would our past selves be ashamed?

But there were far prettier fps years before halo

>I feel nothing but pity for people like you.

You're going to be wowed by the exact same type of game with the same gameplay just with marginally better graphics.

Breath of the Wild is definitely. But I see nothing about Super Mario Odyssey that could possibly constitute a "WOW!" moment.

It's okay. He's just trying to compensate for missing out on the greatest game since OoT.

BotW is good but it's not a paradigm shift the way Mario 64 was

Maybe something like VR, if it were to ever become actually good, readily available, and had a game that was built for it and genuinely offered a unique and amazing experience BECAUSE it was VR

>in after VR haters
I'm talking about some hypothetical VR that may never come

Guar Plains.

320×240 was never HD in any year

>BotW is good but it's not a paradigm shift the way Mario 64 was

Only because less than a million people in the world have played it (the game doesn't have 1:2 attachment rate to Switch consoles surely, and it only sold 300K on Wii U. That's 700K at best). Super Mario 64 sold almost 12 million copies. When more people own Switches and it really starts to get discussion going, THEN we'll begin to see the impact. So far it's only a soft launch.

>If you're talking from a purely graphical standpoint just wait for Scorpio.
Wow, consoles can finally create graphics comparable to what we've been seeing on PC for years! Absolutely breathtaking!

It depends from person to person, it depends what "wow" factor is be graphics, experience, whatever
For me
>MGS, that sneaking...
>Mario 64 or Zelda OoT, damn freedom
>Soul Calibur, those graphics, all these effects, this gameplay
>SotC, epic shit
>DQ8, this adventure
>RDR, map is huge... is this the sound of a snake? fuck, the snake is bitting me
>Doom, Quake, UT, Halo at their respective times
In short, i always had "wow" moments, if don't I would find another hobby

Yes and no. Your memory was potent because your world was smaller. Now that your experience has grown and age advances, your senses tarnish and things which once could amaze you will now barely register. Your senses of joy and wonder are dulled and replaced by a longing nostalgia. It's not that there are no more wondrous things in the world - there are: kids right now are experiencing the same "WOW" moments you once did, but they are experiencing them with fresh eyes and an unjaded mind. So, no - there won't be any more moments for you, but there will be for other people.

The only thing next would be virtual reality with direct sensory interaction.

My sister's boyfriend and I were discussing this (this is all his idea but I agree with it). VR will never take off because when you trick your brain into perceiving motion with verisimilitude to real life and then you stop walking all of a sudden, it creates a jarring sensation that you can never get used to (unlike acclimating to higher/lower framerate or stereo-3D). People can learn to walk using special goggles that flip their vision, which means that after so much time they can learn how to process their motor inputs in reverse, so it's not a matter of getting used to a disorienting sensation.

VR is a pipe dream or at best a one-trick pony that all but a few enthusiasts will never enjoy.


So am i the only one that wants games to stop trying to push graphics and concentrate on performance now? I upgraded my gpu to a 1080 and i dont see the point anymore, games dont wow me graphically.
Now we have consoles trying to push 4k meme when they cant even do 30fps at 1080p.

this is the true redpill.


I stopped caring about graphics after the PS2 era ended.
I don't even pay attention to new titles anymore since they all look identical to me. I just focus on handheld gaming now

If you haven't been saying that since the beginning, you made this bed.

Only game that's come out since RE4 that's been worth owning a console is Breath of the Wild desu senpai.

I stopped pushing for graphics after half-life 2.

Gameplay is far more important

Crysis in 2007 maxed out was insane

Literally 10 years ahead of it's time

Also Mario was 96

Yeah back in 2006 with dead rising.

The number of enemies on screen was mind blowing for the time.

The last thing that truly wowed me was Gears of War 1 on the 360 back in the day - 2006 I believe it was.

I was running a pretty damn good PC at the time and that game still stunned me.

HL2 had a similar effect on the PC a couple of years before. Oblivion likewise.

Gears of War just had incredible art design it blew everything else out of the water. They nailed that destroyed neo-gothic architecture.

yeah, as soon as we figure out the fourth dimension