What did Bethesda mean by this ?

What did Bethesda mean by this ?

I swear its not me who put those in

Other urls found in this thread:


>he doesn't carry grilled tendies in his pocket


OP is autistic.

how is a grilled chicken breast a light snack?

>Killing chickens in Skyrim
Enjoy your 50 years in prison, criminal scum!

Todd "Pull the Trigger on Every Nigger" Howard

>-10 personality
>-10 willpower

>no agility bonus

>Black men have -10 personality but women do not

Todd has Jungle Fever confirmed.

Better question is, what did Bethesda mean by THIS?

Seriously, how did Bethesda manage to get away with a game targeted towards kids that has:
>rape (the entire Dawnguard questline is literally the result of one of the daedric lords enjyoing rape a little bit too much)
>cannibalism (the player character was a cannibal in the past, as revealed in the Namira's daedric quest)
>slavery (that quest in Markarth where you get locked up inside a mine)
>prostitution (Haelga and her Dibellan "arts" quest, LMAO)
>sexualized child characters (Babette LITERALLY tells you she seduces her male assassination targets before killing them)
>drug abuse (that Redwater Skooma quest that also involves vampires turning people into skooma addicts and shitloads of moon sugar references in the game)

Not to mention minor shit like gratuitous gore and partial nudity (like the female version of vampire armor having titty cut-outs).

i doubt skyrim is classed E

Elder Scrolls has had all this shit since forever

>(the player character was a cannibal in the past, as revealed in the Namira's daedric quest)

That's just the cannibal girl bullshitting you. It's up to you to decide whether it's true for your character or not.


>That's just the cannibal girl bullshitting you
Calling it bullshit implies she's wrong, which is not something the player can say for certain. She tells you that you don't remember the incident due to it being a very traumatic memory that you have suppressed and there's no way to make sure whether she's lying or not.

She was bullshitting, no doubt. Daedra are master bullshitters.

never forget when Vivec banished Azura by shoving his throbing spear (which is literally made out of his "love") down her throat

morrowind lore is insane

>rape (the entire Dawnguard questline is literally the result of one of the daedric lords enjyoing rape a little bit too much)
This is greek mythology in a nutshell

The game is rated M btw

It isnt rape if not on tape

There is an obscure lore dev text about how Reman Cyrodiil had incest sex with his "mother-wives" and also ejaculated on his enemies.
It's called "The Shonni-Etta".

I can't remember the name of the book or whether this book was canon or something introduced by mods, but I do remember reading a chapter from the Real Barenziah in Morrowind about how she took Khajit barbed cock. Not bullshitting, perhaps someone else has read this shit as well and knows the name of the book or the mod?

It's an official book series called The Real Barenziah. It's been in the games since Daggerfall. Here's the text you're looking for:


Morrowind and all other games after it censored this book.

>Barenziah scowled at him. She was still smarting. His penis had tiny little barbs on it.
Yep, it's that same book alright.

it makes me laugh more than it should

Your life changes after you read the obscure sexual TES lore.
I miss my grand and intoxicating innocence.

>they don't have +15 Acrobatics

Missed opportunity, Todd

Nords and Orcs are tied with Redguards for the stupidest races on Tamriel. No surprises there.