Do you prefer complex fighting games (with loads of tech, difficult combos and the like) or simple fighters where combos aren't complex, but you still need to know fundamentals?
Do you prefer complex fighting games (with loads of tech...
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even though im a shitter I think complex is better since those with more skill are rewarded better
I want to fuck and/or be Ranma.
other way around
less gimmicks = nowhere to hide
I like both
Oh, hey, yet another thinly-veiled not-vidya thread.
Simple fighting games can be fun.
I would love a semi-realistic fighting game. I'm thinking in something in between Def Jam: Fight for New York and Dead or Alive 5, but it should have lots of emphasis in the defense (a few hits in the head or a broken limb and you are over).
Excellent work. Here's your pay.
To that user: what's wrong with you?. Kodachi is pure shit. Everyone is better than that crazy bitch. Akane is the best Ranma girl.
garouden break blow
Simple enough fighting games that also have room for depth.
When I play a fighting game I expect it to be at least as complex as Super Turbo, any less than that and I might as well play fucking Divekick
I like all fighting games despite not ever getting really good at them.
Theoretically I like games with easy execution because I have poor hand eye coordination, poor reflexes and poor control over my finger movement in my left hand (making it difficult for me to perform dashes mid-combo on a stick). I quite liked how easy combos were in SFxT. For me that game was extremely enjoyable despite all the gems and on disc dlc horseshit.
In practice though my favorite games are Blazblue and Guilty gear. I'm bad at them but the depth and feeling of distinctness present in almost every character makes the games really appealing. Also the music in both are extremely on point, as are the characters (except the BB characters after Chrono Phantasma who all look like generic light novel cardboard cut outs).
I prefer complex games. I enjoy having to be utterly perfect in every respect to scrape out a win. I don't enjoy anything that simplifies game mechanics in order to even the playing field out.
For me lower end is SF and Soul Calibur type of stuff, and upper end would be KoF and Tekken.
Overall a pretty close spectrum.
Anything lower and higher than that gets stupid for me.
Not at all. The more complex shit there is, the more options there are. The more options there are, the greater potential for mixups amidst options and the overall greater potential for mindgames via those options.
>higher execution barrier than tekken
Does this even exist? Tekken is retardedly complex and anal about timing.
Simple and fundamental based because I suck at doing complex shit.
not really
tekken just uses motions and mechanics that no other game uses, they aren't harder
the "hard" part of tekken is memorizing the framedata for every move in the game
That stuff feels much easier than most animu wank to me.
Definitely much easier execution than the Jojos game and stuff like Hokuto No Ken.
You find Korean back dashing and 1 frame links easier than those janky arc system works anime tie ins?
Simplier FGs with heavy fundamentals. I'm not good at big flashy combos and I find them less enjoyable to watch.
Korean backdashing is mostly easier to me, and Tekken barely has 1f stuff in the game.
You get the EWGF which is like 2-3 frames per character but then you could always choose not to play one of the few that have that. Most bnbs arent tough at all.
Shit like this
is insanely difficult. The length alone overwhelms me. Its not even something I ever want to touch because of that.
The Jojos fighter has multiple 1f links in many character bnbs and you dont get any crutches like plinks in SF4.
Simple is better in my opinion.
Not that making simple or complex fightans will save the genre, this shit is dying really fast.
I want a fighting game that's basically Quop with smash and power stone mixed up, and have no one in the world figure out how it works but still have fun and a competitive scene, also lots of waifus in high thigh leotards.
both? i really don't have a preference, cause they have their own appeals, but at the same time the fact that their fighting games is all i care about.
this thread is dumb
I don't like fighting games. Smashing the same characters against each other over and over gets boring quickly and competing against other people just tends to make me angry.