What does Sup Forums think of the GoldenEye 007 reboot?
GoldenEye 007 2010/Reloaded
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desu it's pretty good when you consider the wii specs
the textures are fucking awful but other than that it's a really fun game
Is GoldenEye 007: Reloaded on the 360 and PS3 any better? I only played the Wii version.
The mode that was added in the PS3/360 version was pretty fun.
It was close to the spirit of the n64 game.
the fact that i have to use iron sights in a game where you play as fucking james bond is total bullshit
the music in the club was great.
Real nice game. I got the Walmart bundle with the gold classic controller and tshirt
Why reboot a classic just to make it another CoD clone?
Being able to sneak through almost all of the game was pretty cool.
>gold classic controller
I got this controller too. Used it for all the games that it was compatible with. Loved it so much. That alone made the purchase worthwhile, though I got a lot of enjoyment out of the game too.
Yeah. I got the first white classic controller but the pro is super comfy.
I also used it for Black Ops 2 on Wii U and it was perfect with the single shot rifles because of the digital triggers registering faster than analog.
Natalya was cute.
Is that the wii? Looks great.
Where did this play again?
the game looks a lot prettier on the 360/PS3
but the multiplayer is kinda shit
The hell is that? The N64 version was more on model than that. Could they not get the rights to Izabella Scorupco's likeness or something?
The final section of the nightclub mission.
they hired new actors for everyone and used all their faces