>Even so, If I had read Neogaf at the time the game probably wouldn't exist. I spent some time six months ago going through two-and-a-half years of comments on Neogaf, and I was literally in crying for two days. Partly because I just don't understand the cruelty, but more importantly because I could see those years over those two days, and I began to understand that maybe people can love something so much that they can hate it.
>More evidence that "gamer culture" is fucking toxic and a total embarrassment. There devs don't owe people shit yet you get people on the internet with their expectations and privileges that affects their livelyhoods and mental health. This never happens in other media such as movies or books. Why is it always gamers?
Are neogaf /ourguys/ now?
Nathaniel Perry
DELET THIS GAF is full of Decent Human Beings (tm), you shitlord!
Dylan Stewart
>going through two-and-a-half years of comments on Neogaf, and I was literally in crying for two days
What were they saying? Why cry over critique?
Elijah Walker
It's like everyone telling your significant other is an ugly motherfucker all the time, wouldn't that hurt your feelings a bit? Well, this is a terrible example...how about if your boss put you on an important project and you work your ass off on it and think it's great work, you're proud only to have your boss and coworkers tell you your effort is equivalent of a 6 grader writing a term paper about term papers.
Tyler Young
How is this motherfucker able to be ofended by the safest gaming forum in the world? Imagine this faggot reading Sup Forums, he would probably kill himself in two hours lurking here
Easton Kelly
It's weird that he read negative stuff in NeoGAF from all places.
The general opinion on Rime was quite positive for what I s-
>This is the game that went from some kind of Sony exclusive to multi-platform.
Ooooooooooh, I get it now.
Connor Moore
when i look at neogaf it's one of the few times i admire a place like Sup Forums
i can't describe it, but when i see neogaf i see arrogance. the feeling that's created when you see a username, and an avatar, and their text. the idea that you're endorsing what you write, the trivial bullshit you write.
"Were we uncharacteristically mean to Rime or something? GAF is very put up or shut up. Just because something exists doesn't mean it deserves praise. Rime might be awesome. It might be crap. Some people are worried it could be crap. That's the way it is. They can prove its us wrong, but should not take it personally.
Especially considering the kind of sketchy beginnings, it seems some were right to be skeptical. But again, maybe it'll be great. That's not on GAF, it's on them."
this neanderthal is proud that he feels himself a part of a hivemind. he feels that it's universally agreed upon whether or not a game is shit. this is the problems with forums: you obsess about your public identity, how people view you. which is opposite to a place like Sup Forums, where each post is just a single voice in a faceless world.
i hate Sup Forums, but man do i hate forums and the people who go to them way more.
Samuel Ward
>There devs don't owe people shit yet you get ...
Kevin Murphy
Faceless shitposting. It's comfy.
Jayden Stewart
>neogaf Fuck off sonnygger.
Luke Rodriguez
> NeoFag actually reduces Devs to tears > We're sitting about with our thumbs up our assholes
have we lost our touch?
Ian Perez
Fuck neofag
Angel Gonzalez
>we You need to go back
Oliver Lee
NeoFAG pretending to be tolerant while bullying this poor dev. Sad!
Aiden Wilson
Sonydiots, everybody. So desperate to keep their exclusives that they bully Sony devs should they decide to go multiplat.
Scared of losing the right to post your precious little goldface, are you? Might be as good of a time as any to mention that it was never yours in the first place, it was created by the master race, and we're taking it back.
Matthew Gonzalez
Fucking delete this. GAF is the bestest forum on the internet and us gaffers are the nicest people around. Again, delete this.
Joshua Collins
I bet the person in charge of reading those posts was a really cute girl who didn't know any better.
Kayden Young
>This never happens in other media such as movies or books What world do these people live in?
John Phillips
>implying netflix box watching sonyfags are human beings let alone "gamers"
Jaxon Clark
Jose Moore
>Neogaf can make devs cry but Sup Forums cant You guys are slipping
Oliver Gray
I'm willing to bet if you wanted to find "toxic" comments about any form of media you could do it pretty easily, games are just so damn popular they have eighty billion places to be discussed.
Christian Kelly
You could find "toxic" comments about any form of media on a single fucking site. The writer of this shit is fucking retarded.
Parker Brooks
Agreed, I really like this post!
--------------------------------------------------- Member since 2007 Post count: 44550008
"Now you're going to die you son of a bitch!!" -Sword guy, "Sword Guy Zangetsu: The OVA"
Kayden Phillips
Banned for necroing a 7 seconds old thread. Check the rules next time before posting.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- line ends here.
Oliver Miller
>The writer of this shit is fucking retarded. who is it anyways? I can't find an article with the toxic comment
David Powell
PM'd you the fix
Colton Nguyen
Jackson Williams
>in order to pm, your account must be authorized by the admin
Nicholas Reed
Holy shit fuck off, I saw this exact post before.
Its a horrible analogy.
Kevin Torres
Why does this read like a fucking crapgamer video title?
Thomas Mitchell
>"Were we uncharacteristically mean to Rime or something? GAF is very put up or shut up. Just because something exists doesn't mean it deserves praise. Rime might be awesome. It might be crap. Some people are worried it could be crap. That's the way it is. They can prove its us wrong, but should not take it personally.
Werent they even praising it back when it was a Sony exclusive?
William Brown
My response to either situation would be to get a thicker skin you fucking loser.
Josiah Bell
None of that matters, so long as you are not insecure and are actually confident with who you are and what you do.
Nicholas Clark
Sup Forums BTFO!!!
Tyler Ross
>overly critical >a review what
Cameron Rodriguez
THIS. We need more reviewers that cater to my opinion.
Jonathan Ross
What a fucking pussy, I would be buying anything this faggot makes. He better go whole hog and neck himself for being such a bitch.
Justin Turner
What kind of man cries over meaningless bullshit, the fact is if even neogaf thinks it's shit then it must be absolute trash. Instead of being proud of the shitty crap you made you should kys out of embarrassment.
David Scott
Neofag is mad because it's no longer exclusive, not because it sucks.
Adam Gray
The game looked shit in 2013 & it looks shit now
People only defended it because it was exclusive, this is just proof of it
Mason Adams
Any proof? Not that it's not exclusive but that that's why this guy is crying like a child.
I don't understand why the dev would be upset that his game is no longer exclusive. Game looks like shit t b h
Tyler Sullivan
>that whole right column truly the bastion of intellectually superior gamers
Josiah Hill
>This never happens in other media such as movies or books. I know for a fact that's horse shit.
Caleb Hughes
You dumbass, he got butthurt because Neofags were saying mean things about his game since it was no longer exclusive. Game's not even out, no one knows how shit it is yet.
Robert Morales
I remember when I used to care enough to be a moderator on a forum. Never again.
Zachary Mitchell
I think the question should be why are people in other media able to take criticism and move on while game devs lurk on shitty forums reading two years of comments just so they can cry and then bitch about it
Jaxon Edwards
Is nobody gonna [citation needed] OP? I'm not just gonna believe his shit without an article link.
Christopher Ramirez
Journey on PC when?
Noah Hill
>NEOGAFF bullies RYME DEV for breaking PS4 Exclusivity. >RYME DEV LITERALLY CRIES FOR DAYS ABOUT IT I don't know which half of this is more pathetic.
Carson Jones
>The black culture thread
Carter Ramirez
Good, neogaff needs more strict censorship.
Dominic Parker
Equally pathetic. Both sides need to fuck off. I won't be supporting this faggot beta cuck. Imagine buying a game from this loser.
Joseph Flores
>This never happens in other media such as movies or books. What a bunch of crap
Tyler Bell
I agree user, thank fuck you don't make games LOOOOOOL
Alexander Hernandez
Evan Young
all for the publicity, huh?
Benjamin Anderson
Seriously if I made a video game and somebody from that cancerous site actually played it I would tell them to literally go kill themselves
Elijah Davis
OMG I hope his feelings are OK!! I'm going to pre-order his game and his backlog to protect his smile, aren't you too Sup Forums-kun?!
Fuck I hate whiney western devs
Jayden Foster
This. Clearly a publicity stunt. 'Muh feels', 'gamers are so toxic', 'fucking white males reeee'. /s
Not everything is the SJW boogeyman, you fucking snowflake.
Grayson Perez
I don't know I genuinely feel that the gaming industry is filled with the type of people that have nothing better to do than spend two days of their life looking at old posts on a shitty forum and then cry about it.
Grayson Davis
Matthew Butler
you should know by now tequila is known for being shrewd scammers