Without the bias of playing the game, if you started hearing about the phantom thieves would you believe they were real?
Without the bias of playing the game, if you started hearing about the phantom thieves would you believe they were real?
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If several high profile people start confessing to crimes live and actually legit got arrested I would.
gtfo lol
admin must be trolling
This entire board is ridic
What does Akechi-kun think?
user: no lol
NO!!! They piss me off!!!
must be a publicity stunt
I mean yeah sure why not, I use to think death note was real why stop believeing in stupid anime shit now
Mishima would end up being our moot and we'd dox him into suicide
that "justice" stuff is ehhh
This would happen but IRL and on live TV
>Be me in high school
>Two dorky guys talking nearby, call me over
>"Hey user, didja hear about the Phantom Thieves?"
>"Yeah, they're a bunch of mysterious thieves that go around making a big spectacle out of stealing people's most valuable possessions"
>Ask if they're describing their fanfiction self inserts
>"No, they're real! They all wear spandex and dime store Lone Ranger facemasks"
>Ask if they're describing some weird gimp show at that strip club downtown
>"No user, the Phantom Thieves are real people!"
>Two girls overhear conversation, come by
>"Hey user, are you talking about the Phantom Thieves? They're so mysterious!"
>Don't give a shit about high school gossip, walk back to my seat
>Teacher walks in, begins class
>"Now class, I know there's been a lot of talk about a group of troublemakers in the news lately. You all know to report any illegal activity to the police, right?"
If shit like this started happening maybe, but if no fuck no
even kids arent that dumb
sauce plz