KotOR3 being developed by BioWare Austin in Frostbite Engine

KotOR3 being developed by BioWare Austin in Frostbite Engine.

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I wonder what wonderful new memes will come out of this.

I sure hope you're just yankin our chains.

Don't get your hypes up, it's a destiny clone in the star wars universe.

I'm still praying to God that the secret Star Wars project that the Dead Space devs are working on is Star Wars 1313, or some variation of it

Hmmm... Google didn't find this image...

calling all sorts of bullshit, but the girl is hot. good job OP

I really hope there's at least some semblance of the cartoonishly evil dark side options from the first game.

Is it canon?

why wont bioware die!?

Disney's gay new canon adherence will never allow for a direct sequel to 1 and 2, the EU is never coming back, which is why nu Star Wars is picking and choosing what parts of the EU they want to bring back, i.e. Thrawn

fuck no. i rather have the beyond the edge dark side options from 2. being evil in 2 was hilarious in a messed up way.

>dyke hairstyle
Two red flags already in one screenshot.

>the EU is never coming back
which is why all rebels has been doing is bringing back old EU characters right

>exposed midriff
>exposed skin at all
red flags overruled

>yfw it maintains the original d20 gameplay

>it's that fucking mancut again


Nothing EA does anymore is. Disney is on record saying they hate that EA maintains the licensees but can't do anything about it until it sunsets.

I was going to post this but then I noticed the subtitle of the logo and it slightly convinced me. The canon is clearly setting up the old republic to make a return

>t. gay person

The EA games are intact canon. Disney's opinion on who has the license does change that. The Storygroup regulates them and keeps things consistent just like everything else

you will get


I can already imagine the dialog choices:

>no [yes]
>I want to have gay sex with you
>[sarcastically] I want to have gay sex with you

I doubt they'll refer to it as 3, they'll probably do a full blown reboot

>The EA games are intact canon.

No they aren't. If it doesn't carry the "Star Wars" license after the 'reboot' it's not cannon. None of the KOTOR's, SWTOR, Unleashed, or anything other than the original 3 films, Clone Wars and it's Series, and supposedly the Guide Book is being brought back into the fold. This game wouldn't be canon. You can head-canon whatever you like, but Disney holds the reigns of what is 'real' and what isn't.

You know neither will be there right? Look at the complete lack of anything near renegade in Andromeda. This will be just as inept as that.

This would be awesome and really reach the core audience but they'll probably try to make it "more accessible" aka dumbed down to reach the widest audience possible. Not saying d20 is a super complex system by the way. I didn't understand most of it as a kid and got through the games just fine.

Same, Star Wars never really had deep well developed characters in the movies. It was your pretty typical good vs evil fair and while adding depth to that is fun I've reached a point where it would be refreshing to just go back to super good vs cartoony evil.

don't want it anymore.

lol, wow. you are overreacting just a tiny bit. kinda reminds me of that other group that hates things that aren't part of what they like...

i know. but a man can dream can he not? nu-ware are to pussy and incompetent to write mean people.

are you fucking serious? the d20 gameplay of KotOR is utter trash, as is D&D3.5
fuck off

Honestly, I'd rather have a KOTOR remake than a sequel.

I asked for the exact opposite of this.
just let my beloved franchises die, stop raping their corpses.

That "thing" is everywhere in media and vidya nowadays, it's like fucking cancer.


its a bad haircut

they retconned KotOR2 and made TOR canon IIRC

This honestly. I don't mind under the hood dice rolls but D20 is not the way to go.

I really wondered this same thing today while I was playing the Effective Massening: Bongdromeda.

>Implying Disney or NuWare would allow such clothing now

Please no. It'll probably try to retcon KOTOR 2 even further.

At least we might get some comedic animations out of it.

Everything published under Disney (after 2014) with the exception of the TOR expansion dlc is canon.

This has been true since we learned about the buyout.

Including EA games. The campaign of the new Battlefront is canon, and assuming op is real, a new old republic game would be made based around the canon too, unless otherwise specified

>It'll probably try to retcon KOTOR 2 even further.
KotOR2's already completely retconned by TOR

>At least we might get some comedic animations out of it.
Surprisingly enough, TOR (Austin's previous project) has very good animations.

No way they would ever let a female character be that underdressed in 2017

do you have a SINGLE PIECE of evidence to back that up you nigger faggot

>TOR (Austin's previous project) has very good animations.

>KotOR2 shows that shades of gray exist in Star Wars and it's not all light/dark side
>star war fags fucking hate it
>Disney is now GREYING up the entire franchise
>the same retards are slurping all that semen like it was sent by god himself
i fucking hate star wars fags

pretty sure people hated KotOR 2 because it was unfinished and a bit of a mess

it does
try playing it.

don't test me bitch

>That haircut
If this is real, I'm going to be genuinely disappointed. Bioware is shoehorning that ugly ass haircut onto all their female characters. And it doesn't even fit in any universe they put it in.

>girl is hot
>tumblr haircut

Yeah no.

That's a bolt and the threading is nearly non-existent.

yeah but wood bolt isn't a pun

You forgot hate newspapers, or whatever the Star Wars equivalent of newspapers would be. Holopapers?

>star war fags fucking hate it
>is one of the most reccomended Star Wars games ever
>literal dick sucking since release, with a side of extra semen slurping because it's Obsidian made.
>implying anyone but salty as fuck Biodrones hated it

I see you're new in our universe. Escape while you can

>>is one of the most reccomended Star Wars games ever
by people who dont like star wars
all the star wars fags usually flock to KotOR1
impressions of KotOR2 aren't high outside of Sup Forums

KOTOR 2 still happened, but the outer rim revelation was hardly the incomprehensible evil hinted, and was just another Sith empire clone. Also: the exile is backstabbed and killed before being able to do anything of worth with Revan (who is made comatose to ALSO not do anything of worth before becoming evil)

also T3-M4 is disintegrated

Those tits aren't low enough for this to be real.

most likely fake but goddamn that's a nasty ass botched haircut for millennial cucks

how accurate is this pic?

those are indeed lines from the games that are correctly attributed

KOTOR 2 does get a little too on-the-nose with self-referential humor sometimes, though

Well fuck them then. I love the shit out of Star Wars and I couldn't recommend it enough for the very reasons you claim others hate as it adds a much needed dynamic to the black and white universe of Star Wars.

>Apology accepted Captain Nadae

Star Wars was always cheesy saturday morning cartoon tier. Not edgy.

>Obsidian's Legitimate Threat
threat to who?
Sion doesn't give a shit about the player at all


We probably wouldn't have got the kino that was ME1, but potential-KOTOR 3 looked neat


To whom

>meme haircut

god no

The dialogue with her cemented Andromeda as the game version of The Room. It was utterly nonsensical and I had no idea what she was saying or trying to convey.

What's the deal with your face?

That's pretty fucking bad, but I admit I laughed.

Battlefront 2 has already been confirmed canon by disney.

>that problem hair

They're supposed to be making a Star Wars game, but it won't be set in The Old Republic era.

Oh fuck no.

/r/ing a BLACKED edit of the KotOR logo

I haven't watched Delray / Genova videos in over 6 months. He hanged out with Rich Piana? What did the misfits think about that?

is this from one of the expansions?
I haven't spotted anything this bad in the vanilla shit

The only thing it's going to maintain is an agenda, while still entertaining the suits.

that's definitely on Corellia, I think from the Bounty Hunter storyline

it's the destiny star wars clone
OP's a retard

This is a complete lie. Disney is satisfied with the partnership and will likely renew the contract in a couple years. The mobile games and Battlefront have been hugely successful.

>Disney is on record saying they hate that EA maintains the licensees
mind sharing that record then?


Forced graphics: The Game #154879

I can't play KotOR1. I've tried completing it about 5 times but I always give up. Game's so mind numbingly boring. Why do so many people love it so much?

What's forced graphics?

Why is everyone believing this even though OP posted no source?

>judging a game based on a character's hairdo
Wanna know how we can tell you're underage?

Bloom, DoF, Blur, Film grain, lens flare, HDR, and hair physics are all forced graphics.

In reality, I just have a shit TV, incapable of getting a job due to using too much dark reality warping as a Finn dark mage with depression, and too poorfag to get a new PC.

The OP image is blatantly fake, but Bioware actually is making a new Star Wars game that will be shown at E3. The reason Andromeda was done by a small team of interns and nobodies is because the real Bioware team has been working on this for years now. Logic suggests it's KotOR related.

>still caring about what is Star Wars canon after Disney bought it

After fourteen months of failed inbred colonization, my face happened

It's the vanilla bounty hunter main story

>hair physics
i get not liking all the shitty looking filters but hair physics has nothing to do with those.

is this a woman that can be viewed naked on the internet

This. The new books and Marvel comics are complete fucking shit. The EU and Dark Horse stuff was so much fucking better. Rogue One is pretty great though.

Rogue One is hot garbage, a PT movie literally wearing the OT's corpse

>Rogue One is pretty great though.
rogue one was massively redone before release to be nothing but recognizable star wars shit being thrown in your face to make a quick buck, it's nothing like what it was originally envisioned as and ends up having the worst aspects of both versions.