Find a flaw

Find a flaw

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It is impossible.

>Them japs sexualizing kids again!

Ive heard at least 2 ecelebs say this already.

they should have went all out with the gyruru thing and made her tan.

Her s Link was honestly really bad.

Is she meant to be white?

>it wasn't le wacky grimdark so it's bad


Yes, and?

She isn't male


Good for sex and nothing else.

no ass

Just saying, the west doesnt deserve Japanese games.

Half Finnish and half Japanese

i'd like to finnish inside her

He said flaw, user.

gotta agree here, the purple does not suit

Who /Ann/ here?

She doesn't get with beat boy


Berzona :DDD

I just realized there's no surpdo Anns
how is this possible

fits hifumi much better

No art of her in her casual outfit
Why live?



Complete lie. 25% "American" and 75% Jap. Tumblr spread the Finnish thing around like cancer.

She isn't finnish. She's a quarter hamburger and 3/4 Japanese so of course she looks like a blond blue eyed whaito piggu.

What does quarter American even fucking mean

The majority of real Americans are of mostly German stock with lots of Anglo Saxon as well, so that.

Quarter pounder with cheese

american isn't a race.
and it spread because thats where she tells joker she was born, in the game.

One of her grandparents is a burger I guess

All Americans are Nordic gods to the Japs.

>Shitposting with my stuff
Please stop.

You jinxed it

She's only done lewd things with kamoshida, that doesnt make her a slut.



you're right I shouldn't have made that post

i'm the original annfag, it's refreshing to see so many other annfags

Good. Japan knows what sells.

shes good as a gal.

post her flawless feet then

people actually played the game and realized being sexy as fuck =\= being a slut

you are not an original annfag fuck off

you have a nice choice in wallpaper

I wish there were more feet pics of her

Isn't her

couldn't find one

that's all I have



I unironically find this attractive.

why did all the footfags cling to her

can you post this wallpaper without the icons and shit pls?

i am

Not pure Japanese. Fuck off.

Ann is gonna get fat!


She probably has disfigured nipples due to zippers

Shes 2d

I'm not a footfag but I assume it's because she's the only one with feet focused fanart.

You're a fucking retard

Her fashion is shit tier.
>red leggings
>red shoes
>leggings + long top
It's disgusting


Why aren't you using the japanese spelling? The original -fags still use it.

fucking based user

Do they? I don't actively search for fan art and like I said these are the only two pictures I've seen posted here.

Not short hair, brunette, smart, or a biker at heart

I made some changes to this picture, is it better now?

Name is spelled Ann, as in Anne.
Pronounced like Arn.

For what purpose?

You know their mentality "if she is under 18 she is a kid"

How is that a flaw what the fuck

She's so dumb
I don't want a genius waifu but Ann is just too ditzy

Pussy Zipper

>Pronounced like Arn.

Not Real?

Why are you listening to the dub

Makotos was far worse

thank you
shes a dominatrix which has heavy overlap with being a footfag.

I am the opriginal annefag

She's not time, just a bit of an air head, she's incredibly down to earth though. I love how genuine she is.

The dub has people saying
A r n
Like Arm.

Not Aaaan.

Wacky AtlusUSA needed to add unnecessary shit.

I guess i am a footfag now WOW

the fuck are you talking about? I played through the entire game dubbed nobody ever called her "Arn"

Underrated post.

She doesn't say she was born in Finland. She only mentions that she and her parents spent time in Finland.

Stil Smarter than riuji and mc kek

Not a virgin

She got the best Persona evolution

How so?

t. hasn't played the game

The design on the left is way better

>listening to nips squeal down a mic for their Udon rations

Yeah, nah.

>Get up in other people's business becase you're a tight-ass
>Meet some randum bimbo girl school
>Get up in her shit
>Slap the bitch because she not u
>Feel justified by it at the end

Only thing worse than Makoto are her fans.

Doesn't she mention being in Finland in her S. Link though?

Might want to get your ears checked

>There are fucking DEAF people browsing Sup Forums RIGHT NOW

I wish there was option in game to have all her art to be with hair down. Or at least one scene. ;_;

Which is kinda weird since her japanese name is one letter off from being finnish I mean mongolian name.