> Unique medieval setting, way better than derivative sci-fi trash > Not many weapons but each one was unique (other than maybe the nailguns) and had a very specific use that added a huge layer of strategy. > Pretty fucking difficult on hard/nightmare. > Great atmosphere and creepy soundtrack
Shame they never made another game like this. Q2 was garbage compared to this game.
Aaron Turner
Smooth, fluid, satisfying as fuck and concept is easy to grasp
Jackson Nelson
Best gibs, too.
Caleb Bennett
I like the way "unique medieval setting" translates to "more brown than Daikatana is green"
Brody Lopez
quake 1 still has the best use of vertical space out of any fps ever made
Jose Flores
Sure, it was brown, but compared to most shooters (especially today), the setting is way cooler. I liked the lovecraftian elements and how enemies actually had interesting attack patterns and abilities rather than just standing and shooting at you. You should play the N64 version, that version is brimming with color.
Caleb Wood
if quake 1 had better enemy variety it would be the best game of all time
Nolan Stewart
I remember when I discovered rocket jumping for the first time and realized you could cut many levels in half just by jumping to specific places you weren't supposed to be. Fucking great.
The overuse of ogres was probably the biggest issue, but honestly there were a pretty decent number of enemies. Zombies, vores, fiends, ogres, knights, black knights, shamblers, etc. Not bad for a game of that era.
Gavin Hernandez
quake 1 often turns into the ogre and deathknight show, guest starring the fiend, because most of the other monsters are far too weak
Julian Davis
movement some of the weapons were great gibs >Q2 was garbage compared to this game q2 made objective improvements to the movement and balancing even if the campaign was a bit bland
Josiah Gray
balanced weapons = boring weapons
hyperblaster was a mistake
Benjamin King
>rocket and lighting gun
Landon Hall
Quake 2 didn't even start as a fucking Quake game. It was a totally different game which just took the game when the devs couldn't decide on something else.
Colton Moore
q2 was better
Austin Carter
it was excellent in every department the engine, the setting, the gunfeel, the audio, the level design, and especially the transition to full 3d
its just one of those games that will be timeless and everything went exactly right
John Barnes
what's your point?
Kevin Turner
the first time you see imprisoned people in cells cralwing on all fours and soundign like sheep really creeped me out. Quake 1 is better, but Quake 2 was still a fantastic game.
Matthew Gray
This Q2 is a much better game
Daniel Rogers
quake 1 > quake 3 > half life 1 > ut 1 > unreal > quake 2 > quake 4 > ut 2 > red faction 2
Henry Butler
It had a different group of people making it and in the end wasn't as good.
The weapons shot and sounded like generic trash compared to Quake 1, and everything seemed much less polished to me. Of course, that's subjective, but I didn't have nearly as much fun.
It's like comparing SOF1 to SOF2. Very different games, and the second may have a lot of improvements, but the first is still better and more fun.
Juan Cruz
With so many moving parts your opinion must be wrong somewhere.
Robert Reyes
quake 1 > half-life 1 > quake 3 > unreal > sin
Sebastian Sullivan
>the setting is way cooler. it's a fucking dungeon, there's barely any setting to speak of
Carson Long
>Unique medieval setting, way better than derivative sci-fi trash
Gray repetitive corridors.
>> Not many weapons but each one was unique (other than maybe the nailguns) and had a very specific use that added a huge layer of strategy.
Ok, you got me faggot.
> Pretty fucking difficult on hard/nightmare.
Fair enough
> Great atmosphere and creepy soundtrack
Fuck you anyway.
Camden Fisher
Dominic Scott
a dungeon is still a setting user
Ryder Green
sure but it's a pretty fucking bad one and quake doesn't even have a sensible dungeon, it's just random fucking shit that might be good in a mechanical sense but has no real meaning otherwise, it's just random locations strung together,