Yesterday, Tripwire posted the following message on the Killing Floor 2 community page: L krsh wklv phvvdjh pdnhv lw rxw! Kruclqh lv xs wr qr jrrg dqg wkh zruog qhhgv wr nqrz! Zlwk dqb oxfn brx'oo ghflskhu wklv dqg ilqg wkh foxhv L'oo eh ohdylqj. Brx duh wkh rqob krsh zh kdyh wr vwrs wklv ehiruh lw lv wrr odwh! lxusglxoktj/znkyzgxz.vtm
this ciphertext was decoded to:
I hope this message makes it out! Horzine is up to no good and the world needs to know! With any luck you'll decipher this and find the clues I'll be leaving. You are the only hope we have to stop this before it is too late! fromafriend/thestart.png
This message led us to the following link:
which contains an image named thestart.png and this is as far as we've got yet. Does anyone have any clue? I thought I would post this here in case anyone is interested in Alternate Reality Games and Killing Floor (or both).
Ryder Barnes
this is the image found in the link above
Justin Howard
what a shitty way to start an arg
Easton Murphy
>Does anyone have any clue? its arg to get back all the refunded money from their fiasco
Carson Edwards
I got all my friends (except the retarded ones) to refund after it went out of EA
Xavier Long
>you refunded KIlling Floor 2
Jace Campbell
Steam punk guy The old man in steam land
Connor Green
Kayden Martin
I don't get it
Christian Garcia
>you refunded KF2 >bought it for cheaper
Jose Brown
nice blog guys, where can i sub for more of your exciting life?
Gavin Wright
Maybe an expansion versus more free updates.
They really fucked up by not making the martial artist class, survivalist is shit and boring as hell.
Connor Sanchez
Wait, what fiasco?
Cooper Sanchez
B-but we're changing the industry. Faggots like these are why there's shitposting every thread. I don't own KF2, played the free weekend a bit ago so I checked the thread, and (You) hungry faggots need their "YOUR FACE WHEN YOU CONFORMED TO Sup Forums'S STANDARDS AND DID EVERYTHING THEY ASKED XD, GIVE ME (You)S PLEASE
Josiah Cooper
i gave a copy to my niece and the stupid cunt forgot the password to her account
i can never ever refund KF2
Charles Foster
Blake Hall
>They really fucked up by not making the martial artist class not really, swat was a stretch at best for a perk, MA wasn't added because of how completely unnecessary it is with the zerk reworks though survivalist was a fucking terrible idea
Sebastian Barnes
GIbson plase. Your game is huge pile of shit. Go ban some folks on your steam forum if it makes you feel better
Julian Hernandez
convert it to sound see what picture you get from the spectrum view look at the hex decimals combine it with the pictures of the kf2 cards
i dont fucking know, just do some of that shit
Aiden Gray
@374706835 >someone disagrees with me HE MUST BE A SHILL XD you're not even worth a (You).
Wyatt Morales
Symbol matching time baby! Wonder what its related to, i wonder what horzine is planing, they already went full blitz.
Lucas Morales
Who cares? Everyone with half a brain refunded this trash the day it left early access.
Evan Sanders
I don't care. I'm glad Sup Forums refunded this shit game, that's all that matters after all. Now go work on RS2 you lazy fuck
Chase Long
Fuck those lying faggots
They will fuck up RS2 just like RO2 and KF2 then beg the community to bail them again
Liam Wilson
To shitpost or not to shitpost. That is the question.
Regardless its more than adequate for a sequel to the current version of killing floor.
Ryder Campbell
>@ fucking kek
go back to plebbit shill, no one want your game
Dominic Jackson
I bought the day it left early access and it's great. Maybe you shouldn't have paid to be a beta tester.
Chase Lopez
Did they do something stupid again? All I remember is a few years ago when a Tripwire dev said on their forums that they would permanently cd-key ban people if they were mean in multiplayer in KF2. Is that still the same reason people are mad or is it just because KF2 is pretty shitty in general.
Ethan Reyes
Literally me. Got it 30 dollars cheaper.
Carson Perry
the development cycle was fucking terrible in EA, they did this whole "EA done right" shit before they started and it ended up being a slow disaster the game itself is fine but the EA process was retarded, not just how slow they were but their priorities were all fucked up it's worth playing though
Sebastian Martin
stupid shill shoo shoo
Colton Wright
it's a meme. all majors flaws are fixed now and the game is fine. people were anally pained that they had a cash shop in a EA game and that they didn't deliver ONE (1) perk and are still salty about it.
Owen Johnson
>stop talking about video games shoo shoo FUCKING kill yourself, useless nigger
Henry Long
>cash shop in a EA That's pretty fucking terrible, user.
Isaiah Morgan
>All I remember is a few years ago when a Tripwire dev said on their forums that they would permanently cd-key ban people if they were mean in multiplayer in KF2.
lmao what
Guess I'm not going to buy any more Tripwire games.
Alexander Martinez
Dawg I don't even have the game, it's CoD zombies but sold as a standalone title. I'm just tired of attentionwhoring faggots.
Jason Bell
Now game have super serious tone, way more easier, lost it's unique vibe from the first game and since Gibson doesn''t like rude people there is no option to insult players which is a big fucking deal. The game is just painfully boring
Anthony White
>Sup Forums overwhelmingly loves KF1 >Sup Forums despises KF2 despite it having more content and being better in literally every single way now I dare you to try and tell me this place isn't a fucking hivemind hug box
Logan Murphy
Who cares? KF2 is shit.
Ryan Phillips
Fucking ARGs are so retarded. Why do companies keep doing this instead of making in-depth treasure hunts in-game?
Hunter Harris
No it isn't.
Logan Nelson
>oh this completely unique perk that we were hypying up before release? Well its hard to implement so fuck it >heres a perk that is dedicated offperking 100% recycled. Enjoy! No, fuck off with that bullshit. The game is passable now but sont let shitty practices go just like that. Medic is even now still ao shit and useless two giys offperking to the medic pistol is all you need
Blake Hughes
the EA process put a lot of people off the game for good reason is it fine now? sure but it's a lasting effect for those who got the game in EA
Xavier Jackson
KF wasn't cool when it came out. KF was cool when KF2 came out. If you use that as a guide you can predict where the general Sup Forums shitstorm will be headed with 100% accuracy.
They did fuck up on the teleporting enemies though.
Grayson Nelson
Thomas Murphy
>MA >unique at any point don't be delusional
Anthony Taylor
Being upset about that still would be like holding a 30 year grudge on your mom because she didn't bring home chicken nuggets one night
Jack Russell
>oh this completely unique perk that we were hypying up before release They literally never mentioned it. Ever.
It was vaguely implied and then confirmed to have been cancelled several months before the game came out
Elijah Powell
>KF wasn't cool when it came out. KF was cool when KF2 came out. Holy shit
Isaiah Long
t. Tripwire employee
Nicholas Peterson
But its working as advertised, whats there to refund it for?
Easton Roberts
>KF was cool when KF2 came out
Logan Baker
Andrew Williams
Refunded because of the cash shop. Fuck that.
Jordan Brown
Oh fuck off you asspained bitch. They just forgot to record the lines because nobody used them.
Jason Ward
EA was a complete shitshow of bad decisions
Charles Gutierrez
>I had a lot of fun in KF2
Oliver Lee
who cares the game is shit
Ryan Lewis
me too senpai
Logan Gomez
No one fucking talking to you Gibson. Shut the fuck up.
Brandon Walker
Bull, a dedicated healer is needed on hoe, as swaping to the med pistol for most classes would take to long, and cant comp for burst damage.
Julian Gutierrez
Same. Still play it a decent amount to.
Gabriel Murphy
>don't touch game during EA >buy it for 20€ on its first sale >still having a blast I feel bad for the guys who fell for the Early Access meme
Justin Anderson
The living fuck is the point you're pretending to have? Are you trying to say KF didn't get more well known over its lifespan?
Dylan Gutierrez
Aaron Cox
>buy it for 20€ on its first sale >I feel bad for the guys who fell for the Early Access meme I feel bad for you honestly.
Tyler Cooper
>first puzzle is literally a dumb cypher that takes no effort to deduce
They're certainly consistent, because they put as much effort into their ARG as they did the actual game.
Camden Morris
oh shit that looks promising
Wyatt Evans
Shills go away KF2 is trash
Luis Wright
>more content >no decent modded servers >no decent modded guns >half of the perks are trash >no good event maps like Christmas and hillbilly shit
Kevin Watson
Parker Price
> people still clinging desperately to the "kf2 is bad" maymay
> people so desperate to not feel remorse over their kneejerk refunds when the game was in the toilet
> game has been great for almost a full year and no Sup Forumsermin play so i dont have to hear fat fucks shrieking memes over the microphones when i play or going reeeee when someone cleans up as firebug
feels good, man. you dumb niggers denial has made the game better due to removing yourselves from it for once the hivemind's proactive retardedness actually improved a game's community
thank you Sup Forums for being retarded
Mason Parker
>20 eurodollarmonies
kek, not even worth that, I purchased my copy for 5 USD and I would have never payed a cent more.
Ryder Thomas
Celebrating Christmas is not very Progressive. Now if they had a nice Ramadan themed map, that would be okay.
Jace Cruz
>starting an arg on a steam forum with a bunch of random letters
Yeah, ok pal
Landon Gomez
Lazy shill please go away
Luke White
>20 Euros >not paying 9 Euros when it was on sale on gamebillet
Bentley Jackson
I usually post more on /kfg/ oh wait... It's fucking dead just like this game
Christopher Roberts
Joseph Hill
like 250 of those were during EA
I dunno why other people got so angry about the development cycle. I had a blast.
There's an event happening later this year. Summer sideshow i think.
Mason Baker
Keys are still $10 on G2A, I'll wait until it gets down to around $6 and then I might buy it
Jeremiah Powell
What bullshit are you guy on? It isnt perfect, but the game more than meets the quota for content and quality. Like jesus what would you want from the game?
Parker Campbell
>I dunno why other people got so angry about the development cycle are you fucking serious
Caleb Bennett
>Sup Forumsermin Can you make your shilling any more obvious than this?
Kevin Nguyen
Shilling has got to be the worst thing to happen to Sup Forums because it's fucking impossible to express a positive opinion about anything without being mistaken for not being a real person
Anyway, tripwire doesn't have the budget to shitpost on Sup Forums
Jose Martin
>He bought Killing Floor 2
Robert Carter
>people STILL get assblasted when you bring up refunds
Ayden James
Nigga vanilla kf1 had practically less than that, and they already said they will have seasonal event for kf2. Jesus.
Noah Lee
Gee I'm so glad I got rid of you Sup Forumsermins so I have no one to play with on my empty servers! Ha, that was very smart of me
Elijah Myers
>it's fucking impossible to express a positive opinion about anything Its entirely possible to do so, but when you do it to obvious trash games that don't deserve it then we're going to call you out on your bullshit.
Tyler Sanchez
once you beat HoE the game has nothing left to offer. There's not a whole lot of build variety and half of the perks are dogshit, just plain BAD.
KF1 at least had good modded servers with great game modes like RPG mode where in between waves you could spend dosh on increasing stats for your character or the hold out maps.
Angel Lopez
My biggest current complaint about the game is that the medic shotgun and assault rifle are literally the same model.
Not only is it lazy but its actually confusing.
also cheated in the levels because this is just way too much grinding
Levi Lee
Fun gameplay and good guns
KF1 is objectively better in both. They totally fucked up.
Christopher Thompson
I enjoy it, burnt myself out for a bit, but im wating for the next big update to get my hamds dirty again.
Henry Turner
Wouldn't it be funny as shit if nobody played along with this. They'll add whatever update they already had made so it doesn't matter.
Jayden Anderson
>played kf1 for 500 hours >bought kf2 when it left early access >150 hours in and still enjoying it I don't get why the hivemind hates it, don't you guys have friends to play it with? It's probably the best co-op game released recently
Connor Harris
The cosmetic shop is cosmetic only, and being in early access doesn't actually mean or change anything.
The resistance update was very obviously going to be patched out within a week, which it inevitably did
Martial artist had already been confirmed to be cancelled like 4 months before the game came out and the game was already basically fine by then
It always felt like people who were angry were just being really petty?
Blake Morgan
>It's shilling if I don't like it.
Christian Taylor
One sentence is not a paragraph.
Hudson Robinson
Killing Floor did not become beloved overnight the moment Killing Floor 2 was released.