>guy kills her father
>"i wholeheartedly sympathize with you"
Kek defend this Harufags. What a pathetic bitch.
>guy kills her father
>"i wholeheartedly sympathize with you"
Kek defend this Harufags. What a pathetic bitch.
You could land a plane on that forehead
>goes back to the guy she was getting forced to marry as soon as her dad dies
>probably sucks him off as soon as she gets back from your s.links
Haru shouldn't be a party member
Sympathizing with someone doesn't mean you forgive them or become best friends.
I can sympathize with ISIS in some aspects, doesn't mean I remotely like or would ever forgive them.
>ignoring the fact that right before she says that, she says "I can never forgive you"
>I can sympathize with ISIS
now this i wanna hear. whats your reasons?
His backstory was pathetic though
Basically a little bitch
How can you truly sympathize with that?
>Not even two posts in and somebody brings up NTR
Sup Forums was a mistake.
>being this upset that your fivehead waifu sucks off businessmen for trade deals
muh Sup Forums boogeyman
"gays jews kikes xD"
just curious, why would you bring up Sup Forums here? I dont see anything about niggers or kikes, that post was just Sup Forums tier shitposting.
ackechi was such a little bitch. having a hard time feeling sorry for a guy who used his powers to kill who knows how many people for your dad who dosent even love you.
and dont give me "he was gonna kill him once he became PM" bullshit. he knew what shido did to people who were no longer useful and slightly dangerous to be left alone.
did it never cross his mind that he would not be one of these people shido would get rid of after ganing power? some "ace detective" he is.
You literally gave him the response he wanted
this is one of the most hilarious posts ive ever read
What fucking level should I be for Okamura's palace I am getting fucking destroyed and everything has tons of resists and next to no weaknesses. Haven't had any trouble until now. I am 37.
I finished it at 35
not him but they were basically created out of a power vacuum that was caused by murrikuh's foreign policy
true but i dont pity "people" who kill and torturer others based on what some old pedo may have said a few thousand years back.
Not him, but it's not hard.
>Live in shithole of the world
>Be poor as fuck farmer
>All natural resources are controlled by foreigners
>Politicians are owned by foreigners
>Religious extremists will kill you if you have sex before marriage
>All the attractive women are married off to wealthy men
>Your expected life is to work on a farm for very little, get married to a woman you're not attracted to nor love, and raise her children
>Alcohol is illegal, so can't even drink the pain away
>Your homeland is constantly at war. Family and friends die all the time.
>Suddenly, a bunch of dudes give you the opportunity of a lifetime: you get to kill all of the people you blame for your shitty life, while getting to rape and pillage like a fucking viking
ISIS is fucking evil, but it's easy to understand how young men living such a shit life would want to say "fuck it" and take revenge on the world.
be careful about how you view narratives, friend. the truth you grasp at is probably only a reflection of a much larger truth.
My father is a jackass, I wouldn't mind if someone killed him.
i can only pray that he gets put down before he hurts anyone.
>He thinks that ISIS aren't religious
fucking kek
>Thinks that most of ISIS isn't just using Islam as a justification to kill people they don't like
Wouldnt that be the opposite of pathetic?
Nothing to defend because that's just her character. She has no confidence and can only say certain things if the situation arises like with her saying she wanted to strangle the life out of the person who killed her father to the group in the heat of things but when actually confronted with Akechi and his story she pretty much took the more polite way out even if she says she still can't forgive him.
Same goes for her fiance. Sure she says to the group and Joker how abusive he is and how she doesn't want to go through with the marriage but at the end of the day she folds to actual presence of the person demanding things of her.
Keeping it real I think she could have been the best out of the cast if they actually gave her time to develop. Her social link does an okay job of showing her gain a little confidence through the power of Jokers dick but something like that has to be a slow burn and more time with the character to actually see her fold to everything would be nice.
>if they actually gave her time to develop
I feel like you could say this about a lot of the game. I felt like it was always moving too fast and not delivering enough despite this. The developers stated they felt the game was getting too long already but that seems like bullshit PR talk for development problems which it is obviously had considering how long it took to come out.
>he doesn't realize most ISIS recruits aren't even literate enough to read the Qur'an
>he doesn't realize that the only way to go full ISIS mode while still being a legitimate muslim to go to the absolute extremes
ISIS is religious as an organization and the mid levels in the org are religious, but the bottom levels and the top levels aren't actually religious at all.
You seem to have misunderstood her entire character.
She does have confidence, lots of it, and she doesn't play along with her fiance because she doesn't dare stand up to him for herself, she does all that shit because she thinks she'd ruin countless people's lives by not going along with it. Did you somehow miss that parts of her company pressure her into it and make it seem like Okumura Foods is going to go under if she doesn't comply? She is willing to sacrifice herself for the future of all the people her father wronged, she feels that is her duty.
Honestly Haru is one of the more opinionated and easily the "strongest" female party member you get, she just gets introduced right before the real plot of the game starts rolling so they have barely any time to establish her properly. Her Social Link does some of it but that's not really enough. It's a real shame too, she is infinitely more interesting than Ann's I want to grow strong for Shiho bullshit for example
Those don't exist
her persona being milady the betrayer ties into that too, its a contrast to her almost martyr like personality. its her inner self that wants to just say fuck it all im only after my own gain now and betraying the expectations that everyone puts into me