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>to smart to comprehend 3d space
checks out

wtf i like fuckley now

he's done worse

loss edit when?

oh no


What emotion is this trying to convey?

Dear Christ, I swear his drawing has gotten worse over the years.

emptiness inside

a dog with autism

Terrible art

This one doesn't seem as awful as usual. it's quick and too the point even if it still isnt funny.

>tfw no issues with camera.
>tfw can make every jump.

Hold me Sup Forums, I'll never experience the joy of sucking at platformers.

The camera was often too close, but Ive never had a problem where I literally could not make the camera look where I wanted it to when I tried. What the fuck.


Play Croc 2, most platform jumps are leaps of faith

>Middle panel looks better
Is that the joke?

These guys don't have much self awareness do they

"dont respond"
i would understand wonky but they respond just fine

Maybe the joke would work if it was a few years ago but their art has gotten so fucking bad now.

This is not bad for a Buckley comic. It's short and concise, and it has an actual joke.

I hate to say it guys but Tim might actually be improving. His posing has improved and the faces are more expressive. Not to mention my use of more concise dialogue. Overall CAD is great nowadays in my honest opinion!

It actually looks better...

Middle picture looks better than the others, I'm assuming this is an ironic inside joke about the artists refusing to change to a better artstyle.

What the FUCK are they thinking with modern Gabe's hair

Just look at that shit

I chuckled. That must mean something bad is going to happen today

How am I supposed to make loss out of this?


>not reacting to how much Sup Forums wants to fuck them

It's fucking retarded, but it's cute, especially combined with his buck tooth. I'd let him fuck me desu

Sorry, but Sweet is the only gaming comic character worth fucking.

When did it start going to shit anyway? I Stopped reading PA like 5 year ago, The art now looks like a caricature of the stlye it had then.

fatty isn't even the most fuckable cat from that shit comic

>Middle Panel is grounded, nice expressions, passable
Are there people besides the creators who actually think Neo-Penny Arcade has good artwork?

>CD-I Link
>Not saying "WE DID IT REDDIT"

Is there some 5th, even better main cat I don't know about?

dick wolves

Dobson is miles better than Fuckley anyway. I can't believe people forgot about all his shit but still shit on me.


Anyone got the Zelda ones?

Pic related has three glasses. He forgot to remove the one over his left eye.

>Dobson better than Fuckley
They're both shit but at least one of them is trying to improve, and it sure as hell isn't Dobson. Who's happily swimming in the same shit he made 5 years ago.

>Not posting the original
Go home Buckley



Tell me there's porn of Hot Dog.

Remember when Sup Forums used to make fun of Buckley's B^U?

What happened to the times? B^U




not a lot




Why is Fred so based?

>Everyone losing their shit
>He mantains his composure and calmly analyzes the situation

Sasuga leader huh?


how the fug do i beat the boss in book 4

christ thats a huge difficulty spike





Which part do you get stuck at,
>Phase 1
Bomb placement 1 should be fine,
2 just jump late
3 jump very early, due to the bombs being more frequent
that time where he sneaks two in a row towards the end you have to blast the first one.

Basically the mechpill on it is to jump early/late depending on the frequency of the mine batches, and when he has one batch of two hidden in one, shoot the first, jump the second

Phase 2 is all mostly fine, but he will feint on the last charge
Phase 3 is hopefully the easiest, I cleared it first time

I don't get it

banjo kazooie and banjo tooie don't even have that much platforming kek

How are people so bad at platformers? Is this the generation that is coddled on auto-platforming, mini-maps, and waypoints?

I keep fucking up and eating bombs in phase 1. I originally thought you had to jump his charge in phase 1 but I figured out you just shoot him to stop him.

Phase 2 I can usually get through except when I got fucked up by the feint.

Phase 3 I fucked up a jump and only had one hit left. Only got there once though before stopping attempts.

I just need to practice phase 1 enough to have enough health to afford screwups in the other phases.

This is the worst comic I've ever seen.

Yooka Laylee is Really Freakin' Clever.

Have a quick edit.

gib more AYUP edits

>camera wont look the right way


I mean art quality wies middle is better, but the characters are flat and emotionless as hell. As a short comic format the other panels art is better, but just bearly.

there's also holding down the bumper which follows behind you just like in BK.

This generation was raised on third person cover shooters.
3D platformers expect you to use the camera for exploration purposes. People hate exploring these days which is why mini maps and objective markers are commonplace nowadays.

Storytime, bitches


Can you niggas post something FUNNY for once?



I could, but not in a web comic thread.



>literally nobody is able to get TP Zelda's personality right

>This generation
Isn't Buckley like 40?
I think it's more about him being a retard.

unnfff.... so relatable.....





I grinned.

>stoner "humor"
just post assigned male or whatever


>Can you niggas post something FUNNY for once?
>In a LOL thread
You just did

>not erasing the artist's signature

Why are """""artists""""" so fucking sensitive?

One of them needs to have the "serious" text, even if it's out of character.


>Someone made a Pepe comic series

